« BackTerminal colours are trickyjvns.caSubmitted by chmaynard 9 hours ago
  • drewg123 a minute ago

    I just disable colors wherever I can. And curse the UEFI shell and its dark-blue-on-black whenever I'm forced to use it..

    • hnlmorg 6 hours ago

      I actually don't think it's that hard:

      Step 1:

      Most terminal emulators ship with a garbage default colour scheme. So change that.

      Personally I'm a fan of Solarized (specifically dark, but I like their light theme too). However even if you don't like Solarized, there are plenty of other themes that are readable with any colour against the default backgrounds.

      Step 2:

      Avoid any CLI tool that uses escape sequences for 8bit or 24bit colours by default. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually consider that as user hostile. Reason being: I've already chosen a the best terminal colour scheme for my readability requirements (remember, this will differ for different people). Having a developer override that because they fancy themselves as a pseudo-designer is not helpful. By all means, they can have an option to enable themes in their tool if they wish, but that should be opt-in, not the default.

      As someone who spends most of their life in the terminal, following those two rules is enough to provide a consistent and easy terminal reading environment with almost-zero configuration overhead.

      I think the real problem is that we indulge developers using 8bit and 24bit colour escape codes.

      • phkahler 5 minutes ago

        >> Step 2:

        >> Avoid any CLI tool that uses escape sequences for 8bit or 24bit colours by default.

        I was going to point out that the author never takes a step back and asks "What would be the best way to handle this?" The problem there is we have to define what "best" is. IMHO that involves a number of principles. My preferences are:

        1) Any user customization should be in one place.

        2) The impact on programs should be minimal (in LoC for example).

        Both of those suggest the solution belongs in the terminal.

        IMHO it starts with terminal programs having sane default colors. What that means is fuzzy, but so is this whole discussion. IMHO colors should follow the "standard" so that blue is still recognizably blue. But consideration should be given to the common forms of color blindness - for example I have a hard time reading pure red on black (adding a bit of anything helps this, don't just use ff0000).

        Once terminals get fixed to have sane defaults, CLI programs should use those 16 standard colors. Any attempt to use 24bit here is either saying "I give up on getting those terminal folks to offer sanity" or it's saying something like "I know best", but either way users end up with N programs they have to configure. Lets not define themes in cli apps OK? Remember, this is my answer to "what would be the best way to handle this?"

        I have similar thoughts when it comes to web sites and fonts. Present content in HTML so users can configure how they want to see it. Similar for page formatting - it's not a magazine layout, let it flow.

        Also stuff in desktop software. IMHO Wayland compositors should remember window placement. It was stupid for every X program to store and restore its window position. Wayland says knowing about the environment is a security issue (and I agree) but then it becomes the DEs job to handle this memory. It also unburdens ALL the apps from having code for this.

        There are other areas where that question comes up "Where in the software stack should this thing be handled?" Whatever your opinion, I believe you should start by answering the questions around that word "should". What are the goals in selecting where a thing gets handled? My answers always lean toward simplicity and maintainability. What other principles might I adopt to answer these questions?

        • bhaak 6 hours ago

          > By all means, they can have an option to enable themes in their tool if they wish, but that should be opt-in, not the default.

          This touches on the problem of good defaults. If the user has to configure it then the user must know that it is configurable and then do it. This is a serious hurdle and only a tiny fraction of users will do it.

          Over the years I've come to the conclusion that you must throw your new features into the face and shove good defaults down the throats of users, otherwise these feature are hardly used.

          8bit and 24bit colors are already opt-in and you can configure it. Your TERM and COLORTERM environmental variables determine if a (well behaved) terminal program will use those colors.

          • hnlmorg 4 hours ago

            > Over the years I've come to the conclusion that you must throw your new features into the face and shove good defaults down the throats of users, otherwise these feature are hardly used.

            Agreed to an extent. I wouldn't call ignoring the systems colour preferences as "good defaults". But I do agree with your more general point.

