• oldgradstudent 3 minutes ago

    This is gross.

    > “There was an emphasis both within the [psychiatric] profession and pharmacological companies to make these medications sound not addictive,” he told Psychiatrist.com. Therefore, when SSRIs first became popular, very few systematic studies were conducted on antidepressant discontinuation effects.

    Reminds me of the Feynman quote:

    > For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.

    • mmsc 4 hours ago

      >Physicians were initially unaware or dismissive of brain zaps due to limited information and a focus on downplaying the addictive nature of antidepressants.

      I don't know why. It's a pretty well-known effect of fucking with your serotonin levels. Someone I know took about 4g of MDMA over a 4-day period and what followed was about 2 weeks of these "brain zaps", sleep paralysis with demons in the room (feeling like you are laying in bed with a demon coming towards you but you physically cannot move). This stuff has been known about for decades but unable to be researched due to the US' drug laws. Those brain zaps are apparently like just doing whatever you're doing, when BAM, it feels like an electric shock has gone through your head into the back of your eyes.

      • jvanderbot 17 minutes ago

        SSRIs are a huge help to me. I'm one of the lucky (?) ones.

        For those curious about what a brain zap is, it's like you're going about your normal business, then you feel a jolt like you're surprised, but only in your head. Then it's difficult to remember what you were thinking about prior to the zap. When it happened to me last, I stopped walking and couldn't resume my inner monologue/ train of thought. I just started walking and let another one conjure itself up.

        It's been decades since I've had one, Wellbutrin is much better.

        • survivedurcode an hour ago

          I think there’s more to it than just messing with serotonin.

          There’s something about Sertraline (Zoloft) that seems to make it quite reliable at causing brain zaps. 3 people I’ve known who stopped Sertraline all experienced brain zaps. 1 of those people also talked about stopping Prozac (cold turkey) and Lexapro (4wk taper) and did not have the zaps, but a 4-month taper of Sertraline was not enough to avoid them.

          In fact in the article they recommend switching to Prozac and then tapering that, as a way to avoid the zaps.

          • camgunz 4 hours ago

            80% of everything is crap, including psychiatrists, plus if you take away SSRIs that's a huge chunk of their business. Upton Sinclair and all that.

            • malfist 13 minutes ago

              SSRIs kept me from killing myself. You should moderate your opinion. I'm sure you wouldn't advocate for taking away a diabetic's insulin of an organ recipients immunosuppressant

            • asimovfan 4 hours ago

              i used to get zaps when my body tried to feel good on normal occasions after 'fucking with my seratonin levels'. I remember i used to get them when I was reading something i found clever or funny, chugging cold water, biking etc.

              • jamiek88 4 hours ago

                Finally! Someone else with this. Reading Crime and Punishment gives me this feeling, I get zaps and it kinda hurts my brain to read. Only happened with that novel and some Shakespeare.

                • selimthegrim 2 hours ago

                  So far only a certain episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm have given me this

              • ChadNauseam 4 hours ago

                > Someone I know took about 4g of MDMA over a 4-day period

                For anyone reading who's unfamiliar, this is a ridiculous dose of MDMA. A normal recreational dose would be 0.1g-0.2g once every few months. (I have no idea whether this dose is safe or not, just saying it's a common one for people to take.)

                A bad thing about MDMA is that you become tolerant to it very quickly, so people who do it too regularly need to take more and more over time to feel the effects. That's probably what happened to the parent comment's friend.

                • morkalork an hour ago

                  I've seen someone do 1g over the course of a long evening but they were a seasoned user. That's the kind of dose that would send a average sized teenage girl to a hospital in convulsions. 4g over 4 days? It's not even about the tolerance at that point, by days 3/4 do you even have any serotonin left for it to be any fun?

                  • ruined 21 minutes ago

                    you can sort of preload your body with serotonin "building blocks", so to speak. but anecdotally that process is not fast and mostly just mitigates the hangover. past the first several hours, i belive the effect would resemble more typical amphetamines.

                    given how typical "street" samples test with diy kits and at mail-in labs, it's not even unreasonable to suggest that might have actually been the case.

