« BackHow I Animate 3Blue1Brownyoutube.comSubmitted by Tomte 4 hours ago
  • vindex10 19 minutes ago

    It was impressive how he spotted a bug in his rendering engine and found a workaround for it in realtime!


    • killthebuddha 2 hours ago

      It's funny how, after years of hearing his voice and not seeing his face, seeing his face puts me in smack in the middle of the uncanny valley.

      • cruffle_duffle 20 minutes ago

        I feel like quite a few of the content creators I watch are starting to “show their face”, though the big one that comes to mind is the Real Engineering guy. A few of his newest videos have had him acting a bit like a host, interviewer and narrator.

        It’s also weird when some of these creators swap with somebody else, like veratasium has had his producer do some of the videos instead.

        The big reveal would be AvE.

        • phlakaton 2 hours ago

          His commencement addresses might really freak you out, then! See e.g. https://youtu.be/z7GVHB2wiyg

          • raverbashing 2 hours ago

            Especially because when narrating the audio is better than someone being filmed casually, that small difference can get really weird

            • wruza 2 hours ago

              He featured multiple times before with Matt Parker and Brady Haran (NF), strange that you missed it. Although I guess even in this niche channel preferences vary wildly.

            • 1-6 42 minutes ago

              I’m amazed at how much production goes into each of his videos. His YouTube play button is well deserved.

              • doe_eyes 22 minutes ago

                It's also what bums me out about YouTube. There is an insane amount of effort that goes into producing high-quality videos - orders of magnitude more than would go into putting together a well-illustrated blog post.

                As with blogs, a lot of this effort is wasted unless you get lucky. But with blogs, at least you have multiple shots at visibility. Maybe you'll make it to the top of HN, maybe on X, maybe somewhere else. Even within a single platform, you usually have multiple tries. If you don't get noticed right away, there's still hope that someone else shares your content down the line.

                In contrast, on YouTube, an algorithm essentially decides once. If you don't already have a zillion subscribers, it shows your video to a couple of people, often more or less at random. If they don't engage, that's the end of the road.

                It's such a weird system. It's capable of producing breakout wonders that wouldn't be possible pre-YouTube, but it's also so punishing, and so much great content goes there to die.

                • sbarre 19 minutes ago

                  A YouTube video has a URL though. So just like a blog post, you can share it on all the same sites you mentioned with blog posts.

                  Plus you have the built-in audience of YouTube and the algorithm that can help with discovery..

                  "Build it and they will come" has never been true, for videos or blogs...

                  • doe_eyes 2 minutes ago

                    There are surprisingly few venues for video content outside YT, at least not on a scale that would matter on YT! For example, if you want to get to the top of HN, non-video content has much better odds. Many tech- or science-centric subreddits on Reddit discourage or ban videos too.

                    The point is, YT is a fairly closed ecosystem. And because of how their algorithm works, for every 3Blue1Brown, there are countless people who put days or weeks into great science visualizations and get 50 views.

              • patcon 2 hours ago

                Omg I would love to make an explainer on bridging algorithms[1] with this tool! I've been a huge fan of their use in participatory democracy processes since 2016 (using tools like Pol.is), and have wanted to make a contribution to increasing literacy around the foundational math involved <3

                Had I known about Manim back when his Summer of Math Exposition[2] was happening, I def would have dived in!

                [1]: https://bridging.systems/

                [2]: https://some.3b1b.co/

                • thethirdone 39 minutes ago

                  What is the actual math involved? From following the link in [1] I found almost no math content.

                  • ikesau 2 hours ago

                    I'd watch if you made it. Big fan of pol.is : )

                    • wyager an hour ago

                      This seems like some kind of NGO word salad slop dressing itself up with a bit of extraneous math notation; this is almost exactly the opposite of the type of stuff 3B1B covers in his videos, or that (I must imagine) Manim is optimized for.

                    • whyage 2 hours ago

                      I assume that a considerable percentage of CS students or recent graduates (myself included, back in the day) dream about creating some sort of visualization tool, let alone an awesome one like this.

                      • wdkrnls 2 hours ago

                        Sometimes knowing how to do something isn't nearly as important as badly wanting to do something

                        • alickz an hour ago

                          For some it can be far easier to find knowledge than it is to find motivation

                      • joshdavham an hour ago
                      • spankalee an hour ago

                        Wow. I really wish this were a JavaScript library so we could play with this in a browser and publish 3D animations to the browser.

                        • dleeftink an hour ago

                          Check out Motion Canvas[0] by Jacob from aarthificial, prolific coder and animator [1].

                          [0]: https://motioncanvas.io/

                          [1]: https://www.youtube.com/@aarthificial

                          • mikeshi42 an hour ago

                            I've done some porting between Python and JS based on Tensorflow in the past - and I suspect the poor ergonomics in JS for math/lists would probably ruin the experience a good amount.

                            Perhaps something like Pyodide can bridge the gap and make it easier to bring into the browser as well.

                            • sebzim4500 5 minutes ago

                              It would probably be easier to add an 'export to js' option to Manim than to try to create an ergomic js library.

                            • ivanjermakov an hour ago

                              Motion Canvas might be a great fit: https://motioncanvas.io/