            > 8bit and 24bit colors are already opt-in and you can configure it. Your TERM and COLORTERM environmental variables determine if a (well behaved) terminal program will use those colors.

            Unfortunately it's not that simple. Both the "256color" suffix to $TERM and $COLORTERM env vars report terminal compatibility -- not user preference.

            Neither are standards either. It's a push to even call them a de facto standard because they're often not used by either terminal emulators nor application developer alike.

            There is another env var that does report user preferences: $COLORFGBG, but that receives even less support than the former two vars.

            There's also $NO_COLOR (or is $NOCOLOR?), which seems to be honored a little better. However the problem with this is it turns colour off completely. ie you cannot specify "use 4bit but not 8bit nor 24bit colour".

            Like all things terminal detection wise, it's all a big fat steaming mess of inconsistencies. Which is why I think the best default is 3/4bit or no colour at all if $NO_COLOR / not a TTY. And have all the cool 24bit themes as an optional extra.

            • NoGravitas 2 hours ago

              It's also the case that a lot of modern CLI tools will absolutely ignore your termcap and your $TERM env var and barf out whatever extension to ANSI is used by the currently most popular terminal emulators.

              Unless it's a TUI app that I'm going to spend a lot of time in (e.g., Emacs), I do not want it theming itself. I want it to look at my termcap to see if it has ANSI color support, and if it does, then emit ANSI color codes. I use base16-shell to set my terminal colors and I want CLI and TUI apps to respect them.

          • arp242 6 hours ago

            > themes that are readable with any colour against the default backgrounds.

            Yes, but then there are applications that set both the text and background colour. For example pamix sets the background to black, or tmux's statusline, or ngrok. And you end up in a rabbit hole trying to deal with that.

            • prmoustache 4 hours ago

              I don't know what pamix is but my rule of thumb is to use only apps that supports themes that are common in most terminals, text/code editor like solarized, gruvbox...

            • weinzierl 6 hours ago

              Avoid any CLI tool that uses escape sequences for 8bit or 24bit colours by default.

              How difficult is this in practice? (Julia's article mentions this idea too without going deeper into the struggles)

              A related topic is: Do terminal color schemes only concern themselves with the 16 base colors or do they also meddle with the RGB and greyscale parts. I mean you could also adapt the 8bit and 16bit colors to your readability requirements.

              • hnlmorg 4 hours ago

                There is no 16bit. You cannot alter the 24bit (at least not on your average terminal emulator).

                Same is true for 8bit. Most terminal emulators tend not to support altering those colours either.

                In practice, the only application I use that I've had to configure the colours for was tmux. But I tend to forget about tmux because its one of those applications that needs a lot of a configuration from the outset anyway (in my opinion at least).

                There might be other "must have" tools that set the background colours too. I've either not needed them personally, or have completely forgotten about them

              • sim7c00 6 hours ago

                Step2: do agree with the fact someone making a CLI tool should respect user preferences. it's also much easier just not to use the sequences in the tool so I don't get why people would do that in the first place :S.

                Step 1: I think here maybe the default setting should be solarized-dark/light on terminals. It's honestly a good and sane default. It's purpose built to be less hostile on the eyes in my opinion, which should likely be what's aimed for in a default setting... the themes and colors are there for people who like to stare at their terminal all day (if you only use it once or twice then you don't care about what color it has) so it should be eye-friendly defaults. if people want to muck about changing it to their own custom theme they won't be bothered about defaults anyway since they will immediately customize it.

                I personally hate the fact I even need to swap a theme, or download and reformat some Xresources file tediously (while looking at godawful colors in the process!). I just want my eyes not to burn.. don't care what colors yield that result.

                • tmtvl 4 hours ago

                  I would disagree that solarized is a good default, the colour it uses for blue (which is used by `ls' to show directories) is so low contrast it wears my eyes out.