                  • TheSpiceIsLife 39 minutes ago

                    I'd argue 100 to 200mg every few months is a normal therapeutic dose.

                    What's normal and recreational is much less well defined.

                  • Traubenfuchs 4 hours ago

                    > Someone I know took about 4g of MDMA over a 4-day period

                    I am all for freedom of drugs and people experiencing one of the most beautiful states of mind one can achieve, but 4g MDMA over 4 days is literally in the attempted brain-damage territory.

                    • pdfernhout 13 minutes ago

                      > Physicians were initially unaware or dismissive of brain zaps due to limited information and a focus on downplaying the addictive nature of antidepressants.

                      Seems like another example of: "Deadly Psychiatry and Organised Denial" https://www.deadlymedicines.dk/deadly-psychiatry-and-organis... "Deadly Psychiatry and Organised Denial explains in evidence-based detail why the way we currently use psychiatric drugs does far more harm than good. Professor, Doctor of Medical Science, Peter C. Gøtzsche documents that psychiatric drugs kill more than half a million people every year among those aged 65 and above in the United States and Europe. This makes psychiatric drugs the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer. Gøtzsche explains that we could reduce our current usage of psychotropic drugs by 98% and at the same time improve patients’ mental and physical health and survival. It can be difficult, however, to come off the drugs, as many people become dependent on them. As the withdrawal symptoms can be severe, long-lasting and even dangerous, slow tapering is usually necessary. In his book, Gøtzsche debunks the many myths that leading psychiatrists – very often on drug industry payroll – have created and nurtured over decades in order to conceal the fact that biological psychiatry has generally been a failure. Biological psychiatry sees drugs as the “solution” for virtually all problems, in marked contrast to the patients’ views. Most patients don’t respond to the drugs they receive but, unfortunately, the psychiatrists’ frustrations over the lack of progress often lead to more diagnoses, more drugs and higher doses, harming the patients further."

                      Other alternatives for health and wellness I have collected: https://github.com/pdfernhout/High-Performance-Organizations...

                      One example from there: "The Depression Cure: The 6-Step Program to Beat Depression without Drugs" by Stephen S. Ilardi

                      From the Amazon book blurb: "In the past decade, depression rates have skyrocketed, and one in four Americans suffer from major depression at some point in their lives. Where have we gone wrong? Dr. Stephen Ilardi sheds light on our current predicament and reminds us that our bodies were never designed for the sleep-deprived, poorly nourished, frenzied pace of twenty-first century life. Inspired by the extraordinary resilience of aboriginal groups like the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea, Dr. Ilardi prescribes an easy-to-follow, clinically proven program that harks back to what our bodies were originally made for and what they continue to need with these six components:

                        * Brain Food [supplement with Omega 3s; remember your brain is mostly fat]
                        * Don't Think, Do [avoid excessive rumination by doing things]
                        * Antidepressant Exercise [aerobic exercise is medicine]
                        * Let There Be Light [get natural sunlight and supplement as needed with vitamin D3]
                        * Get Connected [engage in face-to-face social activities regularly]
                        * Habits of Healthy Sleep [get enough sleep by following basic guidelines]
                      The Depression Cure's holistic approach has been met with great success rates, helping even those who have failed to respond to traditional medications. For anyone looking to supplement their treatment, The Depression Cure offers hope and a practical path to wellness for anyone."

                      TL;DR as Ilardi says: "We were never designed for the sedentary, indoor, sleep-deprived, socially-isolated, fast-food-laden, frenetic pace of modern life. (Stephen Ilardi, PhD)"

                      That said, if you are on prescription psychotropic meds already, do not stop taking them or change doses without some medically-approved plan for getting off them. Peter Gøtzsche wrote an entire book about that: "Mental Health Survival Kit and Withdrawal from Psychiatric Drugs: A User's Guide" https://www.amazon.com/Mental-Health-Survival-Withdrawal-Psy... "This book can help people with mental health issues to survive and return to a normal life. Citizens believe, and the science shows, that medications for depression and psychosis and admission to a psychiatric ward are more often harmful than beneficial. Yet most patients take psychiatric drugs for years. Doctors have made hundreds of millions of patients dependent on psychiatric drugs without knowing how to help them taper off the drugs safely, which can be very difficult. The book explains in detail how harmful psychiatric drugs are and gives detailed advice about how to come off them. You will learn: ... that psychiatric drugs should never be stopped abruptly because withdrawal reactions can be dangerous..."

