• swyx 5 hours ago

    imo any experienced frontend framework person will be able to pick out the issues with this impl. OP is returning entire strings of HTML (App, Todo, Icon) to rerender on state changes. this works when 1) you dont care about keeping UI state on the parts that are replaced (incl any stateful children of the UI element that happen to be there in your DOM structure), and 2) when you dont have to update the app in any other places when your state changes. go ahead and build your whole app by replacing innerHtml, frontend frameworks will be right here when you get back from speedrunning the last 10 years.

    in other words, this todo app is just about the most complex of a frontend you can easily* build with htmx, i'm afraid. try to fix either 1 or 2 and you end up building components and your own little framework.

    as an exercise to demonstrate, try taking OPs code and adding a count of todos on each All/Active/Completed tab that should update every time u add/edit/delete the todos. see how much extra ui code that takes. compare with equivalent [framework of choice] impl (in most it will just involve 1 state update, thats it). this is htmx's explosion of complexity that makes it not [ optimized for change ] (https://overreacted.io/optimized-for-change/). code that is hard to change eventually calcifies and consumes code that is easy to change if you do not consistently garbage collect (nobody does)

    i bought the hype too until i tried building something nontrivial in htmx and im afraid the aforementioned islands of interactivity you can build are very very smol islands indeed.

    happy to revisit my opinion if there are componentlike design patterns in htmx i am not aware of.

    *emphasis on easily; with enough elbow grease u can do anything ofc. but then you fall out of htmx's very narrow [ pit of success ](obligatory codinghorror dot com link)

    • evantbyrne 3 hours ago

      In my decades of experience building web applications, I have found it exceedingly rare for components to benefit from SPA-style state management. These frameworks build layers of abstractions to replace functionality that exists in the browser. For example, web forms should never require the level of complexity that frameworks like React steer developers towards: downloading JS components, listening to events to build a local state, crafting an AJAX request, rendering the return JSON as HTML. It almost seems as though there is an entire generation of frontend developers who never learned that there are way simpler alternatives that perform just as well in the real world. htmx might not end up being a SPA-killer, but progressive enhancement has always been a worthy contender.

      • davedx 3 hours ago

        I don't know about the kind of web apps you've been building, but most of the ones I've built over the last 10-15 years have had too much interactivity to be done with simpler server side rendering.

        • evantbyrne 2 hours ago

          Everything from MPAs, to SPAs, to animation heavy websites that could only dream on being tailwind. Progressive enhancement doesn't mean giving up on frontend validation, dynamic functionality, and juice. I'm curious what problems you haven't been able to solve without converting whole applications to JSX.

          • pseudosavant an hour ago

            I think the SPA and the no-JS SSR people get it wrong by making it so black and white. By choosing to use something like React, you've made everything only SPA. With SSR, you can at least choose to progressively enhance the interactions. Look at amazon.com. They have plenty of full page reloads, yet their site also has tons of interactivity. Just make sure that the thing you require a full page reload for happens at a natural transition where it isn't interrupting the user's experience.

            • endemic 2 hours ago

              That's the exact opposite of my experience. Completely boring biz software that was, in essence, collections of forms. Didn't need the additional development burden of an extra JavaScript codebase, but that's what's in vogue, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          • traverseda 5 hours ago

            > when you dont have to update the app in any other places when your state change

            You can replace elements outside of your direct tree if you want. The simplest case you replace the whole page and pick what elements you actually want to change.

            You're thinking about HTMX wrong. It's for progressive enhancement, the default is a full page reload and then you progressively enhance parts of the HTML. You should be using the same code paths and template to generate the islands of interactivity as you do for the whole page. You can then optionally send less HTML by just sending the parts that you expect to have actually changed, your "islands".

            • swyx 5 hours ago

              appreciate that. ive been given the progressive enhancement spiel a few times. its obviously a judgement call that will be the right call for some people. but i think many people underestimate how requirements grow over time because our UI standards have gone up over time, even for basic sites that you dont traditionally think of as SPAs. data drives everything, you want your UI to be a function of data.

              for the other stuff, the growing browser stdlib has basically replaced most of jquery's usecases. so (in the most non condescending or negative way possible) htmx occupies a very awkward sliver between "The Platform" and Frameworkland and after giving it some time I have yet to see the benefit from keeping any of it in my head

              • yawaramin 19 minutes ago

                > i think many people underestimate how requirements grow over time because our UI standards have gone up over time

                I think you are overestimating how much 'UI standards' have gone up over time, actually. Nobody except for a small 'extremely online' set of people and control-freak designers care about all those complex UI/UX requirements. Users certainly don't care. They want fast-loading, responsive pages that get out of the way and don't drain their batteries or clog up their connection.

