• ozuly 3 hours ago

    If I'm not mistaken, this is written by the author of Lucia, a popular auth library for TypeScript [0]. He recently announced that he will be deprecating the library and be replacing it with a series of written guides [1], as he no longer feels that the Lucia library is an ergonomic way of implementing auth. He posted an early preview of the written guide [2] which I found enjoyable to read and complements The Copenhagen Book nicely.

    [0] https://github.com/lucia-auth/lucia

    [1] https://github.com/lucia-auth/lucia/discussions/1707

    [2] https://lucia-next.pages.dev/

  • skrebbel 3 hours ago

    Wow, this is very nice. One of my pet peeves is how 90% of security resources seem designed to be absolutely inscrutable by non-security experts - especially anything from cryptography. Every single page in here however is clear, concise, to the point, and actionable, love it! (except the one on elliptic curves, which I find about as incomprehensible as most crypto resources).

    • RadiozRadioz 44 minutes ago

      I wish more websites would grant you the option to say "I never want my session to expire until I log out, I understand the risks". The "remember me" button does nothing these days.

      I'm so tired of having my day constantly interrupted by expiring sessions. GitHub is my least favourite; I use it ~weekly, so my sessions always expire, and they forced me to use 2FA so I have to drag my phone out and punch in random numbers. Every single time.

      As well as being terrible UX, though I have no evidence to back this up, I'm pretty sure this constant logging in fatigues users enough to where they stop paying attention. If you log into a site multiple times a week, it's easy for a phishing site to slip into your 60th login. Conversely if you've got an account that you never need to log into, it's going to feel really weird and heighten your awareness if it suddenly does ask for a password.

      Regardless, companies should learn that everyone has a different risk appetite and security posture, and provide options.

      Side-note, Github's constant session expiry & 2FA annoyed me so much that I moved to Gitea and disabled expiry. That was 90% of the reason I moved. It's only available on my network too, so if anything I feel I gained on security. Companies 100% can lose customers by having an inflexible security model.

      • lolinder a minute ago

        Notion is the worst offender for me, not because of its frequency but because of its timing. It seems like the session is meant to last about a week and five minutes, and it will actively boot you out when it expires even if you're actively using it.

        A few weeks back I logged in right before a recurring meeting to take notes, and for several weeks running it's been interrupting me in the middle of that meeting to force me to log in again.

        • Tubelord 15 minutes ago

          This resource has a good recommendation on how session lifetimes should work.

          Roughly, that it should continue for 30 days if used within 30 days.


          • lovethevoid 31 minutes ago

            Are you sure you haven't toggled something in your browser settings? There are a plethora of settings that would wind up rendering those "remember me" buttons useless. Anecdotally, I haven't had any issues with staying logged into websites. Github being one of them.

          • zoogeny 3 hours ago

            Just chiming in that I appreciate this resource. A lot of security advice is esoteric and sometimes feels ridiculous. Like a lawyer who advises you not to do anything ever. This guide was refreshingly concise, easy to follow and understand, and has good straight forward advice.

            I'll keep an eye on these comments to see if there are any dissenting opinions or caveats but I know I'll be reviewing this against my own auth projects.

            One thing I would like to see would be a section on JWT, even if it is just for them to say "don't use them" if that is their opinion.

          • efitz 3 hours ago

            By “auth” do they mean “authn” (authentication) or “authz” (authorization)?

            It looks like they mean authentication but it would be nice if they were clear.

            • dahousecat 3 hours ago

              They discuss session tokens, passwords and webAuthn so both.

          • sgarland 3 hours ago

            It’s nice to see something other than “don’t roll your own, it’s dangerous.”

            I especially appreciated the note that while UUIDv4 has a lot of entropy, it’s not guaranteed to be cryptographically secure per the spec. Does it matter? For nearly all applications, probably not, but people should be aware of it.

            • simonw 3 hours ago

              Anyone know why it's called the Copenhagen Book?

              • playingalong 2 hours ago

                The guy seems to have quite a few projects with geography references for no specific reason. So I guess the answer is: it's catchy and easy to remember for most people.

