• notjustanymike 9 hours ago

    A very handy tool for spot checking, but also training. My benefit from this visualization will be demonstrating to non-technical how to people to think about accessibility (specifically screen readers). Half the challenge with WCAG is getting our stakeholders to think beyond ticking boxes for compliance.

    • Muromec 2 hours ago

      "but it's already a text, can't screenreader read the text?"

    • yreg 9 hours ago

      Thank you, this looks great!

      Could you please run it inside iframes as well? Being able to use this in the Storybook/Playroom would be awesome.


      Firefox link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/aria-devtools...

      • ziolko 5 hours ago

        I am super glad you like it! The primary reason I haven't introduced support for iframes is that it requires much wider permissions (instead of just access to the current tab after clicking the "ARIA DevTools" icon you'd need to grant access to all data on every website you visit). I will research if things changed since I last checked, though.

        • InvisGhost an hour ago

          I wonder if you're able to open the iframe in a new tab and then use the extension on it?

        • kilian 4 hours ago

          Very cool. I recently implemented my own accessibility tree visualization [1] Yours is very interesting, getting away from the tree itself to a visualization more focused on grouping discrete units.

          My thinking was to show the entire structure and through that help people focus on a logical flow through the page. Flipping that around and thinking of the tree as a set of discrete blocks, where the cohesion inside each block is more important, is very interesting.

          Happy to chat if you want to compare notes!

          [1] https://polypane.app/blog/polypane-20-1-the-accessibility-tr...

          • afloatboat 7 hours ago

            Pretty clean, I like it.

            I tested it out on a page I'm developing that has some meta data on a TV show. One of the elements is a set of divs each containing span with an `aria-label` describing the contents. With MacOs' VO this gets called out correctly, and Chrome's Accessibility Tree also picks this up, but this tool doesn't show the `aria-label`, it just shows the separate values as strings one after another.

            It also picked up a `::before { content: ", " / ""; }` as `, value`, but that's not supported very well in general.

            • ziolko 7 hours ago

              Is there a chance to get a link to the page? I'd love to try it out and fix.

              • afloatboat 5 hours ago

                I can't link the page, but this is a cleaned up DOM output (the extra spans/divs are components):

                `<div><div><span aria-label="IMDb rating" title="IMDb rating">IMDb 8.2</span></div><div><span aria-label="Parental guidance" title="Parental guidance">12+</span></div><div><span aria-label="Production year" title="Production year">2007</span></div><ul aria-label="Genre"><li><div><span>Romance</span></div><li><div><span>Comedy</span></div></ul></div><section><div><h2 id=":r1j:-cast">Cast:</h2><ul aria-labelledby=":r1j:-cast"><li><span>ABC</span><li><span>DEF</span><li><span>GHI</span></ul></div></section>`

                `section ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; li { display: inline; &:not(:first-child)::before { content: ", " / ""; } } }`

            • vladde 10 hours ago

              Looks neat, and way more clean than https://wave.webaim.org/

              • ziolko 10 hours ago

                Thank you! I really think there's a lot of potential in ARIA DevTools. It's quite popular (at least for my standards) but I never had any connection with people that live and breathe web accessibility. And the devil is in the details here so to be fully fair, WAVE is most probably more accurate.

                • InvisGhost an hour ago

                  Definitely more accurate however it's UX is awful and doesn't do a good job of prioritizing issues. It sucks that you basically have to install a screen reader app to get the most accurate idea of how screen readers see your site.

              • ChrisMarshallNY 11 hours ago

                Good stuff!

                I'm big on accessibility support.

                Web sites aren't really my deal, anymore, but I always used to make sure that my sites were very accessible, when it was my deal.

                • Someone 8 hours ago

                  How does this compare to Chrome’s built-in tooling (https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/accessibility/ref...)?

                  • ziolko 8 hours ago

                    When I designed the tool I've tried to mirror the experience of screen readers users instead of only displaying ARIA roles and properties.

                    For example you have to navigate the page with your keyboard only. If a dropdown isn't accessible - it's instantly clear for the user. Another example are tables. They present only one cell + their headers at the time. I think it's super close to the actual experience of screen reader users.

                  • Evan-Purkhiser 3 hours ago

                    I’ve been using this for years now thank you so much for building this!!

                    • danng87 7 hours ago

                      Awesome tool!

                      I've been diving more into accessibility lately, especially trying to improve the experience for screen reader users. For those with more experience, has anyone tested this tool on more complex scenarios like extensive forms or dynamic tables? I'd love to hear how it compares to other accessibility tools in those cases.

                      Any tips or insights would be appreciated!

                      • antriani_ 8 hours ago

                        Does it offer any additional features compared to the accessibility view in Chrome DevTools?

                        • Leimi 10 hours ago

                          Super useful, great job.