• lapcat 4 hours ago

    > Should you really change your coding style just for better debugging? My personal answer is: not just for that, but it’s one thing to keep in the back of your mind.

    My personal answer is yes, absolutely.

    15 years ago I wrote a blog post "Local variables are free": https://lapcatsoftware.com/blog/2009/12/19/local-variables-a...

    Updated 7 years ago for Swift: https://lapcatsoftware.com/articles/local-variables-are-stil...

    • Terr_ 4 hours ago

      And where they aren't effectively "free", either your project doesn't need that performance or you're using the wrong language for the job. :p

      (I have a lot of frustration around modern software taking a ton of CPU power to do almost nothing, but local variables aren't to blame for that.)

      • isx726552 4 hours ago

        Just wanted to say “thank you” for this article. I found it years ago, probably not long after you initially wrote it and have preached it as widely as possible ever since, both as an IC and as an eng manager. It’s one of the best such tidbits I’ve ever come across!

        Edited to add: and thanks for keeping it up to date with the new Swift version!

        • spullara 3 hours ago

          "If you have nested method calls on one line of code, you can’t easily set a breakpoint in the middle."

          You can now do this in Jetbrains products. Pretty awesome, you can even step through them.

        • jph 5 hours ago

          > add assertions to your code.

          Yes, and many programming languages have assertions such as "assert greater than or equal to".

          For example with Rust and the Assertables crate:

              fn calculate_something() -> f64 {
                  let big = get_big_number();
                  let small = get_small_number();
                  assert_ge!(big, small); // >= or panic with message
                  (big - small).sqrt
          It turns out it's even better if your code has good error handling, such as a runtime assert macro that can return a result that is NaN (not a number) or a "maybe" result that is either Ok or Err.

          For example with Rust and the Assertables crate:

              fn calculate_something() -> Result(f64, String) {
                  let big = get_big_number()
                  let small = get_small_number()
                  assert_ge!(big, small)?; // >= or return Err(message)
                  (big - small).sqrt
          • aftbit an hour ago

            Is there a reason you need specialized assertions over something like Python's generic assert?

                >>> big = 2; small = 3
                >>> assert big >= small, "big is smaller than small"
                Traceback (most recent call last):
                  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
                AssertionError: big is smaller than small
            In pytest, assertions are rewritten[1] to return something more useful like:

                    def test():
                        big = 2
                        small = 3
                >       assert big > small
                E       assert 2 > 3
                test/test_dumb.py:4: AssertionError
                ========== short test summary info ==========
                FAILED test/test_dumb.py::test - assert 2 > 3
            1: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/blob/f373974707f57a0b28...
            • Arnavion an hour ago

              Rust has a generic assert too `assert!(foo >= bar);`. I assume (haven't used the crate myself) the advantage of `assertable::assert_ge!(foo, bar)` is that it prints the values of foo and bar in the assert message. The `assert_eq!(foo, bar)` and `assert_ne!(foo, bar)` macros provided by Rust libstd also do this. But the generic `assert!()` just sees the boolean result of its expression and only prints that in its message.

              The values of the variables can be included in the generic macro's message via a custom message format, like `assert!(foo >= bar, "foo = {foo}, bar = {bar}");` but having the macro do it by default is convenient. There is an old discussion to have the `assert!()` macro parse its expression to figure out what variables are there and print them out by default, but it's still WIP. ( https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2011-gene... https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/44838 )

              • o11c 30 minutes ago

                What's more, pytest errs on the side of "just capture more" and In my experience it's quite useful:

                  ============================= test session starts ==============================
                  platform linux -- Python 3.11.2, pytest-7.2.1, pluggy-1.0.0+repack
                  rootdir: /tmp/dl/py
                  collected 1 item                                                               
                  test_bigsmall.py F                                                       [100%]
                  =================================== FAILURES ===================================
                  ________________________________ test_something ________________________________
                      def test_something():
                  >       assert get_big_number() > get_small_number()
                  E       assert 0 > 1
                  E        +  where 0 = get_big_number()
                  E        +  and   1 = get_small_number()
                  test_bigsmall.py:8: AssertionError
                  =========================== short test summary info ============================
                  FAILED test_bigsmall.py::test_something - assert 0 > 1
                  ============================== 1 failed in 0.06s ===============================
            • animal_spirits 34 minutes ago