                The other thing here is that approximately no one can actually tackle the complexity introduced by SPA frameworks and 'UI standards', and it's far more likely that they bungle it up and make giant, wasteful, UX pitfall-ridden apps. With server rendered pages, plain old HTML, and progressive enhancement, we at least have a better chance of producing something usable.

                • poincaredisk 3 hours ago

                  I'm obviously in the minority, but I breathe a sigh of relief every time I encounter a website that works workout JS, don't hijack basic browser functionality, don't make dozens of AJAX requests in the background, and overall just focuses on presenting the data I want.

                  • mpweiher an hour ago

                    I don't think you are in the minority.

                    At all.

                    Every time web sites reimplement basic browser behavior, which they invariably do these days, they get worse, often significantly, because they never get it right.

                • LudwigNagasena 5 hours ago

                  > You can then optionally send less HTML by just sending the parts that you expect to have actually changed, your "islands".

                  And then you end up with modern SSR frameworks that do the bookkeeping for you.

                  • Imustaskforhelp 5 hours ago

                    yes but mostly the island architecture is only dominant in the javascript world

                    we can basically get the benefits of spa without having to learn js / use minimal js using htmx in some sense

                    https://github.com/donseba/go-htmx check this out

                    • dingnuts 42 minutes ago

                      If you render HTML on the client you still have to render a transport format (usually JSON) on the server side. Sending HTML just lets you skip the transport format and the client side rendering.

                  • jdiff 5 hours ago

                    > 1) you dont care about keeping UI state on the parts that are replaced (incl any stateful children of the UI element that happen to be there in your DOM structure), and 2) when you dont have to update the app in any other places when your state changes

                    Htmx does have tools for both of these cases. Out of the box, htmx throws out state, but there are plugins such as morphdom-swap for merging in the new DOM fragment into the old while keeping state. I have some client-only state that holds references to DOM elements in Javascript, and by default, yes, htmx breaks all those references as those elements no longer exist. Link in morphdom-swap, and my references live on across reloads, even across attribute and content changes.

                    And for #2, htmx also allows you to swap in elements that are not the target element, just by specifying that that's what you want.

                    IMO these are pretty basic tools of htmx. Like you said, without them about the most complex thing you can create is a to-do list, and sometimes not even that.

                  • aaronbrethorst 5 hours ago

                    I'm not super-stoked about the idea of building SPAs on top of htmx, but what I have found works incredibly well is to build a traditional MPA (SSR etc), embed islands of interactivity where needed, and where something fancier is really necessary, embed a React or Svelte app into just that one portion of a single page.

                    • swyx 5 hours ago

                      yea im not even talking about SPAs in my post, just the complexity explosion that comes with updating state in more than 1 place / preserving ui state in the place that gets rerendered. it blows up in your face quickly if you have even any requirement volatility (https://stackoverflow.blog/2020/02/20/requirements-volatilit...)

                      • jonathrg 4 hours ago

                        I agree that it becomes complex if you have state on the frontend. htmx scales better if you keep all or most of your state on the backend. I've found that using the websockets extension really helps with automatically keeping the frontend in sync.

                        • ctvo 3 hours ago

                          > I've found that using the websockets extension really helps with automatically keeping the frontend in sync.

                          I choked reading this imagining people thinking they're doing something simple (as in not complex) by introducing websockets so they can keep state in their Go backend and sync it with their front-end, ya know, to keep track of the # of TODOs checked.

                          • jonathrg 2 hours ago

                            But it is simple :) The underlying technology might be more complex, but the library is solid, it's trivial to update any part of the page once you have the libraries set up, and you don't need to write any javascript. Works for me!

                            • ctvo 38 minutes ago

                              > But it is simple :)

                              I think you may mean easy. It may be _easy_, but it's not simple. There are so many more moving pieces, failure modes, operational issues now to consider. Websocket connections aren't free.

