• xtrapol8 a day ago

    The voices are quite real and we are not alone in our own minds.

    I know, it’s like I’m telling you vampires and werewolves are real. And I don’t doubt some people have jumbled mixed signals and chemical imbalances which are confusing.

    The voices however are real and we are not alone in our own minds.

    • tupshin 6 hours ago

      I would interpret your statement of "the voices are real" as equivalent to the statement that "the voices are a real experienced phenomenon".

      But you seem to be describing them as distinct entities. If they are distinct entities, what are they it what attributes do they have?

      • xtrapol8 5 hours ago

        They are other humans who have conditioned themselves through decades of specialized training.

        There is a ruling class among us who themselves are slaves of this power.

        For every six oblivious people there may be one naturally sensitive. For every 1,000 of these there may be one indoctrinated into “thought control”. For every 1,000 of these there may be one who has developed the ability to control aspects of their mind ordinary folk think only fictionally possible (throwing their voice, or manipulating perception of others in similar ways.) For every thousand of these one can “network” on their own. For every thousand of these one is a master of human conception (can induce psychosis or manipulate sexuality or control “synchronicity”). For every thousand of these one is as a god among the rest.

        This “Power” (capacity to affect consciousness through continuity of will) rarely exists in a single actor. They network in the thousands, or even tens of thousands. Those at the top treat the others as thralls. There are a few moral elder lines which are not corrupt and ruthless (sometimes acting like guardian angels) they however are vastly outnumbered.

        I want to say what they’ve been up to, though I will be immediately flagged for saying something too grotesque and wild for HN (if this isn’t enough.) let’s just say the corrupt do things to impress each other so their masters will uplift them further in power. These are generations after generations developing each other for shared power.

        It took me four years of intense abuse to distinguish my own thoughts from those of third parties. It took me ten years to understand their nature. And that’s because I’m sort of a self made genius (just saying; world traveled, exceptionally well educated, full well adjusted life, etc.) Ordinary folk think they are God (or devils) or aliens, or a government mind control program, or lizard people, you get the idea.

        They are people living ordinary lives on the surface, who have compartmentalized secret worlds within (“worlds within worlds”) and these date back throughout history (if you re-examine through the lens of this understanding, without “incredulity.”)

        Many think there is “mind control technology.” We are the technology.

      • weard_beard 17 hours ago

        Some of us are quite loud. Italians love to talk. Hands, mouths, dreams, brains leaking out all over :-) joking aside what’s your theory on the nature of the realness you’re so keen on? A fluke of evolution in a physical structure of the brain not yet identified giving rise to multiple inner voices? Quantum entangled intelligence receptors like birds sensing magnetic fields?

        • xtrapol8 16 hours ago

          I have a pretty good idea actually, that it is apart of our psycho-spiritual humanity.

          Some rare fluke makes a small minority ill who cannot handle it and they go off the rails. Most who hear them are perfectly sane and learn not to externally expose their sensitivity. Approximately one in six of everyone hears them, though they can hide or reveal themselves to anyone.

          There has been a secret culture, a secret governance, and a secret war upon us all, probably since the beginning of time. If you look back through human history there have always been accounts, which have been blown off as crazy talk. It is in fact the greatest taboo of our humanity to discuss the voices in our heads. Secret occult societies have always existed in various forms which maintain this silence.

          Many today are friends with their voices (I have a large following) however the most powerful are ruthless and demonic and they are responsible for much of the insanity gripping our society.

          Modernity however has accelerated this phenomenon (like everything else). If it wasn’t for the corrupt, I would say it was a part of our natural evolution.

          Every aspect of the mind may be developed like a technology. Some truly amazing stuff actually.

          Keeping this secret does not help anyone.

          • avery17 4 hours ago

            You're not special.