« BackGetentropy() vs. RAND_bytes()dotat.atSubmitted by signa11 4 days ago
  • akira2501 2 hours ago

    You should not be calling getentropy() often enough to be concerned about it's performance. Of course RAND_bytes will be faster because it doesn't have to context switch into ring 0 to do the job. The vDSO feels like a complete punt by libc authors on providing a sane interface to random number generation particularly in threaded environments, but to be fair, POSIX really is zero help here.

    Finally if you just need to seed an RNG once in a single threaded process, there's always getauxval(3) with the AT_RANDOM op, combined with any number of RNGs works a real treat.

    • fanf2 2 hours ago

      Why would I use Linux-only getauxval() when POSIX specifies a reasonably portable getentropy()?

      Your theory about the relative performance is what I thought, but it turns out not to be the case for older versions of OpenSSL.

      The cover letter for getrandom() vDSO support explains the whys and wherefores pretty well https://lwn.net/ml/all/20240712014009.281406-1-Jason@zx2c4.c...

      • akira2501 2 hours ago

        Auxiliary values are a part of the ELF specification.

        Did you compare older versions of OpenSSL against the kernels that were contemporary to their release dates?

        And I read the LKML thread. In particular, I don't agree with statement 2, which seems to boil down to "it's harder to get right on VMs, and one time we forgot we had to special case hibernation, so that serves as justification for the vDSO."

        The notion seemingly being "we want to make it easy to write carefree cryptographically secure code all managed by the kernel." I think you can have two of those three but probably not all three at once. What end state are we actually trying to create here?

        • fanf2 15 minutes ago

          Auxiliary values are part of ELF, but it only specifies the layout in memory. ELF doesn’t specify a header that defines the AT_… values and some systems don’t even spell them with that prefix.

          • dale_glass an hour ago

            I don't see what the big deal is here? Why fight so much over such a tiny patch?

            To me this all seems like a no-brainer. A performant way to do a security-critical thing with less footguns, using an already existing mechanism.

            • akira2501 an hour ago

              I don't see what's making you interpret this as a "big deal" or a "fight." This is Hacker News on a Saturday. I'm offering some really light and off the cuff analysis over what may potentially be a bad feature.

              I would not consider the kernel's internal entropy management a way to find "less foot guns." I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way, in particular, I think it's telling that the only way to form a cogent argument around this feature is by invoking VMs with bad vendor state management facilities.

              Anyways.. I felt like commenting because this generally feels like the "worse is actually better" trend in kernel development that's become en vogue lately. I personally, just don't like it, and I thought this was a forum where I could just basically say that, without someone feeling confronted by it.

              • dale_glass 28 minutes ago

                > I don't see what's making you interpret this as a "big deal" or a "fight."

                I meant the general amount of discussion about it, including here, LWN and LKML

                > I'm offering some really light and off the cuff analysis over what may potentially be a bad feature.

                In what way could it be bad? I can only see it as a bit more complexity than needed, perhaps.

                > I would not consider the kernel's internal entropy management a way to find "less foot guns."

                Why not? The kernel is the ultimate arbiter of everything and the best place to have an accurate view. Userspace is at the mercy of the kernel, so it can't be as good.

                > I think it's telling that the only way to form a cogent argument around this feature is by invoking VMs with bad vendor state management facilities.

                That's what I mean by less footguns: a solution where userspace code can be written in a straightforward manner and not worry that everything might have changed underneath is less likely to go wrong.

                > I felt like commenting because this generally feels like the "worse is actually better" trend in kernel development that's become en vogue lately.

                What do you see as "worse"? It's faster, and it's less troublesome. Win/Win as far as I can see.

          • dfox an hour ago

            IIRC OpenBSD's arc4random (even in the kernel) gets its initial seed by pretty much identical mechanism as linux-specific getauxval(AT_RANDOM).

            • fanf2 2 minutes ago