                  • ziml77 a minute ago

                    For some reason that blue is a problem in a lot of color schemes. It's a good test for me though. If I can't read the output of ls, I dump the color scheme.

                    • kibwen an hour ago

                      Seconded. By all means, people should use what they personally like, but solarized is really not designed to be a terminal mapping. Half the brights get mapped to totally different hues and the other half get mapped to indistinguishable shades of gray. Yes, the standard terminal color values are hideous, but we can do better than solarized.

                    • layer8 an hour ago

                      Solarized it too low-contrast for my eyes. For some people low-contrast means easy on the eyes, for others it is the opposite.

                      • hnlmorg 4 hours ago

                        I completely agree. And for what it's worth, I set Solarized dark as the default theme on the terminal emulator I've written. Though it's not quite ready to be used as anyone's primary TERM just yet.

                    • ykonstant 7 hours ago

                      I came across all of these issues and many more trying to make a good light color scheme for my systems. Two interesting findings I did not see discussed:

                      1. It makes sense in retrospect, but I was very surprised at how much more subtle light themes are compared to dark when viewed on different screens; of course their hardware and software configs lead to variations on the color output, but light dominant changes are perceived so much more drastically than dark ones. This is a serious issue if you will be porting your theme to computers with a variety of screens and configurations.

                      2. Occasionally, you need to drop to a linux or bsd console with very limited support for fonts and fancy colors. Then your `fd` and `exa/lsd/whatever` may be unusable and annoying, especially if you have mapped the latter to `ls`. I managed, after a long struggle, to get a working fbterm in my system to get decent terminal features without X, but fbterm has its own issues. You need to account for this use-case, especially when configuring vim colorschemes: make sure that you have a fallback theme for a feature-poor console or you have really practiced typing vim commands blind :D

                      Edit: here is a screenshot of my stylized fbterm screen, obviously not for serious work, but meant to demonstrate what you can do without X: https://i.imgur.com/RbDRgtD.png

                      • sricciardi 5 hours ago

                        > I was very surprised at how much more subtle light themes are compared to dark when viewed on different screens.

                        This does not surprise me. I do analog black and white printing (from film) and it's a well known thing that our eye is much better at detecting subtle tonal changes in light areas of a print than darker ones. For this reason, a lot of the time in tweaking the right exposure and contrast for a print is spent to make those hightlights look "just right". I don't print digitally, but I am sure the same principles will apply there too.

                        • klodolph an hour ago

                          This is why, as policy, I don’t judge negatives any more. I always print contact sheets and make my initial judgments there.

                        • HPsquared 6 hours ago

                          I had a recent experience trying to show a large number of data series by different colours on a plot in Excel.

                          I found the best option for easily distinguishing a large number of colours was the monochromatic spectral "rainbow" colours on a black background (there's also a setting to make the data points have a bit of "bloom" aura in the same colour so they look like dots of light).

                          It makes sense from a colour saturation perspective (i.e. signal to noise ratio across the spectrum) that a black background is better.

                          You can pretty much have 10 different colours

                          EDIT: Another benefit is it conveys "sequence/order/distance" information: yellow is between red and green; orange is between red and yellow, etc. It's easy to subdivide and interpret how "close together" two colours are.

                          • jve 5 hours ago

                            All those nice fonts and pleasant color theme... ruined by a background that makes some characters hard to read :)

                            • ykonstant an hour ago

                              Oh, you mean the picture I linked? That's just to look cool on a screenshot, obviously you won't work with a background picture getting in the way! :D

                            • Macha 5 hours ago

                              > Occasionally, you need to drop to a linux or bsd console with very limited support for fonts and fancy colors. Then your `fd` and `exa/lsd/whatever` may be unusable and annoying, especially if you have mapped the latter to `ls`.

