« BackElle's Homepageellesho.meSubmitted by martialg 2 days ago
  • sundarurfriend 2 days ago

    There seems to be a resurgence of the little old Web of yore, with webrings and website banner icons here, and a lot of young people making videos about neocities and other simple web things. Gives me hope for the Internet - maybe the real Web 3 was a conscious step back into Web 1.0 all along, with a bit more visual nicety to it. The tech stack and capabilities of the sites may be wildly different now, but in some way this captures the essence of the feel of the old Web to me.

    • BriggyDwiggs42 2 days ago

      I don’t want to be a downer but i just dont think the vast majority of the population is interested.

      Edit: I know everyone is having lot of fun with the short replies, but I’m not saying these sites are bad because most won’t use them. I’m saying that this movement cannot constitute a transition into a new internet with only a tiny minority of the userbase ever being involved. It’s fine to do it anyway, but it won’t fix the problems with the current one or fully replace it, and I wish that it would. I was only responding to the parent comment that this resurgence may represent a step back into web 1.0.

      • Evidlo 2 days ago

        The vast majority wasn't interested before either. They just weren't as online.

        • natebc 2 days ago

          To be fair, they weren't back in the Web 1.0 days we all pine for either.

          • gspencley 2 days ago

            In order for anyone to be interested in something, you first need prospective "somethings" to exist. It's an old saying that 90% of everything produced is garbage. This applies to 90% of what is on social media, 90% of youtube videos, 90% of books and movies ... so 90% of the small web will certainly not be of any interest to most people. But there is a potential 10% that could help to renew interest in this style of website. We'll never know if it's never created.

            And on a personal level ... I don't even care. I just like that people do things that they like. If people are building these websites for themselves and for no other reason than their own personal enjoyment, that's good enough for me.

            • BriggyDwiggs42 a day ago

              The parent comment was talking about us consciously stepping back into web 1.0. I want that to happen, but I’m saying the majority won’t do that. It’s gonna look like isolated, small groups of people who already have some link to each other making these sites-a more creative discord server. I like that, but I’d personally love to see change that impacts on a wider scale, that actually changes people’s default.

              • akeck a day ago

                And that 90% is different for different people in my experience.

              • 1vuio0pswjnm7 a day ago

                "I don't want to be a downer but I just don't think the vast majority of the population is interested."

                I guess that's mean no advertising because the audience is to small. What a downer.

                • throw_pm23 2 days ago

                  Avoiding what the vast majority is interested in has always been a decent strategy.

                  • BriggyDwiggs42 a day ago

                    Wanting better for others is a basic human instinct, I think.

                    • Gormo 33 minutes ago

                      It turns out that different people have wildly varying notions of what's better.

                      • RankingMember a day ago

                        I thought so too until more recently when the people who don't think this way seem to have given a megaphone by the internet

                    • ghusto 14 hours ago

                      If the vast majority aren’t interested, that’s a sign of success. Remember, it’s when they came that everything went to shit.

                      • globular-toast a day ago

                        They never were.

                        • hluska 2 days ago

                          Who cares? The vast majority of the population doesn’t care about 90% of the jobs represented here.

                          • User23 a day ago

                            That’s fine. The vast majority of the population wasn’t interested in the Internet in the early ‘90s and that was fine too. Better in many ways. The signal to noise ratio was many orders of magnitude higher, and the average intelligence of users was observably higher too.

                            I have no interest whatsoever in the overwhelming majority of current things that consume the attention of the vast mediocrity that you call the vast majority. Their disinterest is a feature and opens up the possibility for lesser known and more interesting content.

                        • gspencley 2 days ago

                          All I want to know is who tf is Phil Fish and what are his campaign promises?

                          (if the moment passes, when I checked out the website multiple people had typed messages along the lines of "vote for phil fish")

                          • dlbucci 2 days ago

                            He's the game dev who made Fez, then famously decided to cancel Fez 2 after having some sort of break down (maybe over online abuse?). Not sure why we're voting for him though...

                            • gspencley a day ago


                            • autoexec a day ago

                              I thought I'd never heard of him before today, but it turns out he was in a netflix movie about indie games I saw once.


