• daghamm 2 days ago

    The fact that they could go from zero to proof of concept in a year and then into production just 2-3 years later is impressive. Given these results I feel the industry will slowly move to Rust once a certified toolchain for safety critical systems exists.

    At the same time, let's not forget that this is a highly competent team with tons of experience. It's not guaranteed that other developers can have the same success.

    • Cu3PO42 2 days ago

      Ferrocene [0] exists today! I'm mainly interested in the space from the point of view of a theoretical computer scientist, so I'm not sure if there's additional boxes that need to be checked legally, but it's looking pretty good to me.

      [0] https://ferrocene.dev/en/

      • steveklabnik a day ago

        In the sense that there are a variety of requirements that need to be checked, there are. Each industry is different. Ferrocene has mostly been driven by automotive so far because that’s where the customers are, but they’ll get to all of them eventually.

        • Cu3PO42 an hour ago

          I really appreciate your reply!

          > In the sense that there are a variety of requirements that need to be checked

          Does "requirement" in this context refer to the same thing as a particular ISO/EN/... standard? Or do you mean that there are a multitude of standards, each of which make various demands and some of those might not yet be fulfilled?

          My wording was much more ambiguous than I intended. What I meant to convey was that I don't know what hurdles there are beyond conforming to the relevant certifications. I.e. in the automotive conetext, Ferrocene is ISO26262 certified, but is that sufficient to be used in a safety-critical automotive context, or are there additional steps that need to be taken before a supplier could use Ferrocene to create a qualified binary?

        • daghamm 2 days ago

          That looks very interesting.

          I think these sort of activities must come from outside because the core Rust team has currently no experience in these areas.

        • themoonisachees a day ago

          Give this is already rolling off the production line, the toolchain they use must be certified iso 26262. More than actual engineering (though there still is some), the hard part is getting that certification at all, or you can't put it in a car.

        • dostick 2 days ago

          After reading part of article I realised it’s about Rust the programming language. Not the rust-colored car called Rust as author obviously intended to confuse people with that image and ambiguous title.

          • philwelch 2 days ago

            Or, indeed, that Volvo’s manufacturing quality had declined to the point that the cars themselves were shipping with their bodies literally already rusting

            • kevinventullo 2 days ago

              This is absolutely how I initially read it. I’m surprised the title was approved by their comms team!

            • pahbloo a day ago

              Rust (the language) is rolling off the Volvo assembly (not the language) line

              • wright08 2 days ago

                Huh interesting observation. I wonder if anything in the first two sentences of the article can shed any light.

                In my job I get to speak to lots of people about Rust. Some are just starting out, some have barely ever heard of it, and then some people are running Rust silently in production at a very large company in a very serious product.

                Yeah I've definitely heard of people "running (iron oxide) silently in production". Super ambiguous

                • aschla 2 days ago

                  It's almost as if it was an intentional artistic choice in phrasing... /s

                • MBCook 2 days ago

                  The article mentions a few times that Rust is a good choice because the code is NOT safety critical.

                  Is that because the safety critical code requires the compiler/libraries/etc. to have some certification Rust currently lacks?

                  If not I don’t understand why it’s phrased that way.

                  • adrianN 2 days ago

                    Yes, that's the reason. Certification requirements usually force you to use some ancient niche toolchain.

                    • AlotOfReading 2 days ago

                      And those ancient, niche toolchains are horribly buggy as a rule. For example, a certain Santa Barbara based vendor ships a high integrity compiler that you can crash with entirely normal standards compliant C/C++.

                      • SilasX 2 days ago

                        That ... feels like it defeats the purpose of designating a special, certified library for safety-critical code.

                        • AlotOfReading 2 days ago

                          Would it make you feel better if I told you that these kinds of offerings usually also don't offer modern validation tools like sanitizers? They expect people to just wing it with whatever the proprietary IDE happens to give them.

                          A big part of the job of safety critical development is knowing the difference between box checking best practices/regulations and building actually safe systems so you can do both.