                              • jonathrg 15 minutes ago

                                I guess I just have to disagree. My experience is that it is robust, and removes an entire category of problems that appear when your state is spread across the back- and frontend.

                                As someone else mentioned, SSE is a somewhat simpler protocol that achieves the same purpose. Same idea though.

                              • maddalax 2 hours ago

                                why websockets and not just SSE + XHR? Or even just XHR

                                Edit: SSE*

                                • jonathrg 2 hours ago

                                  It is SSR, in the sense that the server sends HTML over the websocket. HTMX swaps out content based on the element id. Doc: https://v1.htmx.org/extensions/web-sockets/

                                  If you mean SSE, then yes that would work just as well (unless you need the bidirectionality for the client to modify some aspect of the connection after the page has loaded). There is an htmx-sse extension too.

                                  I'm not sure how XHR alone would let you automatically get backend state changes reflected to the frontend. You can poll one or more endpoint, but that's more complicated to get right and less efficient.

                                  • maddalax an hour ago

                                    Mostly just thinking that XHR to mutate (form submissions, etc) and then SSE to send the updated DOM elements would be a good combo

                                    • maddalax an hour ago

                                      Sorry yes I meant SSE, mistyped!

                                      • jonathrg an hour ago

                                        > Mostly just thinking that XHR to mutate (form submissions, etc) and then SSE to send the updated DOM elements would be a good combo

                                        Yes, that's basically the idea.

                                • dingnuts an hour ago

                                  there's nothing to sync, the state is only in the backend. if you tell the user that the TODO is checked and you're only keeping track of it in the frontend and you don't sync it to the server and it's lost in the meantime, your UI lied to the user when they checked it and it showed as checked. With state on the backend, the user doesn't see that their data is saved until, you know, it actually is. And if all the state is rendered from the backend it can't get out of sync with the display

                                  I hate it when a UI tells me I did an action when really there's an asynchronous background task happening that may fail

                          • pjs_ an hour ago

                            On item 2, you can use hx-swap-oob to update as many other parts of the page as you like. That will work great for the count that you propose.


                            • tshaddox 4 hours ago

                              > frontend frameworks will be right here when you get back from speedrunning the last 10 years

                              More like speedrunning the period between 20 years ago and 10 years ago! React is 11 years old, much older than jQuery was when React was initially released.

                              • low_tech_punk 2 hours ago

                                Glad to see you here swyx. I think the issue you outlined is acknowledged by the htmx's authors and addressed in the Morph Swaps documentation: https://htmx.org/docs/#morphing

                                What is ironic though, is that the morphing algorithms are similar to what modern SPA frameworks do, except that it can be addressed without introducing new concepts such as vdom, zones, signal etc.

                                I agree that the island architecture is limiting when it comes to large scale application with state shared across multiple areas in the UI. I'd be curious to hear others finding success in building apps.

                                p.s. I appreciate the smol island :)

                                • L3viathan 5 hours ago

                                  While I agree with this project being a bad idea, both 1 and 2 are addressed by HTMX itself, via hx-preserve and Out-Of-Bounds swaps.

                                  • swyx 5 hours ago

                                    thanks. yeah i will be the first to admit i've only spent like 2 days with htmx so i wont know everything (but still...)

                                    re: hx-preserve. what if i want to "conditionally preserve" - preserve this element when my state is one way, but not in other states? i dont see a way.

                                    re: hx-swap-oob. looking at https://htmx.org/attributes/hx-swap-oob/ i think it still does not address what i'm looking for. any master-detail list kind of UI will want updates in 2-3 places when 1 piece of state updates (aka ui consistency, ui as a function of state). i fail to see how attaching an attribute with 1 place for an ID solves that. perhaps theres another api for "multiswap"? even if it existed... idk if i'd be comfortable using it man (ofc, i am clearly biased/taught to "think in components" from 7 years of react exp)

                                    • jdiff 5 hours ago

                                      You're misunderstanding hx-swap-oob. Each element with that attribute will go and replace the element with the matching ID, keeping them all in sync with one response from the server.

                                      • artificialLimbs 3 hours ago

                                        'preserve this element when my state is one way, but not in other states'

                                        You could send the state back to the server with the request and respond appropriately on the backend. Or check in the db without sending it, if it lives in the db (it probably should?).

