• irq-1 21 hours ago

    For a broader story, including Newtons running of the Royal Mint, check out:




    • FredPret 20 hours ago

      For an lengthy but amazing alternate-reality account of same (and much... much more), check out Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle

      • notfish 16 hours ago

        The audiobooks are pretty well narrated too, great for anyone who needs 160 hours of audio

        • FredPret 12 hours ago

          Very true. Then you get to Cryptonomicon - which is set in the same universe. I think it's the best audiobook I've ever listened to.

        • ahazred8ta 15 hours ago

          The David Liss historical novel 'A Conspiracy of Paper' was pretty nice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Conspiracy_of_Paper

          • FredPret 15 hours ago

            Thanks - I'll check it out.

            Shockingly, this is free on Audible!

          • Onavo 17 hours ago

            For a more rigorous treatment, try Paul Wiltmott's (a famous quant) The Money Formula


        • pvg 21 hours ago
        • kirubakaran 13 hours ago

          Much better chart someone posted in an older thread: https://i.imgur.com/AEzxuLy.jpg

          • bruce511 21 hours ago

            One of the things I found interesting recently was that the "South Sea" part of the name refers to the South Atlantic. I'd always inferred that the "South Sea" was the South Pacific.

            I suppose the term "South Pacific" is ingrained in the language, so naturally my mind takes me there with "South Sea".

            Anyway, just one of those long-held beliefs that turns out yo be false.

            • mikrl 20 hours ago

              South Seas in popular culture typically does refer to the South Pacific and Polynesia though. I’d also say the South China Sea too.

              But in Newton’s day yes, I think the colonial adventures were still very much focused on the Atlantic.

              • badpun 20 hours ago

                Doh, I always thought it as South China Sea!

              • hermitcrab 18 hours ago

                One of the smartest people who ever lived and he was still suckered, due to greed.

                • sumtechguy 2 hours ago

                  IQ does not mean one thing. It is a range of things. You can be totally brilliant at one thing and a complete fool on something else. It is what I call the smart person trap. You know you are smart at one thing. So therefor you are smart so therefore you are probably good at everything. Poor logic. I heard a con artist put it this way 'i love suckering smart people they think they are never wrong'.

                  • nialv7 an hour ago

                    Is someone actually smart when they aren't smart enough to realise that they can be wrong?

                    • sumtechguy 41 minutes ago

                      You would think that. But it is ego that takes over.

                  • richrichie 14 hours ago

                    Precisely why one should not place much emphasis on the takes of people like Paul Graham and LeCun outside their specialization. They are as susceptible as anyone to be suckered into an ideology.

                    • TheAmazingRace an hour ago

                      The same can also be said for Dr. Jordan Peterson. He has expertise only within his specific domain, but then once he gets political or discusses the concept of God, he comes off as uninformed and out of his element.

                  • ren_engineer 19 hours ago

                    Newton should have known to always leave a moon bag

                    • downrightmike 21 hours ago

                      More about the whole thing:

                      England: South Sea Bubble - The Sharp Mind of John Blunt - Extra History - Part 1


                      • bdjsiqoocwk 21 hours ago

                        This article confirms that the common lore is broadly correct. Newton bought, stock goes up, Newton sells, realizes huge gains, stock goes up more, Newton buys again, stock crashes, Newton loses big.

                        • amelius 21 hours ago

                          What goes up must come down. Newton of all people should have known.

                          • FredPret 20 hours ago

                            Stock investment can drive economic and technical development, which only needs to stop with the heat death of the universe.

                            This particular stock was a massive bubble though.

                            • vasco 19 hours ago

                              Newton should've invested in broad index ETFs, shame he was born a few hundred years too early.

                              • rsynnott 4 hours ago

                                Not _that_ far away from a similar concept, really: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_fund#History

                                He only missed mutual funds (or a reasonable analogue thereof) by 50 years or so, though presumably he'd have had trouble investing in _Dutch_ ones.

                                • patapong 8 hours ago

                                  Given that apple literally fell on hid head, he should have just invested in that

                                  • FredPret 18 hours ago

                                    Should've invented crypto!

                                • mr_toad 12 hours ago

                                  I don’t know who first derived the Earth’s escape velocity, but it requires calculus and Newton’s theory of gravity, so he should have been able to figure out that the old adage isn’t actually true.

                                • jameshart 19 hours ago

                                  I don’t know - given that an object in motion remains in motion, he might have been more of a ‘line goes up’ HODLer…