                              I just did a check on my NixOS system there and the console seems fine? The ANSI blue on black for directories in eza is a bit... meh, but it's perfectly readable and the same is true for the default colour scheme for ls on MacOS terminal

                              • weinzierl 6 hours ago

                                Would you share how you configured your fbterm?

                                • ykonstant 6 hours ago

                                  Here is a pastebin of my config, adapted from Lu Xu's dotfiles [0]


                                  [0] https://github.com/xlucn/dotfiles

                                  It is Lu Xu's dotfiles you should focus on if you want to understand how fb* tools work.

                                  I invoke fbterm via this script to set the bg image:

                                    # fbterm-bi: a wrapper script to enable background image with fbterm
                                    # usage: fbterm-bi /path/to/image fbterm-options
                                    printf '\033[?25l' # hide cursor
                                    fbv -ciuker "$1" << EOF
                                    export FBTERM_BACKGROUND_IMAGE=1
                                    exec /bin/fbterm "$@"
                                  • weinzierl 6 hours ago

                                    Oh nice, I will give it a try. Thank you so much!

                              • Narushia 5 hours ago

                                I've wanted to use a light theme for my terminal for a long time, but I've always given up since there are just too many programs that use custom (non-ANSI) colors that are optimized for a dark terminal background. For some of those programs, the colors are configurable, but it seemed too much of a hassle to configure every single program. So now I'm just using a dark terminal background, but with a hand-picked ANSI theme where all the colors have a sufficient contrast ratio for me and also get a pass on APCA / WCAG 3 contrast checkers. I'm happy with it. :)

                                • kps 2 hours ago

                                  For some of us with higher-order visual aberrations, dark mode is a non-starter. (The converse holds for some people with cataracts.) The OSC 11 control sequence lets a program determine the background color, but few bother. Usually, someone just thinks yellow warning messages look cool, and that's the end of it.

                                  That also leads to problem 12: Certain popular terminals that default to setting TERM=xterm256-color while not being xterm-compatible.

                                  • setopt 5 hours ago

                                    I was for a while faking a 16-color terminal without support for 256 colors just to avoid this configuration hell. I also tried https://no-color.org/ because I’d rather have no colors than bad colors.

                                    These days I just gave up and manually configure most apps to use ANSI colors (e.g. fzf etc have command switches for that), and let Vim and Emacs be the only non-ANSI apps which are instead set to match the colorscheme I use in the rest of the terminal. (Although stuff like vim-dim let’s you go one step further if you want.)

                                    • bad_user 5 hours ago

                                      I'm not having issues with macOS's iTerm, and the programs that I use, like neovim, looked good out of the box.

                                      • bbarnett 5 hours ago

                                        Many terminals (konsole from trinity/tde3) allow you to customize the colour of the primary colours, which helps.

                                      • notorandit 3 minutes ago


                                        I still think that white on black and green on black still work very well. At least for me in the past 40 years.

                                        • lsllc 3 hours ago

                                          I've used Apple's Terminal for a long time, way back when there was a set of color schemes called "Terminal Fructose" that was nice, I would have different colored backgrounds for different tasks. Apple at some point built that in with their themes.

                                          However, Apple have languished with their Terminal support, they don't to >256 colors and some of the other more modern stuff is lacking and it doesn't really work with a Neovim+LazyVim setup.

                                          I've been trying to find a "better" terminal and have bounced around between iTerm2, Kitty, Alacritty and Wezterm, but while they all are more "modern", I find that none of them seem to have that basic "New Window with Profile ..." option that lets me quickly open windows with different background colors/themes (at least without some screwing around).

                                          Currently settled on Wezterm, mostly because it also works on Windows and I can share my wezterm.lua configuration (I should note that Windows Terminal is actually pretty good too). I still do find my self running Apple Terminal for quick things (e.g. using python3 as a REPL to do math or testing hex/binary stuff out etc).

                                          • p5a0u9l 2 hours ago

                                            > none of them seem to have that basic "New Window with Profile ..."

