« BackPostScript 1.0 – A Code Studyztoz.blogSubmitted by todsacerdoti 4 days ago
  • kencausey 3 days ago

    I'm curious about the history of the base language reportedly designed at Evans & Sutherland 1971ish. I couldn't turn up much in the few minutes of searching I did. If anyone can provide links to papers or anything on this subject I would appreciate it.

    • jwstarr 3 days ago

      As a a starting point, "The Origins of PostScript" (https://gwern.net/doc/design/typography/2018-warnock.pdf) provides a few details on the language and Gaffney's involvement. Warnock's oral history for the Computer History Museum (https://www.computerhistory.org/collections/catalog/10273875...) also includes the story. Gaffney's patent provides the most detail but, unfortunately, it is written as a patent rather than a language description.

      The DoD DTIC service has a couple of reports that cover the Harbor Pilot Simulation, but I haven't found any reports written by E&S. The Computer History Museum has some records from Evans and Sutherland, but I don't think any of them cover the language.

      • kencausey 2 days ago

        Thanks, but I saw that much, I should have been clearer. I'm hoping for something on the scale of a survey if not a paper.

        Honestly, my first curiosity regards whether Chuck Moore and Forth get any mention or whether this is a true parallel development, possibly necessitated by the hardware at hand. My perception, based on zero evidence, was that Forth had some influence on the design of Postscript.

    • WCSTombs 3 days ago

      Slightly tangential, but here's my own Sierpinski triangle program from a couple of decades ago, which IMO is considerably simpler than what they show:

          /threshold 4 def
          /Sierpinski {
           dup threshold ge {
            3 {dup 2 div Sierpinski dup 0 rmoveto 120 rotate} repeat
           } {
            3 {dup 0 rlineto 120 rotate} repeat closepath
           } ifelse
          } bind def
          50 50 moveto 512 Sierpinski fill
      It actually can be simplified a bit more, and the explicit recursion can be removed entirely, since there's already a free operand stack.
      • tonyedgecombe 3 days ago

        I've been writing a PostScript interpreter as a retirement project. I deliberately avoided looking at the Adobe source although I have been running the LaserWriter firmware[1] in MAME[2].

        At the moment I'm just implementing the language. The core interpreter is done apart from error handling and a ton of operators. After that I'll decide whether to go on to the imaging.

        [1] http://beefchicken.com/retro/laserwriter [2] https://github.com/mamedev/mame/blob/master/src/mame/apple/l...