                          • yjftsjthsd-h a day ago

                            I would assume the solution is to run your code through multiple compilers/toolchains - in dev, CI can run the certified compiler to make sure your code stays compatible with it, but also through modern clang/gcc with every linter and static analysis tool you can think of. Then for the "official" prod builds you use the certified compiler. Automated testing should probably use both, and even compare the behavior of binaries from each chain to look out for bugs that only exist in one. That way you get most of the benefits of both worlds (not all, since you can only write code that all compilers can handle).

                            • AlotOfReading a day ago

                              That's a common partial solution, but it's not complete. For example, it essentially requires you to be able to observe all safety-relevant behaviors of the code in both compilers. This is a much more comprehensive degree of validation than almost any system actually achieves. You also run into issues where the behaviors you're observing (e.g. low bits in floating point results) depend on intimate details of codegen that aren't identical between compilers.

                              The complete solution depends on the application and the integrity level. It's not one size fits all, but rather about producing documentation showing you've considered various failure modes and developed mitigations for them (or otherwise accept the risk). Sometimes that's binary analysis of the compiled output to ensure it meets some formal model, sometimes that's a formally proven, decent compiler like concert, and so on.

                              An additional wrinkle is that the business model for high integrity compilers can also be a huge obstacle here. Some charge seats by how many people have modified the code that's running through the compiler. These aren't cheap licenses either, so companies have a large incentive not to use methodologies that require many eyes making all bugs shallow. There are also issues running these compilers in CI. They might require online license verification on every file, for example, or not allow ephemeral licensing at all.

                              • steveklabnik a day ago

                                It isn’t. The idea is to quantify the risk. A buggy toolchain is okay if the bugs are known and you can demonstrate how you’re mitigating them. All software has bugs, you cannot rely on the idea of bug free software to ensure safety, you must have a process that is robust in the face of problems.

                                • yjftsjthsd-h a day ago

                                  Sure, but if you can do something to reduce the number of bugs it seems like you should still do that?

                                  • steveklabnik a day ago

                                    I don’t disagree that in general, reducing the number of bugs is a good goal, but there’s always a limit to how far you go. It’s not like every line is formally proven, for example. Just because you can use a specific technique doesn’t mean that you must.

                                    But also I don’t work directly in these industries and so maybe my impression of this aspect of their processes is incorrect.

                                    • tialaramex a day ago

                                      I actually think far more of these safety of life standards should require formal proof.

                                      IMNSHO the standards were set so low so that C++ could clamber over the low bar, and it's a happy consequence in some sense that Rust has no trouble clearing it, but the bar should be raised considerably instead. Software crucial to the safe operation of an airliner ought to be proven correct, not just slapped together in any of the general purpose languages, including Rust and then subject to a bit more process than for a web app.

                                      • adrianN 19 hours ago

                                        That would explode the costs for marginal safety improvements. I think the same effort spent on better requirement engineering would yield more payoff.

                                        • tialaramex 15 hours ago

                                          Why do you believe this would "explode the costs" ?

                                          Why would the resulting safety improvements be "marginal" ?

                                          • adrianN 6 hours ago

                                            Because proving correctness for complex software is difficult and very few people have relevant experience. So it is both labor intensive and you need to pay high wages. I believe the safety improvements are marginal because of my experience in safety critical development. Almost all the bugs we did not find by testing turned out to be problems with the requirements that led to interoperability issues. Proving the correct implementation of wrong requirements would not have helped.

                            • estebank 2 days ago

                              Its not so much about ensuring the best tool chain is used, but rather about setting the lowest bound of quality. By being slow moving it avoids the potential for temporary regressions.

                              It is also ass-covering by demonstrating you followed "industry standard procedure". If you do something different, even if it is quantifiably better, it might make for a stressful deposition explaining why the worse but standard approach wasn't used instead.

                              • darthrupert 2 days ago

                                If the compiler crashes, no safety-breaking code was generated.