                                            iTerm has exactly that.

                                            • larrik 2 hours ago

                                              That's weird, as I dumped Apple's terminal very quickly in favor of iTerm2 specifically because it support "new tab with profile".

                                              • graemep 2 hours ago

                                                Konsole (the KDE terminal) does this (either from the manu or click and hold on the new tab icon) and I believe it is available for MacOS.

                                              • theideaofcoffee 2 hours ago

                                                I've reached a point where having well-coordinated colors in my terminal just doesn't concern me, I find it to be a waste of time now. I used to be all about finding the perfect scheme, with the perfect terminal font, cool transparency and whatnot, now I just don't really care. I have more interesting things to work on. Whatever, if you want to, you do you.

                                                Maybe because I've had to work on enough remote consoles without any, or limited, color support where I'm more concerned about the problem at hand than which shade of blue is being output for directories. Ok, I'll admit I adjust the default apple terminal 'pro' scheme colors a bit, adding a bit of contrast to the background because I'm in it all day, but beyond that, nothing. I find coloring has little to no positive effect on my productivity, and in some instances, hinders it. No colors on ls, I actually get a bit annoyed when color escapes reach stdout via logs now, hah. Hell, that extends even to my $PS1. I've never bothered to update it on this system. Crotchety, grizzled ops person perspective maybe?

                                                • buggy6257 2 hours ago

                                                  For me it’s about utility. I don’t buy any arguments saying don’t use aliases or colors because others won’t have them. 90% of my terminal interaction is on my terminal so I’m not too bothered.

                                                  It takes me maybe 10min when I get a new computer (usually Mac) to have Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k installed on my machine, configure p10k with the awesome setup wizard, change to my coding font, and tweak my background and foreground to dark teal/off-white. After that I never have to touch it again and it looks amazing for the rest of my working days. The default PS1 mods from p10k giving me directory context, info on k8s, docker, and python venv, along with info on last run cmd like exit code and runtime, are all just so valuable and I got them for basically free.

                                                  I can understand not wanting to constantly tweak it and I agree with that but I would have to disagree that making any customization is a waste of time.

                                                  • UI_at_80x24 an hour ago

                                                    I agree and disagree with you. Same 'grumpy old sysop' energy. Same as you I, ssh into 100 different servers on dozens of client networks. Too many have a stupid amount of restrictions in the name of security that prevent changes or enforce settings. i.e. One client has a 'forced' PS1 output that shows: RAM free/total HD space free/total CPU load TOP cpu item Previous command

                                                    All with obnoxious colours AND blinking if a threshold gets met. .bashrc (and associated)is read-only (and) overwritten at every login.

                                                    But, I can `source .my-env` And bring sanity to my session.

                                                    I'd rather have a 'default-plain' then some forced-bling that a dev thought was cool 20 years ago.

                                                    • JohnFen 2 hours ago

                                                      I don't bother about the colors because white on black is excellent for me and I prefer not to have the output colorized. Makes things easy. :)

                                                      I lie a little... I do disable colorization when possible, or set everything to be white on black when I can't just turn it off.

                                                      • Sindisil 29 minutes ago

                                                        Pretty much same, but over time I've switched to dark on light in terminal. Easier for me to read these days. Still use "night mode" often on my phone, mostly to save battery (OLED).

                                                    • praptak 4 hours ago

                                                      Emacs has its not super discoverable frame-background mode[0] which is effectively either 'light' or 'dark'.

                                                      When you're wondering why Emacs chose poor colors for something, it's often frame-background-mode being wrong.


                                                    • Daneel_ 4 hours ago

                                                      I've been using a lightly customised version of the FlatUI colour scheme for around a decade and really haven't run into any situations where it's caused issues:

                                                      png file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mkMESeGf7MNdKa-rPDx7Yf9BDit...

