• dang 2 hours ago

    We changed the URL from https://techcrunch.com/2024/10/09/after-winning-nobel-for-fo..., which cherry-picks a single detail (doubtless the most sensational) to the video itself.

    With cases like this, it's helpful to remember that we're trying to optimize HN for one thing, intellectual curiosity [1]. Remembering that often turns borderline calls into easy ones.

    [1] https://hn.algolia.com/?dateRange=all&page=0&prefix=true&sor...

    • stonethrowaway 2 hours ago

      Thank you dang. I’ll take the downvotes/flags but it really would be beneficial if HN “understood” that we are better off removing sensationalism rather than playing directly into the bait of it.

    • freehorse 2 hours ago

      Full interview:


      The particular mention is at ~3:32.

      edit: the link was initially pointing to a (admittedly not very high quality) techcrunch article. The part mentioned there where GH closes his speech by "I'm particularly proud of the fact that one of my students fired Sam Altman" is at ~3:32 of the video in the current link.

      • ghayes 2 hours ago

        Geoffrey Hinton had an excellent series on neural networks from 2011 for Coursera available here https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoRl3Ht4JOcdU872GhiYWf6... detailing the fundamentals of machine learning. The series was later wholesale replaced by another led by Andrew Ng of Google. I really adored Geoffrey’s lectures and recommend it to anyone looking to get into the space. It ends with him hinting at the idea of attention networks, but sadly I can’t find any later lectures from him on the topic.

        • hintymad 15 minutes ago

          I took that course. His language was dense and was quite complex. It was like listening to someone reading out the Goodfellow's Deep Learning book, except that the language was even more dense. I guess it showed Hinton's amazing mental capacity

        • OutOfHere 40 minutes ago

          To give credit where it is due, it is Sam, not Ilya, that brought ChatGPT and its API to the people.

          • asadm an hour ago

            mentioning sama, so petty.

            • stonethrowaway 4 hours ago

              This is what clickbait-by-design looks like. The headline is, minor omission aside that Ilya was Hinton’s student, the entire article.

              I am sure folks here can find a better use of their time than to dogpile on sama. We have enough of those threads to go around that this one is incredibly below the belt.

              So please help keep HN relatively drama/snide free, and flag this article.

              Special thanks to TechCrunch for keeping the quality of their articles high. We couldn’t have done it without you.

              • 31337Logic 3 hours ago

                What does it matter that Ilya was Geoffrey's student?

                I will not flag this. Indeed, quite the opposite - I upvoted.

                Is it the most scholarly article ever written? Of course not, but that's no reason to flag. I think Sam A. is wholly deserving of all the negative press of late. Articles like this keep the rational debate alive. We're proof of that, right now.

                • tourist123 3 hours ago

                  I think it's unfair to call this drama/snide - it seems pretty justified for academics like Geoffrey Hinton to be upset that a non-profit research lab called OpenAI has been converted to a for-profit company + billions of stock for sama. Seems like a pretty good use of time to talked about how messed up that is.