                            • Eplankton a day ago

                              And apparently Segger Studio says NO to "old granpa style toolchain" by introduce this several weeks ago: https://www.segger.com/news/pr-240927-ozone-support-rust/

                              • MBCook 2 days ago

                                Thanks. I figured that was the most likely.

                                Is that being worked on? Rust seems like a much better choice than C or C++ to me.

                              • steveklabnik a day ago

                                Ferrocene is breaking several norms in this area, and “ancient toolchains” is one of them. They’re able to certify new ones remarkably quickly.

                                • yjftsjthsd-h a day ago

                                  > They’re able to certify new ones remarkably quickly.

                                  Do you know how they do that? Is it something special about rust, or some process improvement they're doing?

                                  • steveklabnik a day ago

                                    I have some knowledge but as an outsider.

                                    For example, rustc has a very large test suite that is run on every single commit. There is also a language reference that describes the language in some detail. One of the things Ferrocene brings to the table is the paperwork and auditing that the test suite corresponds to the specification. With other vendors developing their own toolchain, they would have to do all three parts of that work (well, in the case of C or C++, two ish not three, since they have a specification, but there are always extensions and platform specific behavior to document) instead of just one. This isn’t the only thing they do, but it’s one example.

                                    It’s not so much something special about Rust in an abstract sense, but in the practical sense that the Rust Project takes robust software engineering seriously, and being downstream of that is useful.

                              • undefined 2 days ago
                                • bmitc 2 days ago

                                  The article also does absolutely nothing to motivate the choice of Rust. It's not like it's hard to find a better language than C or C++, so why Rust? Ada seems like it wasn't even considered, as the only mention of it was at the person's first job, some 15 years earlier. For example, if running on Android was a requirement, what made Rust a better choice than say Java or Scala?

                                  The article doesn't explain anything as to why Rust was chosen and why it was (supposedly) a win, as anything mentioned as a plus is superficial enough to be covered by dozens of other languages.

                                  • Larrikin 2 days ago

                                    In Android development, Java is basically deprecated at this point and Scala never really worked well.

                                    • bmitc a day ago

                                      So is it Kotlin?

                                      • Larrikin a day ago

                                        Everything is Kotlin unless you have a specific need to use the NDK.

                                • exabrial 2 days ago

                                  Sorry for dumb question, but does rust have an LTS release? Seems like it’s a lot of nightly builds still

                                  • awestroke 2 days ago

                                    There's a nightly build every night. There is a stable release every now and then. There are no official LTS releases. The question has been asked every now and then, but I see no real need for an LTS release. Just pick any version and keep using that specific version for as long as you want to. You could pick the same version as some LTS linux distro version.

                                    • GolDDranks 2 days ago

                                      The stable release is every 6 weeks, i.e. once in a month and a half. Only the newest version at the time is supported.

                                      The qualified Ferrocene toolchain has "2 years of patch releases for select versions", so they have 2-year LTS releases, but that's a paid support plan.

                                      Overall, the Rust community hasn't felt much need for official LTS releases.

                                      • daghamm 2 days ago

                                        Serious question:

                                        Can you really call it stable if it is updated every 6 weeks?

                                        • GolDDranks 2 days ago

                                          Equally serious answer: yes, if it doesn't break backwards compatibilty between the updates.

                                          This is what the Rust project means by stable. You can update and your code will continue building. (There's a bunch of documented caveats though.) Rust has been stable in this sense since 1.0, almost ten years.

                                          Of course, you might have different semantics for "stable". Some seem to mean "rarely updating" or "each update is small" by that. In the latter sense, too, Rust has becoming stabler over the last few years.

                                          In the "rarely updating" sense, Rust is not going to change course. Frequent, time-based releases have demonstrably made the progress smoother, and in a sense, "stabler", as in, more predictable and bug-free.

                                      • consteval a day ago

                                        > but I see no real need for an LTS release

                                        For one, providing approved and certified toolchains for safety-critical systems.