                                                      imgur link: https://imgur.com/a/flatui-7mqVZAY

                                                      Based on: https://flatuicolors.com/palette/defo

                                                      • bloopernova 3 hours ago

                                                        Looks similar to the One Dark theme which was originally from the Atom editor iirc.

                                                        I've been using mine for about a decade too. It works well for iTerm, vim, Emacs, vscode etc etc

                                                      • oefrha 4 hours ago

                                                        > I’m not sure why the iTerm Solarized theme is designed this way (there must be a reason!)

                                                        That’s because Solarized only has 8 accent colors + 8 monotones: https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/

                                                        Your 16 color all-color “Solarized Light” is a derivative work based on Solarized, not the original Solarized.

                                                        • sonar_un 3 hours ago

                                                          Terminal colors are tricky, which is why I outsource all of my colors to more capable people. Personally, I like Catppuccin (https://github.com/catppuccin/catppuccin)

                                                          • mrweasel 4 hours ago

                                                            And then we have the absolute mad men that just want to disable colors altogether[0]. I am tempted to try it myself, but I also like the pretty colors.

                                                            [0] https://no-color.org/

                                                            • userbinator an hour ago

                                                              If you get used to monochrome terminals, you'll start to find that most colours are distracting and attention-getting. I wonder if there's a correlation between those who don't want colour in their terminal and those who have a very strong adblocker and/or extensively use reader mode in their browsers.

                                                              • PaulHoule 3 hours ago

                                                                   :syntax off
                                                                is my only vim configuration because terminal color sets were designed by computer programmers and electrical engineers and other people who don’t understand that the important thing about colors is not the colors but the brightness.
                                                                • Sindisil 2 hours ago

                                                                  Me, for one.

                                                                  Especially coding, I find almost all coloring to be distracting and counterproductive. Doubly so when I'm bouncing back and forth between Linux ans Windows. Many tools' default use of color borders on (or crashes head on into) unusable.

                                                                  Some tools offer a --color=never option, and a good number respect NO_COLOR. Unfortunately, not all do, and even those that purport to assume that those modes will only be used for use in pipelines, programmatic interfaces, and such. That leads to all sorts of unfortunate behavior.

                                                                  • Yasuraka 3 hours ago

                                                                    Color sequences are not portable and known to break things (e.g. Jupyter sessions crashing due to colored pytest reports) and nothing but a liability if you're just piping the output. I think it's more about having the option.

                                                                    • lelandfe 2 hours ago

                                                                      Sounds like those pieces of software should also work on being more resilient to color sequences.

                                                                    • noisy_boy an hour ago

                                                                      I was using "script" command to record my interactions on the terminal and with colors, it was a mess. Pretty sure there are other legitimate use cases.

                                                                      • chrsw 4 hours ago

                                                                        I'd rather see this than colorful anime backgrounds and emojis in shell prompts.

                                                                        • theideaofcoffee 2 hours ago

                                                                          Same. There are few things that annoy me more when working in the shell than unexpected emojis in outputs to be cute or more accessible or whatever. I'll take the occasional readline and curses shenanigans but even then there's usually a way to disable those to have pure character outputs and no control chars.

                                                                        • dmd 4 hours ago

                                                                          These are presumably the same people 'raw dogging' trans-oceanic flights.

                                                                        • Arch-TK 6 hours ago

                                                                          I have automatic light/dark mode tied to the daylight cycle on my laptop and the amount of colour emitting applications which break when I turn on light-on-dark mode is astounding.

                                                                          If you are writing a command line tool and you absolutely insist it must have colours then stick to the ANSI 16 colours or allow end users to customize the colour scheme.

                                                                          • powersnail 6 hours ago

                                                                            A big problem is that, even when you ignore 256 and true color support, and limit yourself to the 16 color palette, there’s no consensus on whether the 16 colors are backgrounds or foregrounds. Some CLI write text in foreground color over color_x, while others do it with background color.