                      • marknutter 4 hours ago

                        > sleep paralysis with demons in the room (feeling like you are laying in bed with a demon coming towards you but you physically cannot move)

                        This gave me literal chills when I read it because this exact thing happened to me for the same reason as your acquaintance (but far, far lower doses). I was prone to getting sleep paralysis anyways, but abusing MDMA resulted in the most terrifying experience of my life two nights in a row. Your description was spot on.. I felt the covers on my bed being pulled off of me by some demonic presence the first night, and the second night the same thing happened but that time I was lifted out of my bed and slowly dragged away. Felt like I was awake and perfectly conscious the entire time and I literally frozen with fear to the point where I couldn't speak. I stayed up the entire night after that for fear of it happening again. I also got terrible brain zaps for weeks afterwards, too.

                        • thescriptkiddie 4 hours ago

                          I've gotten them from taking SNRIs, so I wonder if norepinephrine is involved somehow, or maybe SNRIs are not actually that selective.

                          • jrflowers 4 hours ago

                            The S in SNRI stands for Serotonin, not Selective.

                            • jamedjo 25 minutes ago

                              Today I Relearned: Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) != Serotonin Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI) != Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake inhibitor (sNRI)

                              • fzzzy 4 hours ago

                                Wow, I did not know that. Good to know.

                              • larve 4 hours ago

                                got them after weaning of SNRIs, for about 1-2 years I had random brain zaps. Not that big of a deal per se, but definitely annoying.

                            • mxmilkiib 2 hours ago

                              I'm really very ADHD and ASD, n I got finally got mental health relief on bupropion, after going through a fair gamut of serotonin affecting medications. It affects dopamine and noradrenaline (norepinephrine).

                              It only helps me truly at 600mg, which I started taking accidentally, and that's double the UK max, which used to be 600mg but was reduced as there's a mildly higher statistical likelihood of seizures as side-effect with that dose. Afair USA max is 450mg.

                              If I take any less, the depression causing emotional dysregulation and intrusive/automatic thoughts (hypermentalisations) come back (n I'm an utter mess at baseline), though it's said/known that ND folk can more often have hypo or hyper reaction to certain chemicals.

                              I read it can have an amplifying affect on other drugs in one's system, so could be a causal part of serotonin syndrome if another medication is being taken, but I can't find that paper again, which in part regarded someone who started it for smoking cessation and found, apparently, that it worked in combination with some serotonin based med to lift them out of depression, though pinch of salt on the causality and reality of all that.

                              It's also for ADHD, but it doesn't (really) help my attention or memory, though my psychiatrist noted that having space in the mind from not having bad thoughts certainly helps better attention..

                              • wincy 2 hours ago

                                Alternatively, as someone with severe ADHD, bupropion at the lowest dose gave me a psychotic episode where I started hearing things. Felt like I’d been dosed with schizophrenia pills. The razor blades told me to give them a look see. I threw them behind my fridge to keep them away. I went to my mom’s house, crawled in bed and cried for 24 hours straight. I’ve never had anything remotely like that before or since. This was nearly twenty years ago. Absolute worst day of my life.

                                My daughter had a pharmacogenetic screening test a few years ago and I’m not sure what this means exactly, but they give you a number with 1 being baseline expected response (this was awhile ago) and bupropion was a 9.

                                I’m extremely cautious about any sort of medication for me and my children because of this episode.

                                • spondylosaurus 2 hours ago

                                  Bupropion + SSRI is a fairly common combination for treating depression! Back in the day I think people used to start on an SSRI alone and then would add bupropion if they needed an extra kick, but it may be more common now to start with the bupropion (not sure).

