• bndr an hour ago

    Oh wow, my package on the front page again. Glad that it's still being used.

    This was written 10 years ago when I was struggling with pulling and installing projects that didn't have any requirements.txt. It was frustrating and time-consuming to get everything up and running, so I decided to fix it, apparently many other developers had the same issue.

    [Update]: Though I do think the package is already at a level where it does one thing and it does it good. I'm still looking for maintainers to improve it and move it forward.

    • Terretta 2 hours ago

      Please consider consolidating python dependency management instead of fragmenting it:


      In other words, bring the thinking here. Whether it's new thinking, or decade old thinking, it's well time to converge. We've had decades of trying it like Heinz catsup varieties. Worth trying more wood behind fewer arrows.

      • whalesalad an hour ago

        This is not fragmenting it. The requirements.txt file has been a steady and well used API for well over a decade. This tool just helps you produce one for a project that is missing one.

        • imjonse 2 hours ago

          One can start non-distruptively with uv by only using it as a pipx replacement at first ( uv tool). Nice and fast.

          • ris an hour ago

            How about you stop trying to create package managers for every single language/ecosystem in existence and instead converge on trying to solve the whole problem once and for all with Nix.

            • verandaguy 33 minutes ago

              Asking honestly since I've seen Nix and NixOS show up on the front page here a bunch over the years, but never used it: my impression of it is that it fills the same kind of niche as the Zig or Nim languages: conceptually pretty cool, but not widely adopted outside of a dedicated core user group.

              Is this really the case for Nix, or is it actually widely adopted, and this adoption is underreported?

              If it's not actually widely adopted, what do you think are the biggest obstacles in Nix's way?

            • jghn an hour ago

              > Please consider consolidating python dependency management instead of fragmenting it

              You realize that this project predates uv by roughly a decade, right?

              • Terretta 22 minutes ago

                > You realize that this project predates uv by roughly a decade, right?

                "Whether it's new thinking, or decade old thinking, it's well time to converge."

                • chaps 6 minutes ago

                  Can you expand on what you mean, exactly?

              • Spivak 2 hours ago

                You're just picking a winner like every other Python dependency project. If it's not in a PEP do whatever the hell you want. Good ideas will get turned into future PEPs for tooling to standardize on. uv itself has two separate locking formats.

              • jonathrg 2 hours ago

                How is uv, another flavor-of-the-month Python packaging tool, not contributing to fragmentation?

                • the_mitsuhiko an hour ago

                  uv unlike all other options has the best shot at becoming the one.

                • Der_Einzige 2 hours ago

                  Please consider consolidating python dependency management instead of fragmenting it:


                  In other words, bring the thinking here. Whether it's new thinking, or decade old thinking, it's well time to converge. We've had decades of trying it like Heinz catsup varieties. Worth trying more wood behind fewer arrows.

                  • notatallshaw an hour ago

                    > Please consider consolidating python dependency management instead of fragmenting it: https://github.com/mamba-org/mamba

                    Mamba doesn't even interact with the official python packing ecosystem... It is purely a conda replacement and conda packaging is not Python packaging (it's a more fundamental fragmentation than choosing a particular tool). So weird choice to not fragment Python dependency management.

                    If you depend on both conda and standard Python packaging (e.g. PyPI.org) you can use Pixi: https://github.com/prefix-dev/pixi?tab=readme-ov-file#pixi-p.... Pixi attempts to bridge the conda world and the Python package world, so it's possible to rely more deeply on standards based packaging but still use conda tooling when you need it.

                    • kstrauser 2 hours ago

                      While I don't know which (if any) Python package manager will "win", I'm confident it won't be Conda or similar. I hope and pray not, anyway.

                      • matrss 2 hours ago

                        Yes, the entire workflow of conda/mamba is a liability. Having environments detached from directories encourages bad practices (reusing environments for unrelated things, installing everything into the same environment and getting very broken dependency resolutions, that stuff) and it doesn't even have a lock file format, so environments can't be saved short of dumping its entire directory.

                        Iff it must be the conda ecosystem, pixi (https://pixi.sh/latest/) is a much better pick.

                        But conda-style packages (or anything with install time dependency resolution really) also have the issue of being completely untestable. That makes them unsuitable at least for user-facing package management, if you care about your packages not randomly breaking without warning.

                        I'd rather see every language converge on a single package manager that implements functional package management, i.e. guix or nix. One can dream...

                        • skeledrew an hour ago

                          I've been using a conda+poetry flow for years and it's worked very well. Particularly because envs aren't tied to projects. I tried pixi for a few days in a project months ago and it was just breakage and untenable limitations all around. I prefer the freedom of using per project envs when I want, and shared envs other times.

                          • matrss an hour ago

                            What are you using each of them for in that workflow?

                            I've found that there really only are two kinds of packages I want to install: those I want globally (e.g. CLI tools like git, git-annex, DataLad, whatever shell enhancing you want, etc.) and project-specific dependencies (anything required to get going with it on a freshly installed system with the smallest amount of assumptions possible).