                                                                            • chrismorgan 4 hours ago

                                                                              If you’re a CLI, you should never (a) set background colours, or (b) use more than the 16 colours range¹, unless the user configures it so.

                                                                              If you’re a TUI (as in, full-screen terminal app), you should probably not (a) set background colours, or (b) use more than the 16 colours range¹, unless the user configures it so.


                                                                              ¹ And you can’t even wisely use most of the 16 colour range—the intense colours might be higher or lower contrast, so they’re not useful how people want to use them, and black and white could both be either the higher contrast or literally invisible, when used against the default background; and blue, yellow, bright yellow, bright cyan are each very difficult to see on some common themes, those that’s becoming less common.

                                                                            • Cthulhu_ 7 hours ago

                                                                              Would be good to check colours (if you're someone who picks colours) against the new APCA algorithm (Advanced Perception of Colour), which will supersede the existing x:y one in the upcoming WCAG 3.0 (which may take a few years yet). APCA takes font size, weight, foreground/background, and even apparently ambient light/surroundings and intended purpose into consideration. It would be neat if terminal emulators could use the device's light sensor to optimize the contrast based on environmental factors.

                                                                              • Narushia 5 hours ago

                                                                                I've actually done this manually for my current terminal color scheme, because I could not find a single premade theme that satisfied my personal contrast requirements for all the ANSI colors.

                                                                                • ykonstant 6 hours ago

                                                                                  Oh, that is fascinating.

                                                                                  • possibleworlds 5 hours ago

                                                                                    The creator has a huge amount of docs surrounding the project that are quirky and very informative https://linktr.ee/Myndex

                                                                                • esskay 2 hours ago

                                                                                  Most of this just boils down to people designing themes not understanding accessibility when it comes to color. If they followed the WCAG Color Contrast guidelines it'd be a mostly non issue.

                                                                                  • nubinetwork an hour ago

                                                                                    I learned this a few years back when switching back to KDE after being a MATE user... for some reason KDE insists on using a different palette, so it breaks some apps that use colours...

                                                                                    • layer8 an hour ago

                                                                                      The approach I find most practical is:

                                                                                      – Only use the 16 ANSI colors, with the default (or user-configurable) background.

                                                                                      – Configure the 16 colors on your terminal client so that they are readable on your chosen background color(s).

                                                                                      • SoftTalker an hour ago

                                                                                        Yep. I used to waste so much time on tweaking colors and themes. I just go with the defaults now. I don't always like them, but screwing around with colors and fonts is just an endless no-win battle. No matter what you come up with you'll run into an app that does something nonstandard and then your carefully constructed theme looks like crap.

                                                                                      • sevensor 2 hours ago

                                                                                        Minimum contrast! What a great feature! One of which I was entirely unaware until just now.

                                                                                        • tempodox an hour ago

                                                                                          Definitely one of the deeper rabbit holes to let yourself fall into when you feel like procrastinating. I'm content if both syntax coloring in vim and file type coloring in the shell are readable. I've got more interesting things to do.

                                                                                          • zokier 2 hours ago

                                                                                            People in this thread complain about 8/24 bit colors, but how difficult would it be to have terminal emulator simply map 8/24 bit colors to the 16 ANSI color palette? Shouldn't that resolve most of the concerns?

                                                                                            • vishnuharidas 4 hours ago

                                                                                              Not just terminal, but be it Neon signs or LED name boards, blue is the toughest on eyes during night time. It's always blurry from a distance, and can't even focus on it. I have seen big businesses putting up huge name boards in blue lights, and I think how they can spend a lot of money without even realizing that people can't read it.

                                                                                              • Max-q 3 hours ago

                                                                                                "bright yellow on white" and "dark blue on black": I thought the system was designed so that you should use a bright colors on a dark color or opposite, not two colors in the same group?

                                                                                                • PaulHoule 3 hours ago

                                                                                                  The #1 problem w/ the above article is that “color” doesn’t matter but brightness and value do.