                                    • malkarouri 2 hours ago

                                      Honestly interested in your experience.

                                      I am not surprised around (1). HTMX is based on REST, which is by nature based towards having the state in the server and having a stateless client. But what is the advantage of having the state in the client. Isn't that just a bias of the current frameworks?

                                      I can see cases where you really need a thick client, and in that case I would use GraphQL rather than REST for those. But, there are quite a few cases that can work with REST and mostly server side.

                                      I think (2) is solved by out of band capabilities of HTMX. I don't think that is naturally a limitation of the conceptualisation.

                                      • mslip1 5 hours ago

                                        So I’m building something with HTMX - combining it with alpine has been pretty nice for interactivity managed by client side state

                                        • swyx 5 hours ago

                                          i havent tried the combination - perhaps this is the thing ive been missing. any recommended intro/resource for alpine + htmx that we can browse?

                                          • dimfeld 5 hours ago

                                            Google for AHA stack. (Astro, HTMX, Alpine) There was a great site by Flavio Copes that went into a lot of detail on using them together but it looks like it’s gone.

                                            • flaviocopes 4 hours ago

                                              Dropped it a couple days ago to revisit it as a blog post, good timing I guess. Restored https://ahastack.dev/

                                            • martinbaun 4 hours ago

                                              It's pretty good combo. I use Alpinejs for the client side interactivty such as modals, but then use htmx for as much as I can that interacts with the backend.

                                              You could be using only htmx or only alpine but the combo is really nice

                                          • jerrygenser 5 hours ago

                                            I was just looking into htmx the other day. Came across the following library: https://github.com/iwanalabs/django-htmx-components

                                            It's an example using django-components. Does this satisfy your comment about component at all?

                                            • mordechai9000 5 hours ago

                                              In that case, IIUC, state is managed on the server, and the client is only responsible for rendering views generated on the backend and returning user input via form or json. This is what htmx was really designed for, anyway.

                                            • normanthreep 5 hours ago


                                              small. thanks

                                              • low_tech_punk 2 hours ago

                                                The author swyx is the founder of https://smol.ai/ It's either a typo out of habit, or an intentional reference

                                                • normanthreep an hour ago

                                                  the word is still spelled "small". fight meme speak

                                                  • int_19h an hour ago

                                                    So long as people understand it, why should anybody care?

                                              • stuckinhell 5 hours ago

                                                I agree with you. After seeing some internal prototypes at my job abusing htmx boost. I'm slowly going on the anti-htmx bandwagon. I'm still not pro-react or pro-vue. We need a stabler frontend js framework.

                                                • wk_end 5 hours ago

                                                  It seems like it makes easy things easy and hard things hard, which seems like a pretty poor value proposition - at least relative to some of the hype around it.

                                                  • afavour 5 hours ago

                                                    I think the takeaway here is "make the easy things easy, don't use it for the hard things".

                                                    One of the most exhausting things about any discussion about front end web dev is that it gets treated like a monolith. It _can_ be incredibly complicated. In many scenarios that complication is unwarranted. But in some it's justified.

                                                    Htmx is a poor choice for a full single page app. That's fine. It excels in other areas. Right tool for the right job.

                                                    • librasteve 11 minutes ago

                                                      For me the strength of htmx is to allow non JS languages and frameworks on the server side. Now I can use Raku+Cro+Red to make a modern website with dynamical modern UX. The standard paradigm is keep all state in isolated htmx state machines (eg modelling a form submission) or real state stored in my db and this works fine for my simple site needs.

                                                      • wk_end 5 hours ago

                                                        But easy things are also relatively easy when using other tools that scale up better. Even if HTMX makes the easy things slightly easier, is that worth investing time and energy into learning it in addition to those tools that scale up better? Is it worth building things with it if I know that months down the line I'm going to need to scrap it once my easy thing becomes slightly less easy?

                                                        Like I said, this seems like a poor value proposition to me. Of course, if other people are happy with it more power to 'em.

                                                        To me it feels like people are eager to latch onto this because it's different, and because there's a dopamine hit associated with seeing the easy thing become a little easier when taking a new path that's overoptimized for it - hence the hype - not because it's actually good engineering, in terms of the tradeoffs you're making.

                                                        Of course, I feel the same way about Tailwind, so maybe I'm just old and grumpy.