                              Reddit also says gamergate was upset because people who'd financially invested in his game company and/or were personal friends with him were also judges for the Independent Games Festival and he got an award from that. No idea if that's actually true though

                              • justin_oaks a day ago

                                When I showed up, someone was writing "Cthulhu 2024!" I think we know what Cthulhu's campaign promises are.

                                • undefined a day ago
                                • runjake a day ago

                                  Super neat and fun. A good experiment of how people behave when they think they're anonymous.

                                  Lots of NSFW, political, and other offensive text floating around the site. So if you're easily offended, perhaps skip it.

                                  • NoxiousPluK a day ago

                                    It was very very wholesome when I visited just now :)

                                    • dfilppi a day ago


                                    • Bjorkbat a day ago

                                      Kind of thrown off by the Phil Fish comments.

                                      Like, are we talking about the guy who made Fez? That Phil Fish? Is it 2012?

                                      • darknavi a day ago

                                        I was more thrown off by "WHO LICKS ASS ON THE FIRST DATE???".

                                        But yeah, Phil Fish was part of a decent amount of drama post-Fez.

                                        • bigstrat2003 a day ago

                                          To be fair... who does do that? Seems weird.

                                          • water-data-dude a day ago

                                            A gentleman.

                                      • nusl 2 days ago

                                        I like the strange little chat function. It's quite cute and something I haven't seen before.

                                        • miloignis 2 days ago

                                          Participating in a spontaneous reply-chain with others without coordination was a neat moment for me!

                                          • dobladov 2 days ago

                                            Figma, has the same functionality.

                                          • Slump a day ago

                                            Very cute and charming, random offensive content from anonymous users not withstanding. I was pleasantly surprised that zooming with the browser works relatively well to help make things a bit clearer and easier to rid. I had to squint pretty hard by default.

                                            • RankingMember a day ago

                                              Well that was fun for awhile until inevitably some anonymous coward started spamming racist nonsense

                                              • datadrivenangel 2 days ago

                                                This is wonderfully fun. Little moments of connection with people we'll never see again.

                                                • wafflez 2 days ago

                                                  Giving me strong The Palace chat vibes, didn't realize how much I missed that.

                                                  • malet 2 days ago

                                                    Can’t type anything on iOS :(

                                                    • jonbrowne2 a day ago

                                                      An ultimate peak into true humanity. Most are polite. Others just want to get a reaction to prove they can make people feel SOMETHING.

                                                      Really neat idea.

                                                      • skhunted 2 days ago

                                                        Went to the site and saw “Nigger” floating around. Anonymity emboldens people. I guess this is why moderation is always needed.

                                                        • greenavocado a day ago

                                                          Asymptotically approaching vr chat

                                                          • oatsandsugar 2 days ago

                                                            This is so charming

                                                            • nanna 2 days ago

                                                              Cute and impressive but of course there's someone currently posting blatantly racist crap on it.

                                                              • Rychard 2 days ago

                                                                If you don't acknowledge them, they'll get bored and move on. They're only looking for attention, so your best weapon is to not give it to them.

                                                                Definitely agree about it being cute/impressive. There's lots of clickables that further showcase things. Don't forget to explore!

                                                                • znpy 2 days ago

                                                                  i've learned to ignore that kind of things.

                                                                  giving such people attention and calling that out often only gives them "positive feedback".

                                                                  • DrillShopper a day ago


                                                                • TremendousJudge 2 days ago

                                                                  this is great, well done to the author

                                                                  • shortrounddev2 2 days ago

                                                                    Very cool, but should be bigger on desktop, it's hard to read

                                                                    • brianzelip 2 days ago

                                                                      There's an expand button on the browser screen when you click on the laptop! So dope.

                                                                    • undefined 2 days ago
                                                                      • EarlKing 2 days ago

                                                                        OH GOD, MY EYES.

                                                                        While I'm sure this was fun to make, it's a nightmare to use.

                                                                        • tpoacher a day ago

                                                                          OH GOD, MY EYES!!! [starry eyed emoji]

                                                                          While I'm sure this was a nightmare to make, it's fun to use! \o/