• ivan_gammel 8 hours ago

    But how is this possible? Did they get a scam letter with wrong account number?

    • ufo 7 hours ago

      They wired the money to the Brazilian government, but to the wrong bank account.

      • marcosdumay 6 hours ago

        That's not really possible. The Brazilian government has only one bank account since the 88's Constitution. It's called "the unique government account".

        I'm trying to understand that news since today's morning. It makes no sense.

        Edit: Another comment clarified it. Twitter didn't deposit it on the government account, they created a new account arbitrated by the judge and deposited it there.

      • undefined 7 hours ago
        • meiraleal 3 hours ago

          It is just the court playing technicalities to delay things. There is an election this Sunday. We don't need Xitter meddling in it.

          • fmobus 3 hours ago

            No, this is just incompetent lawyers/legal representatives. Every lawyer worth their salt knows how to make a payment to the judiciary correctly, specially when the amount is so high. The judiciary branch receives millions of payments everyday, there is a specific procedure (and it's not even hard)

            And as for the court "playing technicalities", that's just false. The court literally told the bank to fix it directly (i.e. move the money to the right account). The court is ordinarily under no obligation of being so practical about this kind of stuff. In lower courts it would probably take weeks to fix this mess.

            • meiraleal 2 hours ago

              That's exactly my point. The court could allow X back in a minute if they wanted or take days to do it. It will take days.

        • arromatic 8 hours ago

          Is there any chance for twitter to be saved ?

          • threeseed 7 hours ago

            Fidelity has said it is worth 1/5 of when Musk bought it.


            And so no it can't be saved if it continues on its current trajectory.

            • hagbard_c 7 hours ago

              That valuation says more about Fidelity's fidelity to the narrative than it does about the value of TwiXXer.

              • threeseed 7 hours ago

                Fidelity is an investor in X.

                And they posted this in their annual report as they are required to by law.

            • stroupwaffle 8 hours ago

              The fact that everyone still calls it twitter answers your question. =)

              Maybe if he reverts the name.

              • johnchristopher 7 hours ago

                I haven't updated the twitter app just to keep the bird (no, more like I find the X ugly), mayyyybe I can make this phone last long enough so I never actually see the X.

              • JumpCrisscross 8 hours ago

                > any chance for twitter to be saved ?

                Define saved.

                • throw-the-towel 8 hours ago

                  Hell, define "Twitter" too. Does GP mean the company? The user community, whatever that is? Some core functionality of the site?

                  • arromatic 7 hours ago

                    Bankruptcy , Spam , Branding , Workforce .

                    • JumpCrisscross 7 hours ago

                      X/Twitter going bankrupt would be a choice by Musk. He presently shows no indication of having lost love for it.

                      • arromatic 7 hours ago

                        It's bleeding users. Bleeding users = no revenue . He can't sustain it forever from his pocket and lost user means the platform is as worthless as a random mastodon instance that no one knows about.

                        • JumpCrisscross 6 hours ago

                          > can't sustain it forever from his pocket

                          Why not? Even if he doesn't restructure the debt he's basically created, in xAI, enough personal wealth to bankroll X/Twitter for a decade.

                          • threatofrain 6 hours ago

                            Likely not worth it — consider the kinds of stuff Elon leads. Twitter is the least prestigious among them. He has far more interesting places to gamble on.

                            • JumpCrisscross 6 hours ago

                              > not worth it -- consider the kinds of stuff Elon leads. Twitter is the least prestigious among them

                              It's practically getting him Cabinet-level power without the accompanying checks in an incoming Trump administration. (Or Vance '28. Et cetera.)

                              America didn't have a Rupert Murdoch since Hearst. Newsrooms preserved their independence. Twitter doesn't have a newsroom. It doesn't have journalists. It has Elon and his peons. That's powerful.

                              • undefined 5 hours ago
                  • verdverm 7 hours ago

                    Bluesky / ATProto is a better iteration that can be so much more in the long run

                    • arromatic 7 hours ago

                      No personalized algo in bsky. I don't want to see a thousand low quality post from a specific feed.

                      • verdverm 6 hours ago

                        The Discovery feed is personalized and very reminiscent of the twitter feed.

                        The open protocol nature also means anyone can write any feed that works any way they want for anyone to use

                    • aorloff 7 hours ago

                      Depends if Elon bought out the bondholders yet

                      • LeoPanthera 8 hours ago

                        There is nothing left to save.

                        • throw-the-towel 8 hours ago

                          There never was. Twitter was always a cancer, and if Musk does manage to drive it into the ground then he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for this.

