• mmoustafa 3 hours ago

    > "In the end, Sable agreed to pay Cloudflare $225,000, grant Cloudflare a royalty-free license to its entire patent portfolio, and to dedicate its patents to the public, ensuring that Sable can never again assert them against another company,"

    Holy cow, that’s incredible. Cloudflare has single-handedly shut down one of the biggest tech patent trolls. I don’t know how they possibly got Sable to agree to those terms, but kudos to Cloudflare counsel.

    • neom 2 hours ago

      My understanding is that it comes from the top, kudos to CF counsel for sure, but also Matthew Prince who has a storied career of fucking with bad actors. Thanks Matthew!


      • CodeWriter23 3 hours ago

        Sable was on the hook for costs after losing. I imagine this settlement was a fraction of what they owed. If there is truly justice in this world, Sable principals will have to go out of pocket for tax liabilities and costs associated with shutting it down.

        • itcrowd an hour ago

          Not sure whether I understood the following :

          If Sable dedicates their patents to the public, what does it mean for CF to be granted a "royalty-free license to its entire patent portfolio"?

          • aeadio an hour ago

            I imagine if later they try to renege on that public grant, CloudFlare is still shielded.

          • jongjong an hour ago

            Maybe they had compromising info on their directors.

            • throwaway48476 an hour ago

              It likely cost CF millions in legal fees. It's not exactly a win in the fight against patent trolls.

              • ender341341 an hour ago

                Patent trolls are looking for easy money, this instance may have cost them a lot of money, but future patent trolls are much more likely to not go after them and go for the targets that just rolled over and payed sable.

                They also can claim a clear moral victory of doing the right thing and stopping sable from continuing to harass companies doing actual work.

                • otherme123 an hour ago

                  This is like hitting back a bully in highschool: you will probably lose the fight, and even ifyou win you'll get good bruises. But in the long term you win, because now everybody knows you will hit back.

                  • lolinder an hour ago

                    It's an expensive win, but how is it not a win? A troll is dead.

                • xbar 4 hours ago

                  Sabre was a charming little Santa Clara network company, decades ago.

                  But some incompetent entrepreneurs and a shabby LA law firm tried to win at a patent trolling. The outcome is hilarious only because I am not paying Cloudflare's lawyers.

                  • metafunctor 3 hours ago

                    Sabre or Sable?

                    • iwontberude 4 hours ago

                      Thanks for the context, not sure why people downvoting you.

                      • fortran77 2 hours ago

                        Because it's "Sable" not "Sabre" (That's why I downvoted.)

                        • xbar 2 hours ago

                          I regret my typo, which remains.

                    • btown 6 hours ago

                      Discussion on the Cloudflare announcement: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41730415

                      • rmbyrro an hour ago

                        Although this is a dupe of a ~1500pt previous discussion, I'd love to see these news on HN front page for several days. It's so delighting to read

                        • ChrisArchitect 5 hours ago