Bonus points for "written in Rust" not being in the first sentence.
I may give this a try and see how it compares to fzf.
To be fair it starts with "Blazing Fast" which very much gives it away
TBF when dealing with I/O using the right async constructs is way more important than the choice of programming language, I/O times will dominate and any mistake on the wrong wait will ruin performance.
Absolutely but "blazing fast" has become kind of a meme among rust projects. Getting a bit tired of seeing it everywhere personally, at least show me some benchmarks when you make claims like this.
No shade against this project (or rust in general) though, it looks very nice and I wanna try it out.
Bonus points for the name being chosen after a bottle of whisky.
This seems similar to fzf with a nice default experience (quick access to fuzzy search files, shell history, git log) and a subset of features.
I use fzf to hack together custom TUIs (a calculator, clipboard search, quick LLM chat). The killer feature for me is `--bind` to bind keys and events to custom actions.
The demo video is a bit fast, I couldn't really follow.
It looks like an fzf alternative?
I look the gif and think, seems like Telescope, and continue reading its said the one inspiration came for that.
I love this way to find something out of the box, after telescope I never more use the file explorer.
Without trying to imply that this thing needs to be “different” from fzf, but how is it different, if at all? A comparison would be appreciated.
can I use this in neovim? Something like fzf.vim
Interesting. I’ve never found a fuzzyfinder that “just worked” on windows for fuzzy searching in files under the current directory. Will give it a shot.
what is the tl;dr on this vs fzf?
tv's file previewer is active per default, for fzf you have to hack it via --preview arg. subjectively tv is searching faster and previewer works faster than the
It is obvious that tv is blocking on file preview. I can hold up key and zip up and down in fzf. In tv it causes obvious jank, I guess it waits for every file to render. Fzf doesn't make this mistake because preview is async. It's a clear winner when input lag is concerned.