                          • ben_w 8 hours ago

                            If it worked for Kissinger, I don't see why not.

                            • always_imposter 8 hours ago

                              >Twitter was always a cancer

                              You know they don't literally mean that right? This joke is seriously getting tired imo. Twitter actually has an established space in discourse and it shapes conversations or used to shape conversations. It has literally helped people get resources during times of crisis, most recent event where twitter helped people real time was during Covid in 2021, here in India. People were exchanging info real time for oxygen cylinders and during this crisis they made a special section for it as well which updated very frequently so people could get help or give help. When our govt didn't do shit, Twitter helped.

                              There are many such examples, Twitter is(was) always at the fore front whenever there was some war/event happening and reporters preferred to post updates on twitter real time instead of their news boards.

                              You might not see value in it, but if it goes away, I doubt that space will be filled easily. Threads is for entertainment. I don't see any of the "threads" on that platform making to mainstream discourse.

                              Let's please stop making this tired argument.

                              Twitter is really important for humanity whether you believe it or not.

                              • surgical_fire 6 hours ago

                                Twitter was always cancer. It was before Musk, and it still is. You just happened to like how this particular turd smelled before.

                                > Twitter is really important for humanity whether you believe it or not.

                                This may be true. But whatever it speaks about humanity, it is not very flattering.

                                • throw-the-towel 7 hours ago

                                  Do you think another social network couldn't have filled this role? I don't know about India, but to me Twitter with its length limits seems to be the ultimate Outrage Generation Machine. Easily 99% of Twitter content I see is either ragebait or jokes, and there's only so many people good at joking.

                                  • andrewinardeer 5 hours ago

                                    If 99% of Twitter content you see is ragebait or jokes then isn't that on you for following accounts that post this type of stuff?

                                    I've gotten enormous value from it from following accounts that post content I deem relevant to my interests.

                                    Don't you view your timeline?

                                    • throw-the-towel 3 hours ago

                                      My claim is that the very structure of Twitter emphasizes that type of content, more than any other large social network. Whatever you or me see isn't very relevant, it's anecdata.

                                  • talldayo 7 hours ago

                                    Twitter shouldn't be privately owned. That's the problem - Jack Dorsey wasn't able to promise a non-censored town hall and neither was Musk. They are running a business that is inherently at-odds with the ideal of informing people. They can't make money just providing Twitter - as a business it doesn't work.

                                    The utility Twitter provided isn't written-off, but it really shouldn't have happened on a for-profit advertising platform. What people are unwilling to accept is that Twitter was lightning in a bottle - it won't come back because everyone learned the lesson that it doesn't make money. You can either move onto a radical platform that tries to fix the original sin (eg. Mastodon/BlueSky/Nostr) or you can stick with the huddled masses that rely on a censored and monetized platform to speak freely online.

                                    • ipaddr 7 hours ago

                                      The radical platform alternatives still censor and often to the whims of a random person. It's like a reddit subreddit or wikipedia article: you are censored by the moods of the admin. They are privately owned.

                                      • talldayo 7 hours ago

                                        The solution is easy; host your own instance. Federated solutions let you put your money where your mouth is and host yourself to your own content. If what you have to say is considered useful, you'll be a viral figure in no time.

                                        Allow-only instances won't show your content but chances are they won't show most content. These are hugboxy environments you'd probably not want to be around anyways (and they sure don't want to be around you).

                                        Block-only instances will show your content as long as it doesn't piss them off. If you are being racist or posting illegal content, you're gonna get muted. They have absolutely no obligation to propagate your content if you're not going to reach bare-minimum decorum.

                                        • Freedom2 4 hours ago

                                          > If what you have to say is considered useful, you'll be a viral figure in no time.

                                          The assumption that useful speech goes viral is incredibly misjudged.

                                  • wruza 7 hours ago

                                    Thankfully twitter format will autodie soon with newer generations.

                                    • tbrownaw 8 hours ago

                                      It has longposts now, so that's an improvement at least.

                                      • arromatic 7 hours ago

                                        How ? Are long text for a social media that has 24 hour lifetime and exclusive to premium users worth it . I would be nice if it was available for all , since sometimes you need more than 280 character to express your self .

                                      • ClumsyPilot 7 hours ago

                                        > Twitter was always a cancer,

                                        Twitter is the ONLY social network that is actually social, and attempts to connect strangers. Contrary to Facebook, etc where you need to be ‘friends’ first.

                                        • threeseed 7 hours ago

                                          Reddit, Threads, Mastodon, Bluesky, Instagram, TikTok etc.