                                                        • afavour 3 hours ago

                                                          > Even if HTMX makes the easy things slightly easier, is that worth investing time and energy into learning it in addition to those tools that scale up better?

                                                          Depends what your aim is. Do you want to become a full time front end engineer? Then no, probably focus on other frameworks. But do you, from time to time, want to put small pieces of interactivity on web pages when it isn’t the sole (or even major) focus of your job? Htmx might be ideal.

                                                          • Spivak 4 hours ago

                                                            Because it's a drop-in, no-dependency, no build-step library that can make your static MPA a little less static for the little bits of interactivity you need with not much effort. It's what you reach for to avoid "write the whole website in JS."

                                                            React -> "The site exists in JS, HTML is just a render target."

                                                            jQuery -> "Poke at the HTML from JS." Which is brittle as hell.

                                                            htmx -> "The site exists in HTML, extend HTML to handle the common tasks you want to do with it."

                                                        • yellowapple 2 hours ago

                                                          On the contrary, making easy things easy and hard things possible is about as good of a value proposition as I can realistically expect. Hard things are going to be hard no matter what, and making them easy usually either adds excessive complexity or else makes easy things hard (if not impossible).

                                                          • wk_end 2 hours ago

                                                            Making easy things easy and hard things possible is great, I agree...but that's not what I wrote. And I don't think that's what HTMX provides - it mostly gets in your way with the hard things.

                                                            • yellowapple an hour ago

                                                              > but that's not what I wrote.

                                                              Making hard things hard is a subset of making hard things possible. Better than making hard things impossible, which is the usual result of making easy things easy :)

                                                              > And I don't think that's what HTMX provides - it mostly gets in your way with the hard things.

                                                              And yet they're still possible. Like I said: hard things are going to be hard no matter what. Even if the hard things are harder, that's still a worthwhile tradeoff for maximizing the easy things.

                                                      • extr 5 hours ago

                                                        I am a backend/ML engineer and tried using HTMX to create a website with:

                                                        * Search box

                                                        * Typeahead

                                                        * Instantly updating search results

                                                        It was super instructive. In the end, I realized HTMX was probably not the best tool for that job, but it really helped me bridge the gap between "I get in theory why we use JS on the FE" and "Ah, I can see why client side JS is the obvious choice for this".

                                                        • berkes 5 hours ago

                                                          I'm not sure if I follow this example, though.

                                                          Doesn't a searchbox with typeahead and instantly updating results still require a backend? Isn't that backend not the most important ingredient of this use-case?

                                                          Or did you send a large payload of objects to the frontend and have it indexed clientside with e.g. lunr.js? I've used fuse.js for this, but for a use-case where we knew we had less than a hundred documents to index and where the access control was simple and the content reasonably stable. I'd never use this for a search feature in e.g. an admin backend or a large, content-rich webapp.

                                                          • extr 2 hours ago

                                                            Yeah the "pure" backend side (DB/queries to it) was not a problem and something I was already comfortable with. I did not use a client JS library for filtering, I was trying to stick to pure HTML response routes as much as possible. In addition to the typeahead search I had some dropdown and radio toggle filters. I wanted these to all be reactive to each other, eg, you shouldn't be able to select the region "North America" if none of the current typeahead results have that as a region. I found this confusing to implement within the HTMX paradigm. I had a lot of HTML partial templates and had trouble mentally modeling how it was all fitting together.

                                                            TBF, probably partially a skill issue. But I know that just going back to a "normal" approach where my backend returned a huge payload and then I wrote the filtering/rendering in JS, was sooo much simpler to think about, even if it resulted in more total code.

                                                          • smallerfish 4 hours ago

                                                            What issues did you run into with this? I do exactly this in a couple of apps. You can use a `keyup changed delay:${delayMs}ms` event, and you target the area on your page where you want search results.

                                                            • extr 2 hours ago

                                                              I also took that approach. The problem wasn't the keyup trigger, moreso trying to make the typeahead suggestions play nicely with radio/toggle filters, plus the results, made things really confusing for me personally. I was taking the approach of ONLY returning HTML from my endpoints and found it hard to mentally model how all the templates were fitting together (probably a skill issue, I am very new to webdev).

                                                              Once I abandoned the pure HTML/HTMX approach and just focused on returning a big payload with the search results in JSON and rendering it with vanilla JS, the whole thing became a lot easier.