                                  And re. serotonin syndrome, I can anecdotally say that I accidentally gave myself mild SS by mixing imipramine, ondansetron, and NyQuil. I suspect that also being on bupropion at the time is what put me over the edge, but it's hard to say; even without the bupropion it may have been a nasty combo. Live and learn!

                                • 1attice 4 hours ago

                                  I have recurrent severe depression and I credit serotonin-modulating antidepressants with saving my life several times.

                                  I generally found withdrawal from high dose SSRIs to be painful without tapering, but tapering made the withdrawal symptoms negligible.

                                  SNRIs (Venlafaxine specifically), by contrast, were a horror; I spent eight months with a microgram scale 'tailoring' capsules by tiny increments every week, and I still got well-nigh intolerable withdrawal symptoms.

                                  • math_dandy 4 hours ago

                                    I echo your experience. Effexor/Venlafaxine are absolute poison. I tapered off of it slowly over the last two months under doctor’s supervision. The day after I took my last dose — small thanks to the tapering — I’ve had constant brain zaps, wobbly vision, horrible perpetual nausea, cold sweats, and inability to sleep more than an hour at a time. It’s been two weeks so far of lying in a dark quiet room waiting for things to resolve so I can go back to my wife/kids/job/life. Still no noticeable improvement. On sick leave for the first time in my life.

                                    • zahllos 3 hours ago

                                      I can also confirm brain zaps both when I tapered down and if I missed a dose. It was unpleasant but I put up with it when reducing my dose. I changed from it because it caused insomnia as a side effect badly enough that it was worse than the problem.

                                      My understanding (which may be incorrect, not a doctor) is that you need a higher dose to achieve the N part of the SNRI. I wonder if this somehow linked to the experience. On lower doses of SSRIs I never had any such experiences.

                                      • nixonpjoshua 2 hours ago

                                        I would guess it has more to do with the serotonin, Atomoxetine has small S activity and large N activity and relatively it can be discontinued much easier than any of these other drugs.

                                    • ifj382jfueo 3 hours ago

                                      I was on venlafaxine for about 5 years and had always heard horror stories about the withdrawals. About 7 or 8 months ago I decided to ask my doctor to start tapering me off. Took about two weeks in total and the only side effect I had was when I would turn my head I could "feel" my brain moving around. It was a very strange sensation. I was on 150mg and then 75mg to nothing. I feel extremely fortunate I didn't have any of the issues most seem to have getting off the stuff.

                                      • seventytwo an hour ago

                                        This gives me hope

                                    • temporallobe 4 hours ago

                                      Not an SSRI, but similar - I was on an SNRI (Cymbalta) for 6 months coming out of a nearly fatal bout of asthma. Basically I was depressed because I was constantly scared of dying and still felt unable to breathe despite all objective tests indicating otherwise after successful treatment. Anyway, the Cymbalta worked and I felt great for the first 3 months, but then I slumped into the worst pit of depression and suicidal ideation hell I had ever experienced. Even my personality and sexual preferences changed. One day I decided to just quit it cold turkey, and for the next 2-3 weeks I had non-stop brain zaps. Eventually they stopped and I was back to normal. My doctor wanted me to continue and increase the dose, which would have been absolute insanity. I learned later that Cymbalta had a black box warning for suicidal ideation. Fun times.

                                      • y-c-o-m-b 2 hours ago

                                        > I learned later that Cymbalta had a black box warning for suicidal ideation

                                        Most of the drugs that alter neurotransmitters (ADHD and depression meds, some seizure meds) will have a warning for suicidal ideation that may occur at some point of the treatment (usually early on). It's a balancing act between the treatment and the "illness" and has to be taken with caution.

                                        Almost every doctor or psychiatrist I've seen or my family members have seen usually start off too strong and in many cases will advise cutting cold turkey. I always ignore it and taper on slowly over for about a month and if I need to get off the meds, I taper off slowly over 1-2 months. I was on Zoloft for 10 years and I was able to successfully got off the drug with minimal side effects that way. Although there was definitely a short period of brain zaps near the end, it wasn't as bad as the usual kind I'd get if I forgot to take the meds for a couple of days.