                                          Even Facebook has features for connecting strangers e.g. Groups.

                                          • arromatic 7 hours ago

                                            Reddit ? that's a forum for content generation

                                            Mastodon ? No one knows you unless you have other socials

                                            Instagram ? it blocks pc traffic , no retweet

                                            Threads ? maybe the only one viable but it's meta

                                            Facebook ? Um good luck

                                            Tiktok ? It's just videos , it's far from soical media .

                                          • wruza 7 hours ago

                                            This isn’t even at odds. Connecting strangers historically was one of the main recipes for social fireworks.

                                        • matheusmoreira 2 hours ago

                                          X's crowdsourced fact checking is a really good feature. It's worth using for that alone. The pathological liars at the brazilian government would get fact checked on a daily basis.

                                        • briandear 7 hours ago

                                          X is better than ever. Remember the days you’d get banned for criticizing Covid nonsense? Or the days when you’d have the U.S. government telling Twitter to censor people they didn’t like? That happens far less now. The left doesn’t want free speech because free and open debate seems to scare them.

                                          Don’t believe me? Hilary Clinton called for the criminalization of “misinformation.” Who exactly determines that? The government? The government and politicians lie every time they speak but they want to ban others from the same ability?

                                          Don’t like an idea? Block the person. Ignore it. Move on to something else. If someone’s beliefs are so fragile they can’t take criticism, then that’s the problem of the person holding those beliefs, not the one criticizing them.

                                          A lack of free speech is a hallmark of fascism (and communism for that matter.) Democracy only thrives within a free market of ideas. Once you lose that, it’s 1984.

                                          • arromatic 7 hours ago

                                            It's worse than ever . Did you even read news related to twitter ? The X branding ? Mass layoff that's killing the development, Crypto spams ? , Blue check confusion , Link penalty ?

                                            • ErikBjare 5 hours ago

                                              It hasn't been worse ime, but the journalists who say they left it can't stop saying it's worse.

                                            • threeseed 7 hours ago

                                              There have been more government takedown requests actioned under Musk:


                                              • sunaookami 6 hours ago

                                                This is very misleading.

                                                >Comparing the 2021 report to the current X transparency report is a bit difficult, as the way the company measures different things has changed. For instance, in 2021, 11.6 million accounts were reported. Of this 11.6 million, 4.3 million were “actioned” and 1.3 million were suspended. According to the new X report, there were over 224 million reports, of both accounts and pieces of individual content, but the result was 5.2 million accounts being suspended.


                                                • threeseed 5 hours ago

                                                  Not sure how it is misleading.

                                                  You are comparing account reports versus account + content reports.

                                              • ajoseps 7 hours ago

                                                don’t you still get flagged or removed for saying cisgender?

                                                • two_handfuls 5 hours ago

                                                  > A lack of free speech is a hallmark of fascism (and communism for that matter.) Democracy only thrives within a free market of ideas. Once you lose that, it’s 1984.

                                                  We tried the free speech experiment and, honestly, lies to mislead the voting public are worse than yelling "fire".

                                                  So I disagree that speech should be completely unregulated- that leads to facism as well.

                                                  Edit: also, Twitter is absolutely not free speech. Try saying "cisgender" or criticizing the platform owner.

                                                • canadiantim 8 hours ago

                                                  it already has been

                                                • tjsdg 7 hours ago

                                                  Listen to Glenn Greenwald about this "judge". On YouTube or Rumble. In Brazil, of course, Rumble has been banned by this "judge", same as in France.

                                                  If you wish to access Rumble in Brazil via a VPN, be careful, it either is outlawed or is about to be outlawed.

                                                • 3rdworldeng 8 hours ago


                                                  • JumpCrisscross 8 hours ago

                                                    Why is this a pro- or anti-Elon moment? One of his companies is settling a fine.

                                                    • EA-3167 8 hours ago

                                                      I suppose the straight answer is that he makes everything in his orbit about HIM and his cult of personality, he engaged in social media sh-t talk and on Twitter especially he's seemingly using it as a kind of personal chat board a lot of the time.

                                                      In my opinion when it comes to the Twitter it's impossible to separate the overall business from the man himself, it's about as far from something like SpaceX where he's just a name on some documents.

                                                      • LanceH 7 hours ago

                                                        I didn't see him here in this thread. Are you sure he's the one making it about him?

                                                        • sbuttgereit 7 hours ago

                                                          > I suppose the straight answer is that he makes everything in his orbit about HIM and his cult of personality

                                                          And if he doesn't, his detractors certainly do.