                                                          • davidedicillo 6 hours ago

                                                            FWIW, as a hobbyist developer who never had a chance to learn React, I found HTMX really helpful to make my Flask projects more reactive without adding much complexity.

                                                            • itsoktocry an hour ago

                                                              Yeah, I'm the same. HTMX may not be great for non-trivial work frontend devs are doing, but for hackers piecing together web interactivity, it's pretty nice!

                                                            • turtlebits 5 hours ago

                                                              IME, Htmx is best for enriching server side rendered (non-SPA) apps. I'm having an great time with single file web apps using FastHTML (python).

                                                              I've rewritten a bunch of my JS framework apps for simplicity and don't miss much.

                                                              • huuhee3 4 hours ago

                                                                I agree. I'm building some internal tools at work, and htmx is awesome when you just want to add a bit of interactivity to server side generated pages. With minimum amount of code I can just update the view by returning the relevant parts from the templating engine. It promotes code reuse and is faster to implement than any other framework based solution.

                                                              • rutierut 6 hours ago

                                                                I see a couple of people here bashing on the practicality of this project. That's obviously not the point, it's an interesting weird use case that's more explorative/educational than practical. I thought it was an interesting and inspiring read!

                                                                • sgt 4 hours ago

                                                                  I'm not sure about this approach but it does look interesting. I think it'll work fine.

                                                                  My method is however to use Django and templates to build a regular MPA, and then switch out link changes (between pages) with htmx functionality so there is no browser reload. At least then you'll have a webapp that acts mostly like an SPA.

                                                                  Next up, you can add more interactivity using htmx as much as you want (with some kind of Django components, ideally). You can even add VueJS to one of the pages if you want, but full blown SPA frameworks tend to eat into development time, so rather not unless absolutely needed.

                                                                  • koolala 6 hours ago

                                                                    I hope we build Single-page apps with iFrames one day like how the web originally used <frame>. Everyone only talks about iFrames as if their only purpose is cross-origin content and <frame> is forgotten.

                                                                    • packetlost 5 hours ago

                                                                      Isn't there a bunch of complexity and security issues that come with using <iframe>? I'm not as familiar with <frame>.

                                                                      • koolala 4 hours ago

                                                                        No, thats the misconception. All the security is around cross-origin usage and optional if using same-origin html like a SPA. Each iframe gets its own window element but that can simplify component design a ton if embraced.

                                                                        A <frame> was a system for loading same-origin html files from an Index. It was the original Single-page multi-page system and at the time seemed good enough for 90% of html 1.0 sites. <iframe> was supposed to replace it but then everyone used it for Ads and closed-source widgets.

                                                                        • int_19h an hour ago

                                                                          I remember the days back when <frame> was still common, and I wouldn't call it good enough because of the way it interacted with URL and history. It was basically impossible to bookmark a specific page on a website that used frames.

                                                                    • JodieBenitez 3 hours ago

                                                                      It's already bad enough that too many devs think only in SPA mode, now you're trying to use the wrong tool for the wrong solution !

                                                                      Fun experiment though, in the true "hacker" spirit ;-)

                                                                      • maddalax 2 hours ago

                                                                        imo htmx is good but its a bit too low level to use directly, you sort of have to rebuild all the features frameworks like React have, such as components in your server programming language.

                                                                        I'm building https://htmgo.dev to do that with go + htmx, and http://fastht.ml seems like a good contender for python

                                                                        • altbdoor 5 hours ago

                                                                          I made a somewhat similar prototype by mocking XHR instead of service workers, in https://stackblitz.com/edit/typescript-h3wfwx?file=index.ts

                                                                          It was fun for a bit to quickly experiment with how htmx works, but I find it difficult to scale in terms of state.

                                                                          • pier25 6 hours ago

                                                                            I'm thinking of starting a project with HTMX and islands of interactivity (probably web components). Anyone used this pattern in production?

                                                                            • yawnxyz 6 hours ago

                                                                              I tried it and it works nicely for small sites where you look up some data / fill in some forms!

                                                                              Then I really wanted data reactivity, so I started using `nanostores`, but I kept wanting more, and eventually added `alpinejs`

                                                                              And then it got a bit too complicated for a one page microsite so I switched to Astro (for the interactive islands bit)

                                                                              • BiteCode_dev 6 hours ago

                                                                                Yes, first boosts, then a few gets then a few events that cascade. It's nice.