                                        EDIT: If you use the taper off method, make sure to understand the half-life/how long it stays in your system.

                                      • throwaway918299 2 hours ago

                                        I’m lucky. I was forced to go cold turkey after 6 years on SSRIs.

                                        Disclaimer: NEVER DO THIS WITHOUT PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION

                                        I had about 2 weeks of extreme euphoria and insomnia. Then I was suicidal for about a month. Then about 8 months of rebound depressive symptoms on and off. Never had a single “brain zap” though I was told to expect them.

                                        I will never take that garbage ever again.

                                        Learning to cope with depression and having a good support system beats numbing my brain to zombie mode any day.

                                        Not medical advice. Just my personal anecdote.

                                        • wil421 4 hours ago

                                          One of the worst experiences of my life was taking an SSRI, I was just starting and somehow my prescription was for 2 grams instead of 200mg, due to a mistake. Worst experience ever, brain zaps and something else I’ve never felt before. Once I figured out the mistake I stopped taking it.

                                          Luckily I was just a teen going through teen things and didn’t really need anything, just a little time.

                                          • tombert 2 hours ago

                                            I did Prozac for about two months earlier this year, a relatively light baby dose.

                                            It was utterly terrible. I couldn’t think about anything, basically zero focus on anything that took more than a minute of attention span, I felt completely detached from anything resembling an emotion, and I also seemed to completely lose my ability to feel hungry or thirsty, so there would be entire days where I would forget to eat or drink anything, probably making all the other symptoms worse.

                                            They transitioned me to Pristiq, which has been considerably less horrible, though not terribly effective either. I am actually undergoing TMS now.

                                            • y-c-o-m-b an hour ago

                                              If you're not responding well to SSRI/SNRI drugs, you could give bupropion (Welbutrin) a try. Just ask for a small dose at first. You may even be able to take them together with Pristiq. It's worth a discussion with your care provider.

                                            • notjulianjaynes 3 hours ago

                                              2,000 mg is likely an unsafe dose of any SSRI. In the past I was prescribed one and the dosage was 20 mg and even that made me feel a little bit strange and uneasy for the first few days until my body adjusted to it. Sorry you went through that.

                                              • kristianp 3 hours ago

                                                That sounds odd. Were you taking 20 tablets at a time?

                                                • willcipriano 4 hours ago

                                                  Damn, 2 grams? I had no idea the dose could get that high.

                                                • karim79 4 hours ago

                                                  Waaaay back in 2011, I withdrew from SSRIs (particularly, Seroxat). I had moved countries, had run out of it, and bravely decided to stop altogether. Brain shocks kicked in a couple of days later. They were not painful but they were definitely unsettling. They lasted for most of a week.

                                                  I then decided to stop altogether, which led to an overall improvement to my quality of life.

                                                  I'm sure not everyone is like me, but boy oh boy I'm glad I stopped taking those.

                                                  • ryanianian 2 hours ago

                                                    Obligatory warning that SSRI withdrawals can be extremely dangerous.

                                                    I was on Lexapro for a minute. It worked for a bit, but then I started to not care about anything. A certain amount of anxiety/emotional swing is important for my humanity, as I found out. I really wanted to get off that stuff. But my doctor insisted that I ween off of it by reducing my dosage over a period of 2 months. I'm glad I listened. I could acutely feel each reduction.

                                                  • kristianp 2 hours ago

                                                    This is distinct from zaps felt in the body, which is quite common, at least for Sertraline withdrawal. I wasn't sleeping well on Sertraline, so am trying Mirtazapine instead. Sleeping better which may translate to having better alertness during the day.

                                                    • blackhaj7 34 minutes ago

                                                      Brain zaps are a common side effect after high/long doses of MDMA

                                                      Sounds like coming off SSRIs and post-MDMA usage have something in common

                                                      • duncancarroll 4 hours ago

                                                        I started getting these post-Covid, but I'm not on any SSRIs. It feels like your brain does a "degauss" thing like the old CRT monitors; it's not fun.