                                                      • ben_w 8 hours ago

                                                        "In space, nobody can hear your fans" or something.

                                                        • rogerrogerr 8 hours ago

                                                          Every time they open their mouths here, they get told they’re idiots. What do you expect?

                                                          I personally know one who is going to not look at any replies to this comment, and instead let his Tesla drive him to Costco. At least one comment below will say that’s impossible, but he won’t care.

                                                          • andrewaylett 7 hours ago

                                                            Since the one bite has to my mind missed the mark -- not that you care, of course -- whether or not feel you need pay any attention, legally you're still the driver of the car and it is indeed currently impossible for you to let the Tesla drive you.

                                                            • ineedaj0b 7 hours ago

                                                              this is like saying your wife doesn't love you, it's just chemicals in her brain pushing her to conclude she loves you, could very well be true

                                                              • andrewaylett 7 hours ago

                                                                The question of who (or what) is legally doing the driving does lead to real-world consequences, though. And there are cars that can drive you (in a legal sense) today, but Tesla doesn't sell them. Maybe soon?

                                                            • threeseed 7 hours ago

                                                              a) Musk's behaviour is pretty indefensible at this point. He now almost daily posts misinformation, is reckless and indifferent when it comes to fact-checking or verifying sources and always errs on the side of engagement and conflict.

                                                              b) No one has ever said here that it is impossible for Tesla's FSD to work. That's a fictional situation you've made up. And a ridiculous one considering how many Youtube videos exist. The issue is that it doesn't work reliably and consistently enough for it to be rolled out widespread to every user. Hence why they are under investigation by DOJ and SEC.

                                                              • ineedaj0b 7 hours ago


                                                              • jncfhnb 8 hours ago

                                                                > What do you expect?

                                                                Open mouth and consistent inconsistency probably.

                                                                • slfdrv 8 hours ago


                                                              • seydor 7 hours ago

                                                                The money was wired to the state , not to a bank, so how is it possible they went through if it wasn't a government bank account

                                                                • ufo 7 hours ago

                                                                  The money was wired to a government account, but the wrong one.

                                                                • ZeroClickOk 7 hours ago

                                                                  This is a fake excuse from that judge to postpone the return of X to later of this Sunday's elections, so the candidates that are bound to Social Networks (the political opponents of this judge) will be harmed.

                                                                  • matheusmoreira 2 hours ago

                                                                    > the candidates that are bound to Social Networks

                                                                    AKA the brazilian right wing. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. They are the judges who defeated bolsonarism. In their own words.

                                                                  • major505 7 hours ago

                                                                    this is not how money transfer works in Brazil, Judicial fines are paid using a GRU (is a type of document that you generate in the goverment IRS site, with the codes that you type in the bank and it transfers the money). If any of the info dosent match, the money is not transfered. IF they paid the wrong account, someone in the goverment fucked up.

                                                                    Source: I was sued by the brazilian govement because my accountant fucked up and had to hirre a layer to negotiate and paied my fees in the course of 10 years.

                                                                    • cesarb 7 hours ago

                                                                      > Judicial fines are paid using a GRU

                                                                      According to the official decision from the judge (https://noticias-stf-wp-prd.s3.sa-east-1.amazonaws.com/wp-co...), the value was deposited using a DJE (Documento para Depósitos Judiciais ou Extrajudiciais), not a GRU. The judge ordered the bank to transfer the value to the correct account.

                                                                      (source for the official decision: https://noticias.stf.jus.br/postsnoticias/stf-determina-tran...)

                                                                      • marcosdumay 5 hours ago

                                                                        Ok, that makes sense.

                                                                        I guess a good international translation would be "Twitter created an account they can't withdraw, and deposited the money there. The Brazilian Judiciary can say where the money goes to, but it was not sent to the government yet."

                                                                      • forinti 7 hours ago

                                                                        I'm pretty sure you can make a mistake filling out a GRU.

                                                                        You have to fill in the destination and I bet this is where somebody made a mistake. I'm also sure it will take some time and patience to get it sorted.

                                                                        • major505 7 hours ago

                                                                          It would not be the first time the govermnet fucked up in this case. They sended the judicial notice for Twitter legal representation but someone typed the wrong email address. Since they did not receive the notice, they did not replied, and the Judge made a threat to arrest the legal repsentative, Rachel de Oliveira Villa Nova Conceição. Thats why Elon Musk decided to close the local office, so his employes would not be implied in his decision to not cooperate with the goverment.

                                                                          Alexandre the Moraes pretty much ignored the constitution in every step this proccess.

                                                                          This comment will be downvoted to hell, but reality is reality.