« BackInkscape 1.4 Releasedinkscape.orgSubmitted by s1291 a day ago
  • msarnoff 21 hours ago

    I love Inkscape. I’ve been using it for 20 years. But it boggles my mind how it’s still so horribly laggy on macOS. At least they got rid of the Xquartz dependency though.

    • undefined 17 hours ago
      • omoikane a day ago

        The one new feature in 1.4 that I appreciated the most is the ability to disable anti-aliasing when exporting from the command line:


        Before this option appeared in Inkscape nightly builds, I had no way of automating a pipeline to rasterize SVGs into black&white PNGs in a pixel perfect way.

        • undefined a day ago
        • billfruit a day ago

          Have they added any method of setting a tool style before drawing, rather than adjusting style after drawing?