Also Turbo OutRun Reimagined
The author of this project blogged about his experience making it the whole time. It’s a pretty entertaining read:
A nice origin story
OutRun on Amiga:
This is great.
If you're into these retro games there's a couple of others that have been fun:
Ultimate Stunts:
Descent 3: (if you own the original, or on other platforms if you want to buy)
OpenRCT2 is amazing as well. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 was an absurdly entertaining game, and this wrapper makes it even better.
Is not a wrapper, it's a whole new engine. in case the name is lost on anyone.
It's probably more a reference to The Cannonball Run film[1], which the designer of Out Run mentioned[2] inspired the original game.
If anyone has an M1 binary…