                                        • bmitc 2 days ago

                                          > but I see no real need for an LTS release

                                          What makes Rust special over other programming languages and operating systems and software systems that have LTS releases? For example, .NET and Ubuntu have LTS releases.

                                          • plorkyeran 2 days ago

                                            .NET and Ubuntu are notably not programming languages. C# does not have LTS releases.

                                            LTS releases are for things which end up in your runtime environment. Compilers typically don't have LTS releases because there isn't much room for critical bugs which aren't discovered for a long time. Rustc (as with most AOT compilers) does not attempt to be safe to use on untrusted source code, so a bug when it's given a malicious file isn't a security vulnerability. It's theoretically possible for rustc to have a codegen bug which causes security problems in the code which it compiles, but in practice such things don't really happen and there's nothing unsafe about using a ten or twenty-year-old build of a compiler.

                                            LTS releases of the rust standard library could potentially need to become a thing. That could have bugs which need to be backported to old versions, and I assume it just hasn't really come up yet.

                                            • miki123211 2 days ago

                                              That, and then there's the fact that due to editions, modern Rust compilers can still compile older Rust code, which isn't always the case for other languages.

                                              There's Python 3.10 code out there that won't run under 3.13, especially so if it relies on components written in C that use Python's C API. If you didn't have LTS releases for Python, you'd have a choice between constantly having to port your code to run under the latest Python version or using an older, insecure one.

                                              Rust doesn't have this problem, old Rust code should compile just fine under newer versions of the compiler and stdlib.

                                              • pjmlp a day ago

                                                Editions sales pitch never mention the fact that only applies to small grammar changes, your code will break if there are library or semantic changes across editions.

                                                • tialaramex a day ago

                                                  Yes and no. Yes obviously this just works for "small" grammar changes such as introducing new keywords without fear (which is why Rust's async is called async, not "co_async") and doesn't need awkward keyword reuse like "requires requires" and "class enum". But it enables far more.

                                                  Lets take an existing edition first, in Rust 2021 Edition (what you get today out of the box when you just start writing Rust) the array types impl IntoIterator. Which makes sense, why shouldn't I iterate over this array with a for loop ?

                                                  But, Rust 1.0 could not possibly have provided this, how would it work? It didn't in Rust 1.0 you can't make an array into an Iterator.

                                                  Now, if this was some obscure rarely used feature maybe you'd just say "Who cares" but this is IntoIterator which is used to make for loops work, so that's high profile. So in fact what happens is that a modern Rust compiler (in which there even is a 2021 edition) knows that in earlier Editions it should pretend that arrays did not impl IntoIterator. You can loop over them just fine, but mysteriously they don't impl IntoIterator, so that code which used to mean one thing (because they didn't implement this) still means what it used to.

                                                  So that's an example of seamlessly making Rust 2021 edition have better semantics and yet all the old software still works.

                                                  In 2024 edition the semantics of certain RPITs (Return Position Impl Trait, an existential type) with respect to lifetimes are expected to change. In most cases either what you wrote already is technically wrong but will now be correct, or, what you wrote was wrong but you got away with it and now you'll get told you got it wrong if you move editions.

                                                  Editions is not a panacea but it's vastly better than the previous status quo, look at how miserable the situation is in Java, in C++, in Python. Vastly different approaches, worse results on all dimensions.

                                                  • pjmlp a day ago

                                                    I still don't see it being much different from using language switches, especially when language semantics, ABI across versions, and standard library are part of the whole upgrade story.

                                                    Additionally I have my doubts how long this will scale when Rust has like 40 years of history behind it.

                                                    • estebank a day ago

                                                      > I have my doubts how long this will scale when Rust has like 40 years of history behind it.

                                                      We've been doing this for 10 years already, so if the cost is linear, it shouldn't be a problematic burden over another 30 years. It helps that editions don't need to be big. Just checked the codebase and there are exactly 70 gates for "at least edition X" (2018 21, 2021 19 and 2024 30) and 16 for "is edition 2015" (2 in the parser, most of the rest in name resolution).

