• more_corn 30 minutes ago

    I love that proponents of nuclear power conveniently forget that this is a thing. Nuclear waste, nobody wants it and it lasts effectively forever.

    • barney54 a day ago

      I fail to see why this is too wild to believe. The 5th Circuit’s decision isn’t crazy. It’s a statutory interpretation question of whether the NRC has the authority to license spent nuclear fuel facilities that aren’t associated with nuclear power plants. If you read the statutes at issue, it isn’t clear that NRC actually has that power. And the government implicitly admits that in their brief arguing that the NRC has always done this so, they should be able to continue.

      While I think Texas has the better legal argument, I’m skeptical the Supreme Court will side with them because the outcome might be too disruptive. Plus, Texas didn’t necessarily engage enough with the NRC during licensing. And it seems to me that the Supreme Court will likely avoid the question of whether the NRC actually has this power and will instead say that Texas doesn’t have standing to sue because they didn’t engage enough during licensing.

      • RecycledEle a day ago

        Why not seat the waste in casks, drop them into subduction zones, and let the Earth's recycling of its crust do the rest?

      • ameliaquining a day ago

        Anyone have a link to less editorialized coverage of this issue?