              • beginnings an hour ago

                you only need to roll your own auth once and you can drop it in anywhere

                • fuddle 4 hours ago

                  This is a great guide, thanks.

                  • awestroke 3 hours ago

                    What's with the name?

                    • renewiltord 2 hours ago

                      Good stuff. The model of "how to build" vs. "library that does" is a good idea when there's combinatorial explosion and you want to reduce the design space.

                      At a previous employer, people built some tool that auto-built Kube manifests and so on. To be honest, I much preferred near raw manifests. They were sufficient and the tool actually added a larger bug space and its own YAML DSL.

                      • apitman 4 hours ago

                        If you're doing auth in 2024, please consider not supporting passwords. Most people will never use a password manager, and even if they did it's not as secure as key-based approaches or OAuth2.

                        Obviously there are exceptions

                        • efitz 3 hours ago

                          > Most people will never use a password manager

                          Prediction: in 10 years nearly everyone will be using a password manager; it will come with their OS (Android or iOS) with browser plugins for other OS’s, and the integration with mobile apps and mobile web will be so tight that people will not even realize they are using passwords, most of the time.

                          Apple just massively revamped their own manager in the latest iOS release. They already have pretty good integration with mobile web and with App Store apps.

                          In the next couple of years I expect to see pw manager integration made a firm requirement for App Store apps, and I expect to see web standards for account signup and login that make pw managers reliable.

                          I suspect Google will follow suit although I am not familiar with Android’s capabilities in that area.

                          So in a few years you will not type an email address and password to sign up for things; the OS will prompt you: “foo.com is asking you to sign up, would you like to do this automatically?” and if you respond in the affirmative you’ll get a site-specific email address and password automatically created and stored for you, and that will be used whenever you want to log in. Recovery will shift to a mobile account centric workflow (Apple ID or Google account) rather than email based password reset links.

                          If a data breach is reported the pw manager app can notify you and give you a one-button-click experience to reset your password.

                          The downside is that if you get canceled by Apple or Google it will be a special kind of hell to recover.

                          • dahousecat 3 hours ago

                            In 10 years time everyone will be using passkeys, not passwords.

                            • bzmrgonz 3 hours ago

                              It certainly looks that way. It's either going to be cell phone integration, or ER GLASSES(ex meta raybans). I would like to see the incorporation of a ring(real unintrusive wearable NFC I can activate or press<for presence confirmation> with my thumb by just raising my hand above the keyboard{For illustration, you ever seen guys spin their wedding band with their thumb as a twiddling activity??}).

                              • philsnow 2 hours ago

                                Can you imagine a world where instead of sites prohibiting pasting into password fields, they prohibit hunt-and-pecking passwords? It's beautiful.

                              • tommica 4 hours ago

                                > If you're doing auth in 2024, please consider not supporting passwords.

                                And then realize that you need to support them, because they are the most universal solution there is for an average user. Email/Username + Password is the most portable way to do login as a user that we have invented.

                                • jenny91 3 hours ago

                                  Yes, made this mistake in the past.

                                  Every project has some amount of "being quirky/different" capital. If your project is not explicitly trying to innovate, or does not for some particular reason need to be very secure, then do not spend that capital on confusing users with the login flow. You'll turn a bunch of users away and cause a whole lot of support tickets, for very little benefit. Make users only think about stuff by making it unintuitive or different if it's really worth it to your product.

                                  • LoganDark 4 hours ago

                                    Email + magic link is a pattern I keep seeing that's far more secure in practice. So is email + email OTP.

                                    (I've also seen phone + phone OTP, but oh please never ask me for a phone number ever again. My phone number should always only be for making and receiving calls, not for verifying any sort of identity or personhood.)

                                    Of course, nothing beats the security and privacy of username + password + TOTP (or security key), but you can't necessarily expect normal users to know to do that (or how).

