I see nothing at all when I go to the page at https://www.nxtrace.org/
Am I missing something?
Curious how the "NextTrace has been used for [number] times" banner works. Does it fire off a request to their site everytime it's used? (and if so, is it an over reaction to personally find that a little strange for a small-ish cli tool?)
JavaScript required just to read a page describing a CLI tool? I'll pass.
Site not loading at all, `https://www.nxtrace.org/static/js/main.4678cf79.js net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS` in DevTools console.
This seems to be a Chrome app, since I can't get it to work on Firefox
I tried it in Chromium and it didn't work either. It did remind me to blat Chromium from my computer though, so thanks! :D