• ComputerGuru 26 minutes ago

    Rust is missing an abstraction over non-contiguous chunks of contiguous allocations of data that would make handling ropes seamless and more natural even for smaller sizes.

    C# has the concept of “Sequences” which is basically a generalization of a deque with associated classes and apis such as ReadOnlySequence and SequenceReader to encourage reduced allocations, reuse of existing buffers/slices even for composition, etc

    Knowing the rust community, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s already an RFC for something like this.

    • gpm 7 minutes ago

      I think you might be looking for the bytes crate, which is pretty widely used in networking code: https://docs.rs/bytes/latest/bytes/index.html

      In general this sort of structure is the sort of thing I'd expect to see in an external crate in rust, not the standard library. So it's unlikely there's any RFCs, and more likely there's a few competing implementations lying around.

      • jzelinskie 10 minutes ago

        Is buf-list[0] what you're describing?

        [0]: https://crates.io/crates/buf-list

      • rdimartino 2 hours ago

        I hadn't heard of rope data structures until I read about the xi editor (also written in Rust) a few years ago, but it looks like that's been discontinued.


        • kibwen an hour ago

          The authors of Xi are currently working on Xilem, an experimental reactive UI framework for Rust: https://github.com/linebender/xilem

          In the announcement post, they mention that work on Xi is considered "on hold" rather than strictly discontinued: https://raphlinus.github.io/rust/gui/2022/05/07/ui-architect...

          • infogulch an hour ago

            Legendary-tier yak shaving.

            "I want to build an editor, but first I must solve rendering 2D graphics purely on the GPU, invent a parallelizable path solver, and code a human perception-based color value manipulation library."

            • PoignardAzur 42 minutes ago

              You have no idea.

              I think we're at five or six levels of yaks by now.

              (xi -> xilem -> masonry -> vello -> peniko -> color)

            • amanda99 an hour ago

              Repo says "discontinued".

          • itishappy an hour ago

            Zed uses something similar to ropes as well:


            • infogulch 21 minutes ago

              Zed's Sum Tree is my favorite datastructure ever and is the future of database indexes.

              • PittleyDunkin an hour ago

                Zed seems to be a gui-oriented editor here: https://zed.dev/

                • supriyo-biswas 42 minutes ago

                  You still need a backing data structure that holds the contents of your editor, and that's where you'd use a rope.

            • neilv an hour ago

              How would you associate non-character data with ranges of characters, such as for syntax coloring, semantic links, and references to points in the text?

              (I couldn't find a mention of this in the README, design.md, or examples.)

              In Emacs buffers, the concepts include text properties, overlays, and markers.

              • filcuk 22 minutes ago

                That would depend on your editor's implementation.

                • neilv 12 minutes ago

                  But, within this API, is there any support for the associations with non-character data?

                  For example, if you delete some text these Ropey data structure, does Ropey have facilities to update the associated non-character data (such as deleting all or part of one or more chunks of the non-character data, and/or updating positional information)? Or do you have to do that separately outside of Ropey?

              • pixelpoet 10 minutes ago

                Author is perhaps better known for his really great path tracer (and attendant blog), Psychopath: https://github.com/cessen/psychopath

                Also, I have to wonder when this fad of loudly announcing when something is written in Rust will finally come to pass. Maybe software written in other languages should loudly announce it in every second sentence? To me at least it's become as self-aggrandizingly cringe as "Sent from my iPhone" at the end of every email...

                • mattdw 3 minutes ago

                  When it’s a library of code, the language it is written in is pretty pertinent information as that’s the language it has to be consumed from…

                  • uecker 3 minutes ago

                    Maybe it is already considered an achievement if someone manages to write a program in Rust.

                  • javier2 2 hours ago

                    Any editors using this?

                    • cschmidt 2 hours ago
                      • abound an hour ago

                        FWIW, I use Helix as my main editor and every time it has crashed (probably a few dozen times over a year or two, I've filed issues), it's related to bad text position stuff, where it effectively goes "out of bounds" on the text data structure.

                        I think its mostly due to multiple buffers showing the same content, as opposed to this Ropey library directly.

                      • recov 2 hours ago

                        Not that library in particular, but https://zed.dev/blog/zed-decoded-rope-sumtree