• matt1 17 hours ago

    Hey all, I’m Matt Mazur, the founder of Emergent Mind, a new AI research assistant that helps you learn about any computer science research topic.

    You can ask it questions (“What’s the difference between DPO and PPO?”), look up topics (“Graph Convolutional Neural Networks”), learn about papers (“KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks”), and research authors (“Yann LeCun”). Behind the scenes, it will try to find the most relevant computer science papers on arXiv, then synthesize their findings to generate a detailed, research-backed answer for you, all in a matter of seconds.

    Unlike tools like ChatGPT, Emergent Mind is hyper-focused on computer science. It factors in citations and social media metrics to help rank papers (including Hacker News upvotes). It provides references so you know what papers the answers came from, is always up-to-date with arXiv (about 670k comp sci papers and counting), and encourages exploration using automatically-generated follow-up questions and topic links (similar to Wikipedia).

    The tool is still fairly new and there’s endless room for improvement, but we wanted to share it with you all to get any feedback to make sure our product roadmap is aligned with what folks would find most useful.

    • ofou 15 hours ago

      Whether you're doing research or just keeping up with AI news, EM is doing great work. We've gathered millions of data points for each paper. Going forward, we plan to improve the capabilities and expand the sources behind every paper's knowledge graph. This is just the start.

      The goal is to build the first AI research assistant that combines paper knowledge with insights from researchers and communicators. Always up to date.

    • CodeCube 16 hours ago

      Incredible to see the growth in capability of EmergentMind recently!