• Syonyk 3 hours ago

    I am apparently a bot. :(

    Beep Boop!

    (I've let the page sit for a minute or so, and it hasn't concluded that I am not a bot yet, but also, I'm aware I look weird - Firefox, with Javascript JIT disabled, with no GPU acceleration)

    I don't know what it's using on the backend, but it doesn't seem to pass for me, and doesn't give me the usual option to pick a baby chicken from a baby duck to prove I'm human.

    • Syonyk 2 hours ago

      Console logs that look possibly interesting:

      > WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER. v1:1:102781

      > Turnstile Widget seem to have crashed: 9icuj api.js:1:17810

      > Uncaught TurnstileError: [Cloudflare Turnstile] Error: 300030. > https://urlshortenersaresoyesterdaytrythisamazingsuperlongur... B2SIiwBB.js:9


      I don't have WebGL support, so I can't use a URL lengthener, because the bot checker appears to crash shortly after. Someone stop this timeline, I want to get off.

      • neilv 2 hours ago

        Also wasn't able to use it here, after unblocking the third-party requests to CloudFlare for this site.

        This isn't the first time CloudFlare blocks me, but usually it's a CloudFlare page shown before the actual site's page renders.

        Internet Service Denier

        • skibbityboop 2 hours ago

          Same boat, the attempt at bot detection prevents the page from working at all for me.

          • AlienRobot 2 hours ago

            It just turns URLs into this


            • Syonyk 2 hours ago

              I get that.

              And I have friends who would appreciate such things. Just, ideally, with something that absurd going to as short a site as possible. My gripe is that my browser is apparently too-bot-like for something serving a tiny number of requests.

          • akoboldfrying 2 hours ago

            Same for me, with the most generic Chrome-on-Android browser config ever.

          • manchmalscott 3 hours ago

            It generated a link too long to send over discord, even with nitro (over 4000 characters). That’s hysterical.

            • MarkSweep 2 hours ago

              I like the concept. A similar idea that is no longer on the web was “shady url”. It would make links that looked like http:// shadyurl.com/nader-for-president.exe

              • cubefox an hour ago

                That's hilarious.

                • thaumasiotes 2 hours ago

                  The partner project to shadyurl.com was hugeurl.com, which is exactly the same concept as here. hugeurl.com seems to have gone down.

                • farmeroy an hour ago

                  This is great but it's stuck checking if I'm a bot... i get this in the console: ``` auto/:1 The resource https://challenges.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform... was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally. ```

                  • nojs an hour ago

                    > it's stuck checking if I'm a bot

                    Man I am seeing this _everywhere_ now. If you don’t have a clean residential US IP half the internet doesn’t work.

                  • efokschaner an hour ago

                    Fun site, I found an Easter egg:


                    This reminded me of a backend-less filesharing site I once made


                    • ryukoposting 3 hours ago

                      After "checking my browser" I try to put in the URL I want to shorten, I click the button, and nothing happens. The URL is hardfault.life, for what it's worth.

                      • cubefox an hour ago

                        Well you tried to shorten it, of course it doesn't work!

                        • sgarland 3 hours ago

                          It seems to need the scheme portion of the URL, not just the authority.

                          • ks2048 3 hours ago

                            Yeah, not working for me. The button says "Checking if you're a bot..." and nothing happening. Console shows a warning regarding "The resource at “https://challenges.cloudflare.com/..."

                          • usmanity 2 hours ago

                            this is great, my succinct little domain that's 6 characters long including TLD was turned into 4000 characters, awesome!

                            • joshdavham an hour ago

                              Thanks! This helped make my cloud run url even longer.

                              • ilikeitdark 2 hours ago

                                This is pure awesomeness. You gotta be an OG to appreciate maybe.

                                • frabjoused an hour ago

                                  Your bot checker needs some UX help.

                                  • melvinmelih 2 hours ago

                                    Why .site?

                                    urlshortenersaresoyesterdaytrythisamazingsuperlongurlexpander.com is still available

                                    • david_allison 2 hours ago

                                      .site is longer

                                      • tredre3 2 hours ago

                                        The more likely reason is that .site was cheaper.

                                    • lionkor 2 hours ago

                                      Two change suggestions:

                                      - add a donation button and buy a dedi from it - turn off the bot detection

                                      thank me later ig

                                      • mewpmewp2 3 hours ago

                                        How are you going to make sure it handles the scale though?

                                        • skykooler 2 hours ago

                                          Apparently, by making the bot checker reject most users so that the total number stays small.

                                          • pbiggar 2 hours ago

                                            The challenge with scaling a url _shortener_ is that multiple urls might end up with the same short url. That presents a scaling challenge where you have to deliberately design a coordination framework across your set of machines, which introduces coordination, a DB, prefixes, and all your favorite answers to the interview question de-jour of the late 2010s.

                                            With a URL _lengthener_ though, you don't need it at all. The sheer amount of possible outcomes means that the odds of ever getting two of the same is infinitesimally tiny.

                                            • dullcrisp an hour ago

                                              But how are they going to handle the scale of the URLs, like, emotionally?

                                              • mewpmewp2 2 hours ago

                                                That's a good point, if I ever get that interview question I will push back and say we should build an URL lengthener instead.

                                                • cortesoft 2 hours ago

                                                  With a lengthener, you can make it completely deterministic with zero collisions, so you don't even have to store any state

                                                  • Syonyk 2 hours ago

                                                    Yeah, you could just have a lookup table that's ASCII characters to "long phrases," and encode the URL that way. Have a bunch of nonsense phrases per character and select them randomly, but as long as the lengthened URL fully encodes the destination URL, there's really no scaling problems to be had. You could even do the whole thing in client-side Javascript if you went that route, purely static site.

                                                    • mewpmewp2 2 hours ago

                                                      Yeah because in theory you could just append the same gibberish string to all the URLs and technically the URL will have been lengthened. Technically you are already lengthening the URL by adding it on top of your domain. Maybe you can base64 it to lengthen it even a bit more and hide the obvious fact that you just added it as a path on top of your domain.

                                                      • microtherion an hour ago

                                                        Or you could encode each character with a word.

                                                • piyuv 3 hours ago

                                                  Love the design!

                                                  • AlienRobot 2 hours ago

                                                    theofficialabsolutelongestdomainnameregisteredontheworldwideweb.international finally has a worthy opponent.