• dsp_person 4 hours ago

    The libfuse github has some good examples for C/C++ in [0] of increasing complexity:

    - passthrough.c mirrors existing filesystem, "Its performance is terrible."

    - passthrough_fh.c "performance is not quite as bad."

    - passthrough_ll.c implemented with low level api and "the least bad among the three"

    - passthrough_hp.cc high performance version written in C++

    Some interesting fuse projects in my notes: [1] splitting large files into segments; [2] show ZFS incremental snapshots as files; [3] transparent filesystem compression; [4] and [5] options for mounting archives as filesytems.

    - [0] https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/tree/master/example

    - [1] https://github.com/seiferma/splitviewfuse

    - [2] https://github.com/UNFmontreal/zfs_fuse_snapshot

    - [3] https://github.com/FS-make-simple/fusecompress

    - [4] https://github.com/google/fuse-archive

    - [5] https://github.com/mxmlnkn/ratarmount

    • aargh_aargh 4 hours ago

      Just wanted to throw out there that although I'm a fan of FUSE, it's not the only option. I've had fun implementing a virtual filesystem via the 9p protocol not too long ago.

      IIRC, I used py9p and the python experience was much nicer than fuse-python. You can mount a 9p service via FUSE (9pfuse) if you want. I just used the kernel v9fs client. If you're just looking to pass a filesystem through the network, I think I used the diod 9p server.

      Overall, it's a nice little ecosystem to explore.

      • packetlost 2 hours ago

        9p is such a great little protocol. diod[0] has a good amount of documentation on the protocol itself, but it's pretty simple.

        I have some notes here [1], but it's mostly just linking to primary sources. FUSE is great, but 9P is more general and has high quality implementations all over the place, even in Windows!

        One thing I'm not so sure about is the performance properties of 9p. I've seen some places indicate it's rather slow, but nothing definitive. Does anyone have any benchmarks or info on that?

        [0]: https://github.com/chaos/diod/blob/master/protocol.md [1]: https://athenaeum.wiki/Zettelkasten/9p

        • mananaysiempre an hour ago

          > 9P [...] has high quality implementation[...] in Windows

          Do you know if it’s possible to mount one’s own 9P servers under Windows? I seem to remember a comment from a Microsoft employee on GitHub something-or-other that said that capability is private to WSL2, but I can’t find it right now.

        • hathawsh 2 hours ago

          It looks like py9p was last released in 2013 and it's still marked as "beta". Cool project though!

        • mcoliver 30 minutes ago

          So many fuse mount options out there with varying tradeoffs, performance, and features (s3fs, goofys, seaweed, minio, Google drive, etc..). JuiceFS is pretty interesting for doing things like mounting an object store and accessing it via posix with all the metadata you would expect on a traditional filesystem. https://juicefs.com

          • iamjackg 5 hours ago

            I wish I had known about this a month ago, when I had to go through the exact same process!

            In a desperate attempt to find a less frustrating way to interact with Jira, I had the silly idea of starting a jira-as-filesystem project that uses our internal issue categorization to build a tree: directories represent issues, with files representing issue fields and subdirectories for linked issues. I ended up choosing fuse-python.

            I haven't worked on it in a minute, but I was already bumping into issues (pun not intended) with the abstraction: using just the issue ID as directory name makes automation easier, but it makes it hard for humans to browse the tree, since a `ls` would just show you a bunch of inscrutable IDs. I ended up adding a parallel `<issue-type>-with-summary` directory type where the slugified summary is appended to each issue ID.

            • maicro 4 hours ago

              Hmm, I'm not saying it's a good idea, but what about a daemon that keeps a symlinked version of the entire jira environment up to date? So you have one jira-as-filesystem that's the raw files, but then for human consumption/interaction, you have a tree of symlinks, including multiple links to the same file wherever it's relevant. Might be adding more layers than needed, based on my lack of understanding, but might technically solve the (current/stated) abstraction issue.

              • iamjackg 4 hours ago

                That's sort of what I'm doing behind the scenes, because I keep one global list of downloaded issues (they're lazily loaded when you access them) and then the folders are really only "views" into the downloaded issues. Representing identical ones across trees as symlinks is a fantastic idea though, I can't believe I didn't think of that! Thanks for the inspiration.

                • xg15 3 hours ago

                  Would you even need a daemon for that? That sounds as if the FS could just generate the symlinks on-the-fly in the same way that it generates the folders.

                  (Unless symlinks are somehow special - but at least both /dev and /proc also provide symlinks and to my knowledge they don't have any actual storage behind them, so it should be possible, I think)

                  • inferiorhuman 4 hours ago

                    May as well just implement that in the FUSE driver.

                    • paulddraper 3 hours ago

                      State syncing is always harder than state reading

                    • jrms 2 hours ago

                      Why not just 1234-human-sense? You have both type of info there and it's easy to parse too I think.

                      • renewiltord 4 hours ago

                        Referencing the same two ways is normal in Unix fs. On a modern Linux you will see disks referenced by block device and UUID. I think your approach is good and consistent with expectations.

                        Though I, personally, would not use it as JIRA is complicated enough for me.

                      • memset 4 hours ago


                        Adjacent question: lately I’ve been seeing people implement NFS base filesystems since that is a more widely supported protocol. I think rclone does this for Mac. Is there a guide, or even a comparison, for this approach?

                      • alkh 5 hours ago

                        I've recently discovered sshfs and learned about needing to have FUSE as a dependency for OS X, which spiked by interest. The code looks very clean and easy to understand, so thanks for that! Is there any guide/course you would recommend for the introduction to FUSE? It looks like all you have is to provide implementations to certains functions your filesystem will use but it's hard without knowing the details(ex. I wouldn't know I had to implement readdir without your code, and so on)

                        • pkaye 4 hours ago

                          I've used sshfs in the past and I know the original authors stopped maintaining it though others took over. I did find the network error handling wasn't the greatest. Like it would unmount the fuse mount due to network error and I'd be writing files to the local mount directory silently until space filled up. Perhaps its a Linux specific issue or I've used the wrong options though.

                          • alkh 4 hours ago

                            To be honest, I knew about the speed limitations of sshfs already, so I typically use rsync to work with large files. This way, I wouldn't write the data locally even if the connection fails. I've checked the github repo and it looks like there are a number of issues related to network timeout that hasn't been addressed for a long time[1]. However, I mostly used it on OS X, so my experience might be different from yours Thanks for the info as well, I was under the impression sshfs was under active development (: [1]https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs/issues/77

                            • beeboobaa3 7 minutes ago

                              > I'd be writing files to the local mount directory silently until space filled up

                              that's why you `chattr +i` the mountpoint

                          • rnd0 an hour ago

                            An user-space filesystem running in an interpreted language? Is that as bad as I think it is?

                            • dsp_person 8 minutes ago

                              Imagine you want to glue together something to use with a syncing tool. ~100 lines of python can turn data from one format into a presented set of files. The application doesn't have to be a general purpose filesystem.

                              e.g. https://github.com/UNFmontreal/zfs_fuse_snapshot/blob/master...

                              • vineyardmike an hour ago

                                They’re a teacher. It’s learning material.