                                              • pjmlp 2 days ago

                                                Yes it does, C#, F#, VB, C++/CLI versions are tied to specific .NET versions.

                                                Not only do they depend on CLR changes, they also depend on the BCL that is shipped alongside.

                                                • bmitc 18 hours ago

                                                  > .NET and Ubuntu are notably not programming languages. C# does not have LTS releases.

                                                  As someone else already pointed out, this is incorrect. Installing the .NET SDK is how you install C# and F#, and both the C# and F# language versions are tied to .NET versions. Since .NET has LTS releases, so do C# and F#.

                                                  My original comment already addressed why I mentioned Ubuntu. I didn't claim it was a programming language, and it doesn't matter that it isn't. In fact, that was the point of mentioning it.

                                                  > Compilers typically don't have LTS releases because there isn't much room for critical bugs which aren't discovered for a long time.

                                                  Having an LTS release doesn't mean that it doesn't get any bug or security fixes. It normally just means that it doesn't get new features.

                                                • AlotOfReading 2 days ago

                                                  C++ is the most direct comparison. Neither GCC nor Clang have LTS releases. MSVC does via Visual Studio, but I've never seen anyone list it as a benefit vs the other two. What advantage does LTS have for compiler toolchains if no one seems to want it?

                                                  • pjmlp 2 days ago

                                                    They kind of do, that is why you get GCC 10 when GCC 15 is around the corner.

                                                    ABI stability for one.

                                            • slicktux 2 days ago

                                              So, will RUST ever have standards for safety critical systems like C/C++. Example MISRA for car programs? Or is the migration or certification too expensive and time consuming?

                                              • BD103 2 days ago

                                                You may be interested in Ferrocene[0], a version of the Rust toolchain that is vetted for critical systems like automobiles. It's offered by Ferrous Systems, the same people who help maintain Rust Analyzer (the de-facto LSP for Rust).

                                                [0]: https://ferrocene.dev/en/

                                                • AlotOfReading 2 days ago

                                                  Note that what Ferrocene is currently offering is a toolchain. Things like core and std are not part of the current certification package. It's an incredibly exciting offering, but it's not quite ready to ship today. The fact that the certified toolchain is just the normal, publicly available one is great too.

                                                  • tialaramex a day ago

                                                    > Things like core and std are not part of the current certification package

                                                    As with C++ I'm not sure this makes coherent sense because of the relationship between the language and some elements of the supporting libraries - with respect to `core` specifically, the Rust programming language requires some of core.

                                                    Suppose you write a for loop. In Rust that's just sugar, and it's de-sugared into a loop that uses IntoIterator::into_iter, Iterator::next, Option::Some and Option::None which are all from the core library.

                                                    • AlotOfReading a day ago

                                                      Hence the warning. They're not separable, but it's what the current state of the offering is. If you ship core anything depending on core or std, the burden is on you to ensure those parts of your code are appropriately qualified until they can get the situation sorted.

                                                    • estebank 2 days ago

                                                      > The fact that the certified toolchain is just the normal, publicly available one is great too.

                                                      And speaks to the standards of quality that the project holds itself to.

                                                      • steveklabnik 2 days ago

                                                        Yes, Ferrocene is able to be qualified more easily in part by how good upstream development practices are. A lot of qualified compilers need to be written from scratch because the existing compilers do not do testing and other things that are required for qualification, but the upstream Rust project has a development process far closer to a safety qualified compiler than not. It’s something worth celebrating about rust as a project.

                                                    • slicktux 2 days ago

                                                      Thank you for the reference! Will definitely look into this!

                                                      • bmitc 2 days ago

                                                        I was recently looking into things along these lines, and my understanding of Ferrocene is that it's just regular Rust with extra tests added. I'd love to know if that's accurate or not. If it is accurate, I've wondered why Rust doesn't just include those tests in the core build.

                                                        • steveklabnik 2 days ago

                                                          In my understanding, no additional tests, but some additional platform support.

