• jemmyw 3 hours ago

    Just a thought: I tried to sign up, I have been thinking about making a store for something. But it stopped me because I don't have a logo. That shouldn't be a requirement.

    • 0xEF 2 hours ago

      This sounds stupid, but I work for a company that produces a few product ranges and sells them in different online settings. The product with branding do far, far better. Speaking also as a consumer, when I see a new product for sale that has no branding, I automatically assume it's being sold by a flash-in-the-pan drop shipper trying to make a buck off a product they did not manufacture, which tells me to avoid it.

      Since there are a variety of free tools out there to create a simple logo, I'd say at least put that effort in before considering selling. Branding is part of the process flow.

    • 3np 10 hours ago

      You may want to reconsider launching with the .io TLD at current moment. Its future existence, ownership, and management is currently uncertain.

      • maeil 9 hours ago

        There is too much potential money in it, especially for a country such as Mauritania, to bungle it.

        • gbear605 7 hours ago

          It’s Mauritius, not Mauritania, that now contains the British Indian Ocean territories.

          That said, it’s probably not up to the country, but rather ICANN. And ICANN often makes unpragmatic decisions for idealistic reasons.

          • alizaid 8 hours ago

            Absolutely, There's huge potential, especially in a market like Mauritania, Pakistan, US, India. I’m definitely focused on making sure everything is done right to maximize that opportunity

          • fullstackchris an hour ago

            Not OP but maintainer of an .io site... So you're telling me even though I pay yearly ICANN fees they can just remove .io without any warning or alternative? Or whats the "real" issue here?

            • alizaid 10 hours ago

              Thanks :) I’m actually planning to move to a .com in the future, but it’s a bit pricey right now.

            • vivzkestrel 7 hours ago

              a sentence or two perhaps on how it stacks up to shopify and what shortcomings you found on shopify?

              • mrbluecoat 6 hours ago

                Agreed, a comparison table or even a blog post would be helpful.

              • brody_slade_ai 3 hours ago

                Launching an online store can be a huge game-changer for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Love this idea!

                I'm also wondering what kind of integrations you offer for payment gateways, shipping providers, and other third-party services?

                • fratimo66 4 hours ago

                  It looks promising! One thing to consider adding is integration with Meta Pixel and Google Ads, as these are crucial for any e-commerce platform.

                  • martin_a 3 hours ago

                    > these are crucial for any e-commerce platform

                    For sure not. I'm running a seven figure shop without any of that.

                  • alizaid 13 hours ago

                    Bazaari.io is the easiest way to create and launch online stores.

                    It is currently free.

                    I have also planned to add new pro features.


                    • wyldfire 11 hours ago

                      Whoa - seems like you are headed directly for a C&D for your use of a logo that probably infringes on your competitor's marks.

                      You might want to consider a new logo.

                      • animeshjain 4 hours ago

                        I don't see how he's infringing on amazon's logo tbh. On cursory search I found that colgate and danone have the same smile stroke under their logo too.

                        • dankwizard 11 hours ago

                          it's amazon right?

                          • alizaid 10 hours ago

                            I get that a lot, haha! Mine's a 'Smile'. Why Smile because Bazaari is all about saving sellers time and money - making everything effortless. it's all about making the process smooth and enjoyable from start to finish.

                            Amazon logo has an arrow, representing A to Z. like one corner to another.

                            • CharlesW 10 hours ago

                              It’s literally called the Amazon smile logo. https://www.phaidon.com/agenda/design/2024/January/04/how-tu...

                              • wyldfire 8 hours ago

                                > Mine's a 'Smile'

                                Yeah - so's theirs [1].

                                > I get that a lot, haha!

                                Gee, then -- it's probably "confusingly similar" [2]? Not a good sign.

                                Do yourself a favor and have a new one on deck, at least.

                                [1] https://www.phaidon.com/agenda/design/2024/January/04/how-tu...

                                [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusing_similarity

                                • alizaid 8 hours ago

                                  Thanks for sharing the links!

                                  I’ve actually got another logo in the works that doesn’t feature a smile, just in case. I appreciate the heads up definitely want to avoid any confusion or legal issues down the road.

                                  I’d rather not have Harvey and Mike knocking on my door to shut down my little creation.

                                • l33t7332273 10 hours ago

                                  Amazon’s is also a smile.

                                  I think your logo looks good, but the last thing a new business needs is the suits coming in and shutting them down

                            • fraXis 11 hours ago

                              Looks great! When will order functionality be available? Will Stripe be used to process the credit cards? Did you build it all by yourself?

                              • alizaid 10 hours ago

                                Thanks! Yes, I’m working solo on this. I’m planning to launch premium features soon next month, including order functionality, customization options, and full analytics. For payment processing, I’m considering Stripe/LemonSqueezy, but I'll confirm closer to launch.

                                • dankwizard 9 hours ago

                                  So taking orders, the whole idea of an online shop, is one of the premium features coming?

                                  What's the point of the free plan?

                                  • alizaid 9 hours ago

                                    Yes, taking orders and the whole online shop experience are part of the premium features coming soon! This is just a beta launch I just wanted to get some feedback. For now, you can add affiliate products, which is a great way to start.

                                    • alizaid 9 hours ago

                                      You'll get a store with easy listing in the free plan, along with a custom action button. Just remember, this is a beta launch, so I’m looking for feedback as I continue to develop features... :)

                                • uptownfunk 10 hours ago

                                  Hahaha awesome go for it

                                  • alizaid 10 hours ago

                                    Thanks :) I'm definitely going all in on this. I'm also adding more features to enhance the experience and make it even better for users. Excited for what's to come.

                                  • dustedcodes 2 hours ago

                                    Your logo is almost a 1:1 replica of https://ao.com.

                                    Could be an honest mistake, but it's not a good look IMHO.