                                    Hell, I've seen at least one site that keeps the login username (what you actually use to sign into your account) separate from the public username (what everyone else sees), just to even more disconnect the login credentials from anything a potential attacker would have access to. But this is overkill for most scenarios (that particular platform does have a good reason).

                                    • ttepasse 20 minutes ago

                                      > Email + magic link

                                      Two scenarios I had recently, where I absolutely, utterly hated this pattern:

                                      * I did not remember the mail address for such a thing because I started (too late) to use a different mail address for every service, thanks to Apples iCloud hidden addresses. And because there was no corresponding password, there was no entry in my password manager. I since rectified that, but it’s annoying.

                                      * I tried to login on an older Windows PC - the magic mail landed on my iPhone. And because cross-system technical standards are a thing of the past the only possibility to get the magic link to the other system was to transcribe it.

                                      • tommica 3 hours ago

                                        I find it problematic if I do not have access to my email in the moment, or there is a glitch in the flow and I need to wait for the mail for some minutes, but that can also happen during 2FA, if email is used for that.

                                        Also, magic links need to be designed so that I can login on my PC, and click the link on my phone, and be logged in on the PC.

                                        Though I've really enjoyed using QR codes to login, that has been a really smooth modern experience.

                                        • simonw 3 hours ago

                                          "Also, magic links need to be designed so that I can login on my PC, and click the link on my phone, and be logged in on the PC."

                                          I feel that way too - I hate it when I'm trying to log in on desktop and the email shows up as a push notification on my phone.

                                          The problem is what happens if someone enters someone else's email address and that person unwittingly clicks on the "approve" link in the email they receive. That only has to happen once for an account to be compromised.

                                          So now you need "enter the 4 digit code we emailed you" or similar, which feels a whole lot less magical than clicking on a magic link.

                                          Presumably there are well documented patterns for addressing this now? I've not spent enough time implementing magic links to have figured that out.

                                          • stickfigure 2 hours ago

                                            > someone enters someone else's email address and that person unwittingly clicks on the "approve" link

                                            Eh? In a sane magic link system, clicking the magic link grants the clicker access to the account. Right then and there, in the browser that opened the link.

                                            • philsnow 2 hours ago

                                              I would argue that a magic link system has to only allow the click-through to grant access on the machine that initiated the login flow.

                                              If I enter my email in SomeSite, they send a magic link to my email address, and then Mallory intercepts that email and gains access to my SomeSite account just by opening the link (i.e. the link acts as a bearer token), that's completely broken.

                                        • philsnow 2 hours ago

                                          > nothing beats the security and privacy of username + password + TOTP (or security key)

                                          security key is at least somewhat better than TOTP because it's not (or less-)phishable

                                          • 9dev 3 hours ago

                                            > Email + magic link is a pattern I keep seeing that's far more secure in practice.

                                            I absolutely despise this. Every time I want to quickly log into an app and check something, just to sit in front of my synchronising mail client, wondering if the email will arrive, be caught by the spam filter, or just have random delay of a few minutes. Awful.

                                            • efitz 3 hours ago

                                              If the authentication session is long-lived then this is usually not too onerous; one round trip the first time you use it.

                                              It’s a nightmare if they also insist on short lived sessions.

                                              • LoganDark 3 hours ago

                                                I hate it too. I always prefer TOTP. I never said this isn't shitty. Just that for normal users, it's more secure than passwords.

                                                • jonjojojon 3 hours ago

                                                  I first saw this with Anthropic. I clear my browser pretty regularly and this flow just adds so much friction. With a password manager plus totp I never really felt burdened by logging in every time I used a service. I hope this doesn't catch on.

                                              • godelski 3 hours ago

                                                  > Of course, nothing beats the security and privacy of username + password + TOTP (or security key), but you can't necessarily expect normal users to know to do that (or how).
                                                Honestly, this just seems like a UX problem.