              The Rich package has trace back support that inspects local variables for every stack in the trace: https://rich.readthedocs.io/en/stable/traceback.html

              Really nice to use if you need logs in the terminal

              • maleldil 32 minutes ago

                Interesting how this seems to go completely against another post I saw here: https://steveklabnik.com/writing/against-names/

                • drewg123 3 hours ago

                  The problem I always have with locals (in kernel code written in C) is that the compiler tends to optimize them away, and gdb can't find them. So I end up having to read the assembly and try to figure out where values in various registers came from.

                  • rqtwteye 3 hours ago

                    I have done this since a long time. I always thought I am too dumb to read and debug complex code with multiple function calls in one line. I always put intermediate results into variables. Makes debugging so much easier.

                    • jmull 2 hours ago

                      I'm a fan of this.

                      Not just for debugging either. Giving something a name gets you to think about what a good name would be, which gets you thinking about the nature of the thing, which clarifies your thinking about the thing, and leads you to better code.

                      When I've struggled to figure out what the right name for something is, I sometimes realize it's hard because the thing doesn't really make sense. E.g., I might find I want to name two different things the same, which leads me to understand I was confused about the abstractions I was juggling.

                      But it's also always nice to have a place to drop a break point or to automatically see relevant values in debuggers and other tools.

                      • tetha 4 hours ago

                        This is kind of related to a change I recently made to how I structure variables in ansible. Part of that is because doing even mildly interesting transformations in ansible, filters and jinja is just as fun as sorting dirty needles, glass shards and rusty nails by hand, but what are you gonna do.

                        But I've started to group variables into two groups: Things users aka my fellow admins are supposed to configure, and intermediate calculation steps.

                        Things the user has to pass to use the thing should be a question, or they should be something the user kind of has around at the moment. So I now have an input variable called "does_dc_use_dhcp". The user can answer this concrete question, or recognize if the answer is wrong. Or similarly, godot and other frameworks offer a Vector.bounce(normal) and if you poke around, you find a Collision.normal and it's just matching shapes - normal probably goes into normal?

                        And on the other hand, I kinda try to decompose more complex calculations into intermediate expressions which should be "obviously correct" as much as possible. Like, 'has_several_network_facing_interfaces: "{{ network_facing_interfaces | length > 0 }}"'. Or something like 'can_use_dhcp_dns: "{{ dc_has_dhcp and dhcp_pushes_right_dns_servers }}'.

                        We also had something like 'network_facing_interfaces: "{{ ansible_interfaces | rejectattr(name='lo') }}"'. This was correct on a lot of systems. Until it ran into a system running docker. But it was easy to debug because a colleague quickly wondered why docker0 or any of the veth-* interfaces were flagged as network-facing, which they aren't?

                        It does take work to get it to this kind of quality, but it is very nice to get there.

                        • rafaelbco 5 hours ago

                          In Zope you can create a local variable named __traceback_info__ and its value will be inserted in the traceback. It is very useful.

                          Like add a line to a log, but only when an traceback is shown.

                          See: https://zopeexceptions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/narr.html#tr...

                          Seems like the zope.exceptions package can be used independent from Zope.

                          • Terr_ 5 hours ago

                            > Accidental

                            What? For whom? I've been extremely intentionally breaking up longer expressions into separate lines with local variables for a long time.

                            Writing local variables as "breadcrumbs" to trace what happens is one of the very first things new developers are taught to do, along with a print statement. I'd wager using a "just to break things up" local variable is about as common as using them to avoid recomputing an expression.

                            ... Perhaps the author started out with something in the style of Haskell or Elm, and casual/gratuitous use of named local variables is new from that perspective?

                            > However, the local variables are a different kind of breadcrumbs. They’re not explicitly set by the developer, but they are there anyway.

                            While I may not have manually designated each onto a "capture by a third-party addon called Bugsink" whitelist, each one is very explicitly "set" when I'm deciding on their names and assigning values to them.