                                                                                • ebinkebin 3 hours ago

                                                                                  You should check out astro too!

                                                                                  • pier25 2 hours ago

                                                                                    It's my go-to for static sites but for backend I'd rather use something else.

                                                                                • uhtred 5 hours ago

                                                                                  I think 68% of SPAs don't need to be SPAs. The end user doesn't care if the browser page refreshes if it is quick.

                                                                                  • tigroferoce 3 hours ago

                                                                                    I'm adding onto this: I think that the whole SPA concept is wrong most of the time. You want most of the time some sort of state persistence in the url, so that you can bookmark/pass around something that is meaningful, not something that is always the starting point of everything.

                                                                                    If I'm seeing a list of todos and I've filter actives there's really no benefit into not having the filters reflected in the url. The same goes if I'm navigating some data in the form of some table and I'm, let's say, at page 2.

                                                                                    • int_19h 44 minutes ago

                                                                                      The usual argument is that a well-written SPA will track its state correctly in the URL, including things like filters, current page etc.

                                                                                      The practical issue is that very few SPA apps actually do that consistently. Moreover, because it requires a conscious effort on behalf of developers, a fresh new app might be well-written in that regard, but over the years, as "got to fix this quickly for release" cruft piles up, it becomes worse and worse in that regard.

                                                                                      I think the only way to actually make this concept work reliably is to force people to store state in the URL somehow, or at least make that easier than storing it anywhere else.

                                                                                    • robertoandred 44 minutes ago

                                                                                      So they don't need to be MPAs either.

                                                                                    • BiteCode_dev 6 hours ago

                                                                                      Which means offline htmx is possible, althought I wouldn't love to maintain that.

                                                                                      • v3ss0n 3 hours ago

                                                                                        This is really bad abomination .. please keep SPA to SPA Frameworks and leave HTMX out of it..

                                                                                        • leephillips 5 hours ago

                                                                                          I don’t know if the article describes the best use of HTMX, but when I wanted to experiment with building an interactive physics application on the web that used Julia on the backend, it was a perfect fit. I could design the whole page without any javascript (almost):


                                                                                          • Bengalilol 6 hours ago

                                                                                            I wanted to send a UX feedback : Multiline text shrinks the 'x' button (the more text, the more shrunk the button gets).

                                                                                            • synergy20 6 hours ago

                                                                                              seems to me a stretch for what it's best for and designed for

                                                                                              • baggachipz 6 hours ago

                                                                                                "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should"

                                                                                                At that point, maybe stop fighting with service workers and simply use a framework like Vue. It allows html templates to be swapped in, in much the same way. Except you can actually debug it and store in localStorage if you desire.

                                                                                                • jakelazaroff 5 hours ago

                                                                                                  But if I’d used Vue it wouldn’t be an interesting article :)

                                                                                                • davedx 3 hours ago

                                                                                                  Htmx - the hipster tech of the decade, honestly

                                                                                                  • nsonha 6 hours ago


                                                                                                    • tzahifadida 5 hours ago

                                                                                                      Was wondering if any1 embeds react spa apps in golang binaries to build a lean SaaS?

                                                                                                      • kccqzy 4 hours ago

                                                                                                        Anyone who says React has mired developers in complexity needs to go back ten years and use jQuery to build a single-page app and remind themselves how much less complex React is. I know that because I rewrote a jQuery-based SPA in React back in 2015 and that experience was so revelatory that I will never forget it.

                                                                                                        It is then that they will realize complexity comes from single-page apps. Pushing back against that complexity should result in not building SPAs, which is where Htmx comes in. There are still plenty of very successful web apps that are not SPAs.

                                                                                                        If a product owner asks to build a SPA, a developer's job is to stop and ask why. Most likely what the product owner really has in mind can be accomplished without a SPA.

                                                                                                        • hinkley 3 hours ago

                                                                                                          I’ve noticed there’s some mental block where managers and product owners behave as if adding new pages to a multipage app is too expensive so they just keep cramming more functionality into the existing half-dozen, dozen, or twenty pages. After three or more years it feels like you have a handful of single page apps, and jquery and many other tools struggle there.