                                                                                                • sam0x17 3 hours ago

                                                                                                  For me I've always gravitated to what is essentially the "One Dark Pro" theme originally from Atom that has been ported over to VSCode and other things, and is almost identical (in terms of terminal colors anyway) to the default theme installed by OhMyZsh. So these days I just default install OhMyZsh and I'm good to go.

                                                                                                  • lagniappe 30 minutes ago

                                                                                                    Solarized Light is how the good Lord intended it, any more than that and you're just playing with it.

                                                                                                    • tmtvl 4 hours ago

                                                                                                      I've got my terminal set up to use a colour scheme based on Prot's Modus Operandi (https://protesilaos.com/emacs/modus-themes) theme for Emacs. I can read the output of `dmesg' and `ls /' without problems, so it's good enough for me.

                                                                                                      • NoGravitas 2 hours ago

                                                                                                        Do you have someplace you can share this? I'd love a pair of 16-color terminal color schemes based on Modus Operandi and Modus Vivendi.

                                                                                                        • mrweasel 4 hours ago

                                                                                                          Emacs users always write the longest, most detailed documentation.

                                                                                                        • k3vinw 4 hours ago

                                                                                                          I use base16 shell across my terminal emulators and at least in gnome or xfce terminal I found that it helps to reverse white text on black backround when using a light theme. And flipping it back when using a dark theme. Makes me wish they had that auto contrast feature.

                                                                                                          • myworkinisgood 4 hours ago
                                                                                                            • rcarmo 7 hours ago

                                                                                                              As someone who spent an hour yesterday trying to color match WezTerm and Apple Terminal to run vim legibly, this came in very handy,

                                                                                                              • Arn_Thor 5 hours ago

                                                                                                                There is something deeply fondly nostalgic about looking at that ANSI color table

                                                                                                                • vanous 5 hours ago

                                                                                                                  Glad to see someone else to use solarized light in terminal. I have this in terminal, vim, mc... custom tweaked and I love it.

                                                                                                                  • jeffbee 2 hours ago

                                                                                                                    Solarized has the core of a good idea but a lot of problems in the details. I started from Selenized. https://github.com/jan-warchol/selenized/blob/master/whats-w...

                                                                                                                    • HenryBemis 3 hours ago

                                                                                                                      No they are not. I've played MUDs enough years on my life to know that the best is black background, bright green letters. Prompt with white. Exits/entries with Yellow. Chats with light blue/aqua.

                                                                                                                      • prmoustache 4 hours ago

                                                                                                                        Problem 8: I am not really an mc user but I don't find the screenshot with the solarized theme disorienting at all.

                                                                                                                        Everything is legible. You need to be the pickiest picky princess of pea to be annoyed by that.

                                                                                                                        • weinzierl 6 hours ago

                                                                                                                          The answer seems to be “there’s no standard, terminal emulators just choose colours and it’s not very consistent”.

                                                                                                                          The colors themselves are one part of the equation, the other being the mapping to semantic elements, like GUI widgets or syntax groups.

                                                                                                                          I feel there are some unwritten rules despite and beneath all the apparent inconsistency.

                                                                                                                          For example keywords are almost universally somewhere in the red blue area, never green. For comments it's the opposite, most often greenish or grey.

                                                                                                                          But this is all tacit and to the best if knowledge nowhere written down.

                                                                                                                          • chrismorgan 6 hours ago

                                                                                                                            > For example keywords are almost universally somewhere in the red blue area, never green.

                                                                                                                            This isn’t true. Blue’s probably most common these days, but black, orange, brown, yellow, green… they’re all pretty common, probably similarly common to red. In Pygments, the default theme even uses bold green for keywords.

                                                                                                                            > For comments it's the opposite, most often greenish or grey.

                                                                                                                            OK, this one’s more true. Other colours are sometimes used, but greens and greys are far and away the most common.