                            • vanschelven 2 hours ago

                              > accidental

                              Admittedly this may not be the best choice of words... but it was a good trade-off of length/clarity at the time for me.

                              The longer version is: an _ideal_ programming language (from the perspective of debugging, though not all other perspectives) would just allow a full reverse playback through time from the point-of-failure to an arbitrary point in the past. A (small) step towards that is the "Breadcrumb" as introduced by Sentry; a hint at what happened before an error occurred. I argue that, in the coding-style as discussed, and when exposing local variables in stacktraces, local variables actually serve as breadcrumbs, albeit not explicitly set using the breadcrumb-tooling.

                              > along with a print statement

                              yeah but the point is that in this combination of coding style and tooling print statements become redundant

                              > third-party addon called Bugsink

                              If by third-party you mean "the data flows to a third party" you're mistaken, Bugsink is explicitly made to keep the data with you. If by "third party" you mean "not written by either myself or the creators of my language of choice, you're right.

                            • Freedom2 5 hours ago

                              > accidental

                              Besides a debugger, isn't one of the first things people do (even undergrads) is start logging out variables that may be suspect in the issue? If you have potentially a problematic computation, put it in a variable and log it out - track it and put metrics against it, if necessary. I'm not entirely sure a full article is worth it here.

                              • djmips 4 hours ago

                                You missed the point of the article.

                                • vanschelven 2 hours ago

                                  > If you have potentially a problematic computation, put it in a variable and log it out

                                  My point was: what a "potentially problematic" computation is is not always known in advance. A style which is rich in local variables, when combined with a tool that shows actual values for all local variables when unhandled exceptions occur gives you this "for free". I.e. no need to log anything.

                                  • Terr_ 4 hours ago

                                    What is it that you believe they missed?

                                    People have writing code in a certain way to provide logical "breadcrumbs" for a very long time, and doing it very deliberately. The fact that a tool was created that takes advantage of that isn't an "accident."

                                    Compare to: "Correctly-spelled words as accidental hyperlinks to the dictionary definition."

                                • robdar 2 hours ago

                                  I suggested this on a thread in /r/cpp a few years ago, and was downvoted heavily, and chewed out for the reason that coding for ease of debugging was apparently akin to baby killing.

                                  • forrestthewoods 5 hours ago

                                    I bloody hate Python stacktraces because they usually don’t have enough information to fix the bug. The curse of dynamic languages.

                                    What’s the easiest possible way to cause stacktraces to also dump local variable information? I feel like this is a feature that should be built into the language…

                                    • Sohcahtoa82 29 minutes ago

                                      > What’s the easiest possible way to cause stacktraces to also dump local variable information? I feel like this is a feature that should be built into the language…

                                      That is built into Python!

                                          import sys
                                          def div(x, y):
                                              return x / y
                                              print(div(1, 0))
                                          except ZeroDivisionError as e:
                                              print("Div by zero!")
                                              _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
                                      This will output:

                                          Div by zero!
                                          {'x': 1, 'y': 0}
                                      https://stackoverflow.com/a/5328139 has a more thorough implementation that will print you entire stack of local variables.
                                      • aidos 5 hours ago

                                        I love debugging Python. The stacktraces are great when logged through Sentry so even on production I can normally spot the bug immediately.

                                        On my local machine it’s even better because I can run the code, let it break and then jump straight into the debugger where I can move up and down through the stack. I can sit in the context at any point and play with the data. I can call any Python function I want to see how the code behaves.

                                        • vanschelven 3 hours ago

                                          > The stacktraces are great when logged through Sentry

                                          <cough>Bugsink</cough> :-)

                                        • saila 3 hours ago

                                          I don't think Python is special in this regard. I have the same issue with .NET/C# stack traces.

                                          With Python, you can run your program under pdb, which will automatically enter break on exceptions, and you can easily print locals.


                                          • nomel 4 hours ago

                                            I don't think it's related to being a dynamic language. There are many "pretty exception printers" that will dump all the local and global variables, if you want, even up the stack!