                                                          The issue isn't more tests upstream, it’s more the chain of responsibility for guaranteeing that results are connected to the specification and all of the paperwork that’s required, and ensuring it is accurate.

                                                      • howenterprisey 2 days ago

                                                        I looked into MISRA specifically for my previous job and Rust effectively complies with most of it out of the box, and what's left is either inapplicable or not difficult to catch with further tooling.

                                                      • monocasa 2 days ago

                                                        The ferrocene morph of the toplchian is ISO 26262 and ASIL-D, and as this blog post is about rust in the ECU of a production vehicle of a large manufacturer.

                                                        It seems like it already has support in the relevant safety critical standards, at least in the automotive space.

                                                        • RealityVoid 2 days ago

                                                          Different kind of standards. MISRA is a coding guidelines standard, ISO 26262 is a functional safety standard, it concerns the whole system, including processes and the tools used (here is where the certification from Ferrocene and HighTec step in). There is overlap, but they mostly do different things.

                                                        • RealityVoid 2 days ago

                                                          SAE has a coding standard in the works for Rust in safety critical systems.


                                                          • Eplankton a day ago
                                                          • undefined 2 days ago
                                                            • undefined 2 days ago
                                                              • _giorgio_ 2 days ago

                                                                You don't want to see any rust in a brand new car.

                                                                • truetraveller 2 days ago

                                                                  When I see a Rust post, I don't buy into the hype. It's usually compared with raw C, even C++. This is not a good comparison IMHO, since C/C++ has too many footguns/confusions.

                                                                  Instead, compare it to a nicer/stricter "C" equivalent like Zig. Now, Rust doesn't shine as much.

                                                                  • stackghost 2 days ago

                                                                    I actually think embedded is one of the few places where rust makes sense.

                                                                    In 99% of cases outside embedded, a GC'ed language would be better, but a long time ago someone started the meme that GC is slow, or that your users will notice the pauses, etc but those fears are massively overblown.

                                                                    But on embedded where resources are constrained and you can't run e.g. a JVM then Rust makes sense to me, since you can eliminate a whole class of errors from the get go.

                                                                    • Nullabillity a day ago

                                                                      Ultimately, a lot of Rust's safety features (which I'd argue are desirable everywhere, regardless of performance) require the sort of precise tracking people complain about.

                                                                      And once you have that, you might as well use it to free memory too. The idea of "Rust but GC" is fundamentally nonsense, because for GC to make sense you'd first need to rip out so much of Rust's selling point to begin with.

                                                                      It mostly seems to come from a perspective of "But surely all this GC research must be good for something, right? Anything?", rather than a concrete idea of where the GC would actually help.

                                                                      • sham1 2 days ago

                                                                        I would imagine that the kinds of embedded systems like cars would probably benefit from Ada instead.

                                                                        Not only is there of course SPARK, if one wants to do formal verification, Ada has a proven track record in things like military applications. Of course, passenger cars don't have quite the same level of care needed as military stuff (although a lot of care is still needed since cars are hundreds if not thousands of kilograms and can absolutely kill people), but I could still see Ada being useful even in the automotive industry.

                                                                        • kstrauser 2 days ago

                                                                          I’m not sure if that’s true. I’ve never been around things like airplane flight systems. I have been trained on other military hardware with instructions on how to reset it and under which circumstances. I wouldn’t be utterly shocked if an F-16 pilot learns that which such and such happens, you flip this switch back and forth 3 times and then turn this other knob to reboot the computer. You would never, ever get that to be an acceptable procedure for a car’s anti-lock brakes.

                                                                          • stackghost 2 days ago

                                                                            Yeah I agree that Ada is probably technically superior but when has that ever swayed anyone.

                                                                            • carlmr 2 days ago

                                                                              I'd say Ada is a great choice, but I wouldn't call it technically superior. Some Ada features are nice (e.g. delta types for fixed point calculations), some Rust features are nice (e.g. very expressive ML inspired type system with sum types, borrow checker helps with concurrency and memory lifetimes, ...).