                                                The ways this is currently implemented are often terrible, but not always. I'll give an example: I recently did a stint at "Green company" and they gave me a yubi key. They also used Microsoft for most things. To login with Microsoft authenticator I type in my username and password, click yes on the next page, and then click yes on my phone. But to use the yubi key was needlessly frustrating. First, Microsoft doesn't let you use it as the default method (hardware key). So then you have to click "use another form of authentication", "hardware key", "next" (why? Idk), and then finally you pin and tap the key. A bunch of needless steps there and I'm not convinced this wasn't intentional. There's other services I've used working at other places where it's clean and easy: username + password, then pin+ tap key (i.e. hardware key is default!).

                                                I seriously think a lot of security issues come down to UX. There's an old joke about PGP

                                                  How do you decrypt a PGP encrypted email? 
                                                  You reply to the sender "can't decrypt, can you send it back in clear?"
                                                It was a joke about the terrible UX. That it was so frustrating that this outcome was considered normal. But hey, we actually have that solved now. Your Gmail emails are encrypted. You have services like Whatsapp and Signal that are E2EE. What was the magic sauce? UI & UX. They are what make the tools available to the masses, otherwise it's just for the nerds.
                                            • swatcoder 4 hours ago

                                              Better advice is to be honest about your product/project's social scope and make appropriate choices for that scope, or else let your users make that choice for themselves.

                                              The world is not improved or made more robust if every experience online must be gated through some third-party vendor's physical widget (or non-trivial software).

                                              There are parts of our lives that benefit from the added securiry that comes alongside that brittleness and commercial dependence, and parts that don't. Let's not pretend otherwise.

                                              • wg0 3 hours ago

                                                And I can't get my head around passkeys yet. Haven't switched to them. Haven't developed a clear model of where's my private key exactly how many of them and how to get to them if my camera or fingerprint sensor isn't working etc.

                                                • lovethevoid 3 hours ago

                                                  Your keys are in your password manager of choice, you can create one per service+manager (eg. your google account can have one passkey using iCloud Keychain, and another one using bitwarden). If you lose access to your PM, the other recovery processes would take place.

                                                  It might help your mental model to think about them as identical to hardware security keys. Except now you don't need to buy a specific hardware key, your password manager is it. You can also just use your hardware key as your passkey, same thing (as long as the key supports FIDO2).

                                                  Specifically for your question on what happens if you lose face/fingerprint sensor. So this would be assuming you use Android/iOS's password managers, in that case even with biometrics failing you can just use the code you set on your device as both have fallbacks.

                                                  • jms703 an hour ago

                                                    Good explanation, IMO.

                                                • godelski 3 hours ago

                                                  I hate this take. I understand it and I don't want OAuth2 to not exist, but it isn't a *replacement*.

                                                  There are two critical things you lose with OAuth. First, it's centralization so you must trust that player and well now if that account is compromised everything down steam is (already a problem with email, who are the typical authorities). Second is privacy. You now tell those players that you use said service.

                                                  Let me tell you as a user another workflow. If you use bitwarden you can link Firefox relay, to auto generate relay email addresses. Now each website has not only a unique password, but a unique email. This does wonders for spam and determining who sells your data, AND makes email filters much more useful for organization. The problem? Terrible UX. Gotta click a lot of buttons and you destroy your generated password history along the way (if you care). No way could I get my parents to do this, let alone my grandma (the gold standard of "is it intuitive?" E.g Whatsapp: yes; Signal: only if someone else does the onboarding).

                                                  There's downsides of course. A master password, but you do control. At least the password manager passes the "parent test" and "girlfriend test", and they even like it! It's much easier to get them (especially parents) to that one complicated master passphrase that the can write down and put in a safe.

                                                  A lot of security (and privacy) problems are actually UI/UX problems. (See PGP)

                                                  OAuth recognized this, but it makes a trade with privacy. I think this can be solved in a better way. But at minimum, don't take away password as an option.

                                                  • dahousecat 3 hours ago

                                                    You need the password for the lost passkey flow. Well, you don't need it, but it's an extra layer.

                                                    • canadiantim 4 hours ago

                                                      That seems false. Key-based approaches I understand to be less secure than passwords, albeit of course not if someone is reusing passwords found in breaches