                                                        There's some evidence to show that long Covid is connected with low serum serotonin, and the zaps make me wonder if it's connected to cerebral serotonin as well, since I imagine it's the sudden reduction that causes the zaps: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(23)01034-6

                                                        • y-c-o-m-b an hour ago

                                                          Wow, now that's an interesting one! You described the feeling perfectly though, it's exactly like that. I wonder what would happen if you took an SSRI...

                                                        • dekhn 4 hours ago

                                                          I described this to numerous doctors and none of them had any idea what I was talking about (around a decade ago, caused by Paxil). I'd accidentally go a day or two forgetting my pill, and not only would I get brain zaps, but a fair amount of depression-like symptoms.

                                                          Then some papers came out and a few of the doctors knew what I was referring to but didn't consider them particularly important. Eventually, I was able to find a therapist who helped me adjust my meds to somethign that works better and is more tolerant of forgetting for a couple days.

                                                          • matrix87 an hour ago

                                                            SSRIs + side effects are probably more dangerous (and less effective) than lsd

                                                            • cherryteastain an hour ago

                                                              Perhaps on average, but LSD bad trips can screw you up in a way no SSRI possibly can

                                                            • alaithea 4 hours ago

                                                              Would love to read this, but the site is down.

                                                              I weaned myself off of Sertraline and pursued OTC options just because the brain zaps and the yawns/drowsiness were so bad. Didn't matter what time of day I took it, didn't matter that the dosage was low. The brain zaps made me lose trust in my own faculties. These momentary, split-second losses of consciousness, where after each one, I'd have to spend another split-second reorienting myself to the environment, got way too disorienting. It also got worse the longer I was on it.

                                                              Finally weaned myself off and use SAM-e instead. No perceivable side-effects there. For anyone who doesn't know, SAM-e is an OTC supplement in the U.S. but the same chemical compound as one of the front-line antidepressants in Europe.

                                                              • alaithea 4 hours ago

                                                                Site's back up. Good info, but I felt nauseous by the end of the article.

                                                                This was interesting:

                                                                > Perhaps the most disconcerting feature of the zaps is the jumpy lateral eye movements. “People actually hear their eyes move when they move their eyes from left to right. They almost feel a faint ‘whoosh’ sound in their heads,” Papp explained. “Sometimes, people feel as if the brain stops for a moment and reboots like a computer.”

                                                                I wouldn't say I could hear my eyes moving (!), but I definitely noticed that eye movements or a turn of the head could trigger a brain zap. That was one of the most disabling things, as it eventually led to a feeling of restricted freedom of movement and exploration.

                                                                • ebiester 4 hours ago

                                                                  BTW, I had some major heart palpitations on SAM-e. It may have been tied to Vitamin B-12 but that was a hypothesis. Just make sure to talk with your doc.

                                                                  • alaithea 4 hours ago

                                                                    Thanks, my doc knows about it, but I get the feeling they don't know anything about it. I'll keep that in mind.

                                                                • pajeets an hour ago

                                                                  I recently had this discussion with a cousin who is depressed and seeking SSRI

                                                                  I brought up Psilocybin mushrooms and microdosing but ultimately it was written off as "voodoo" and "not enough data" aka "placebo"

                                                                  I'm convinced that modern science in the West is largely ideological driven. I cannot explain the number of times the arguments I've had with coworkers with acupuncture. When you tell them it temporarily relieves pain and even helps in the long term in some cases, they are very hostile as if I have criticized a religious figure.

                                                                  • ok_dad an hour ago

                                                                    It’s funny too, because research doctors have been finding systems in the body that we didn’t know about until very recently. I have no doubt that there are treatments like acupuncture that interact with these or other systems that we’re currently unaware of. Heck, even gut bacteria affects the brain!

                                                                    • pajeets an hour ago

                                                                      and traditional chinese medicine have known for years the connection between gut and mental health. ex) fecal transfer is recently being studied again

                                                                      and its funny that people also throw in their subtle racially driven Western exceptionalism as if its civilization is totally healthy and isn't addicted to substances and magic pills.