                                                                          • pjmlp 2 days ago

                                                                            Yes you can, that is the whole business of PTC, Aicas and microEJ.

                                                                            PTC real time JVMs are famously used in military deployments, and you surely don't want pauses in a battleship targeting computer system (Aegis), or missile tracking system (thales).

                                                                            • stackghost a day ago

                                                                              >Yes you can, that is the whole business of PTC, Aicas and microEJ.

                                                                              I'm saying that not all embedded devices have the horsepower to run a JVM. Nobody's running Java on the automotive equivalent of an 8-bit AVR, for example.

                                                                              >you surely don't want pauses in a battleship targeting computer system (Aegis), or missile tracking system (thales).

                                                                              That'd be the 1% of times when it does matter that I alluded to previously.

                                                                              • pjmlp 13 hours ago

                                                                                An 8-bit AVR can't even run proper ISO C.

                                                                            • bmitc 2 days ago

                                                                              I even think on embedded it's overblown in terms of not being able to use a GC language. C#, F#, OCaml, Java (and I suppose all JVM languages), Erlang, Elixir, etc. can run on embedded devices, including some microcontrollers. In my opinion, the software industry has dug its head in the sand thinking that only "hard-core" languages can be run on embedded systems. Even LabVIEW could be a choice if the limited SoM hardware selection is okay. It's just as performant (if not more so for multicore systems) and infinitely safer than C/C++.

                                                                              • AlotOfReading 2 days ago

                                                                                There are embedded Java systems. I hope you never have to work with any.

                                                                                In general, embedded systems suffer from severe lack of tool developer attention. People standardize on the very few things that reliably work like C, C++, and printf debugging because they don't have the bandwidth for anything more. Anything outside the beaten track has a high chance of running into showstopping bugs halfway through a project and embedded teams are already struggling to find developer time in the typical situation of 1-10 people maintaining 1M+ LOC codebases.

                                                                                Rust is the first real alternative to C and C++ in decades because it's actually trying to address the ecosystem issues.

                                                                                • Eplankton a day ago

                                                                                  Not even "printf" is included in any standard, I'm afraid. Arm's Keil MDK toolchain has an typical implemetation of baremetal C/C++ environment called microlib, but unfortunately it doesn't support RTOS because of the missing of re-entrancy, so you have to provide or use a third-party alternative.

                                                                                  • bmitc a day ago

                                                                                    I think the thing is, if you don't use C or C++, then you don't need a million lines of code.

                                                                                    • AlotOfReading a day ago

                                                                                      I'm not stopping you from trying to put your theories to the test and I'm not saying the current reality is good. However, I think you'd be surprised how complex some of these systems are. An automotive system like the article is describing is a distributed realtime system of anywhere from dozens to hundreds of networked processors built without traditional operating system support. It's frankly a miracle they work at all.

                                                                                      • bmitc 18 hours ago

                                                                                        While I don't work in the automotive field, I've worked on adjacent-esque distributed systems with some of the shared protocols (e.g., CANopen). Part of my lament here is that almost no effort has been put into anything other than running C and C++ on embedded systems. While hard real-time systems are a thing, other pieces have often still been implemented in C and C++, which is a shame. And it's also a shame that more effort hasn't been put into realtime garbage collectors, especially in this age of multicore embedded CPUs.

                                                                                        I fully agree that it's a miracle any of the existing stuff works at all. I honestly have no idea how C and C++ developers make it work. Despite being the oldest and most used languages, the tooling is atrocious.

                                                                              • itishappy a day ago

                                                                                Zig looks quite interesting, and I'd love to read about how it's currently being used in production too! Anybody got that article?

                                                                                • tmikaeld a day ago

                                                                                  The most famous project is Bun, the Javascript runtime

                                                                                • timeon 2 days ago

                                                                                  > Now, Rust doesn't shine as much.

                                                                                  Except for memory safety.

                                                                                  • pjmlp 2 days ago

                                                                                    Zig is Modula-2 type system with revamped syntax for C folks.