                                                                  • greenthrow 15 minutes ago

                                                                    I had minor brain zaps when coming off an SSRI but terrible ongoing brain zaps for two months earlier this year coming off an SNRI. It was truly debilitating and horrible. I was concerned I was going to be one of those rare cases who has them permanently. Thankfully they did subside. But now I don't want to try any more psychiatric medication.

                                                                    • neonate 3 hours ago
                                                                      • iwaztomack an hour ago

                                                                        "Until recently, physicians have widely been unaware or dismissive of the symptom. "

                                                                        Yeah no shit.

                                                                        I went off Paxil and had brain zaps for over a YEAR. Gone now but I will never go on Paxil again, although it was 15 years ago and I think I've got this licked. :)

                                                                        (And I tapered the paxil over two months, my doc just kept saying, "That's odd, they'll go away...")

                                                                        • metadaemon 4 hours ago

                                                                          Same with SSNIs, I get brain zaps if I don't take my medication early enough in the day. It can come with nausea too, so missing a dose can potentially ruin my evening.

                                                                          • tootie an hour ago

                                                                            Lol at then citing a reddit post.

                                                                            I was on venlafaxine (SNRI) for cataplexy a while ago. I told my doc it wasn't having any positive effects and several side effects. She said "ok" and just let me prescription lapse so I stopped cold turkey. Man oh man the brain zaps were wild. I had them almost non-stop for 2 days. Like my brain was bouncing around my skull like a marble

                                                                            • symlinkk 2 hours ago

                                                                              Doctors have no clue how the brain works, so any medicine they offer that effects the brain is useless at best and dangerous at worst. The only helpful psych drugs are the ones they won’t give you - Xanax, Adderall. If something is addictive, that means it actually works.

                                                                              • dathery 2 hours ago

                                                                                How does lack of understanding of the mechanism by which something works imply that it is useless at best? I do not think that follows and can think of many counterexamples.

                                                                                • y-c-o-m-b an hour ago

                                                                                  "Helpful" is relative. I had to get off of Adderall due to bad side effects like hair loss on my scalp/body, and increase in prostate/urinary infections (turns out stimulants have a link to this - Vyvanse also caused the same side effects for me, it's how we found out).

                                                                                • ianpenney 4 hours ago

                                                                                  Had a friend with this problem. Wanted to say this story hits home for me after many many years. I tried my best to help, don’t want to say exactly how because I’m not qualified.

                                                                                  But frankly the doctor who prescribed larger and larger doses of Venlafaxine shouldn’t have been qualified either.

                                                                                  It’s a much more potent norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor than it is for serotonin. My understanding is by the time you get an effective dose you’ve got some collateral negative effects.

                                                                                  • StefanBatory 4 hours ago

                                                                                    I was lucky when I was taking Sertraline. Because I was only sleepy for the first two-three days and besides that I had no side effect. Only thing I noticed from that period is that it was genuinely harder for be to be in a very negative mood - like my mental state went from a range of 5 to -8 to 5 to -5.

                                                                                    • dang 4 hours ago

                                                                                      With psychiatrist.com and archive.org both being down right now, it looks like there's no way to read the article. I'm going to temporarily downweight this thread, with the intention of re-upping it when the domain comes back.

                                                                                      If anyone wants to let us know at hn@ycombinator.com when this happens, that would be great!

                                                                                      • alaithea 4 hours ago

                                                                                        It's already back up.

                                                                                        • dang 3 hours ago

                                                                                          Fixed. Thanks!

                                                                                      • mmsc 4 hours ago


                                                                                        • dang 4 hours ago

                                                                                          Added above. Thanks!

                                                                                          • alaithea 4 hours ago

                                                                                            But the article says it was published in 2023.

                                                                                            • mmsc 3 hours ago

                                                                                              Sorry that was a brain zap. Indeed 2023:(

                                                                                              • dang 3 hours ago

                                                                                                Fixed. Thanks!