                            The former is sufficiently addressed by `pixi global` and other package managers, the latter by pixi projects. Notably, conda environments are a bad fit for both (not global, not really updatable, not automatically tied to a project, not rebuildable due to missing lock files, ...).

                  • idoubtit 2 hours ago

                    I used this last year, with a relative success. I was asked to fix a Python code written by an intern that was no longer there. The code used external libraries, but did not declare any. I had only a zip of the source code, without any library. pipreqs was able to identify the 22 required libraries. Unfortunately, there was a runtime crash because a library was at the wrong version. So I had to let a real Python developer handle the next steps.

                    BTW, this tool is not a dependency manager. Many sibling comments seem to misunderstand the case and promote unrelated tools.

                    • jcarrano 12 minutes ago

                      When I first started with Python, long ago, I looked into these kind of solutions, which didn't work so well, and wondered why the concept was not better developed. Later, with experience, I realized it is not am great idea, and more hassle than the benefits it brings.

                      I don't think it is good idea to merrily write 10s of import statements and end up with loads of dependencies.

                      • remram 2 hours ago

                        Can I have it find the requirements as of a specific date?

                        If I find a script/notebook/project with no requirements.txt, I usually know when it was created. Being able to get the versions that were selected back then on the author's machine would be great for reproducibility.

                        • matrss an hour ago

                          For the future, please pick a package manager that can give you a lock file alongside your code, so that you have a definitive record of the dependencies.

                          Even if you have all versions as of the time of the last modification to the code, you don't know if the dependency resolution happened at that point in time, or if the environment was set up years prior and never updated.

                          Nevertheless, this is what you are looking for: https://pypi.org/project/pypi-timemachine/

                          • d0mine an hour ago

                            See whether “exclude-newer” uv option might help if you’ve inherited a script without a dependencies lock file https://docs.astral.sh/uv/guides/scripts/#improving-reproduc...

                            • oprypin an hour ago
                              • 0cf8612b2e1e an hour ago

                                I have never realized until this moment that I want such a tool. Ideally, you would never find yourself in this position, but alas.

                              • sean_pedersen 2 hours ago

                                I thought import names and PyPI names are not always equal, thus this can not work reliably, right?

                              • spullara an hour ago

                                Wrap your python program in an LLM that just keeps installing things when it fails until it works :)

                                • thebigspacefuck an hour ago

                                  Would this be useful for identifying packages in a requirements.txt that aren’t used? Or is there another tool for that?

                                  • manojlds an hour ago

                                    mv and diff?

                                  • skeledrew an hour ago

                                    Anything that takes away from users fully migrating to pyproject really needs to die.

                                    • mikepurvis an hour ago

                                      But pyproject itself isn't even taking a stance on the underlying question of dependency management, which can still be flit, poetry, uv, pipx, pipenv, and who knows what else.

                                      (I'm a poetry user myself, but I can see the writing on the wall that poetry is probably not going to be the winner of who ultimately ends up in the PEP.)

                                      • joeyagreco an hour ago

                                        and why is that?

                                      • notnmeyer 2 hours ago

                                        looks great. similarly this is why i love ‘go mod tidy’. just use the thing and let the package manager sort it out after the fact.

                                        • mbank 2 hours ago

                                          I was looking for this and thought I was doing something wrong not finding anything... Great job! I do think though a "clean" development mode not needing this would be to work with a virgin virtual environment starting a new project and running pip freeze on that env.

                                          • tmslnz 2 hours ago

                                            How is it different to pip-chill[1]?

                                            [1]: https://github.com/rbanffy/pip-chill

                                            • surye 2 hours ago

                                              I believe pip-chill still operates on packaged installed into the environment. This project seems to derive from the code itself, even if no packages are installed in the current environment.

                                            • mooreds 2 hours ago

                                              From the GH repo description:

                                              > Looking for maintainers to move this project forward.

                                              So not sure how maintained it is.

                                              • TZubiri 2 hours ago

                                                let's not fuck with supply chain vulnerabilities

                                                • FlipFloopDev 2 hours ago

                                                  Surprised I've never seen this, despite it existing for at least 9 years??

                                                  • v3ss0n 2 hours ago

                                                    Please consider using PDM instead. https://pdm-project.org/en/latest/

                                                    • joeyagreco an hour ago

                                                      could you explain why?

                                                    • 999900000999 2 hours ago

                                                      Can you have it work with pipfiles too ?

                                                      • kstrauser 17 minutes ago

                                                        Alternatively, can the pipenv gang support the same pyproject.toml files as everyone else?

                                                        • remram 2 hours ago

                                                          I had forgotten about pipfiles. Like their name implies (/s) they are not for pip but pipenv, a separate tool.

                                                          https://github.com/pypa/pipfile "This format is still under active design and development", last commit "2 years ago". I think this is dead.

                                                          • kstrauser 15 minutes ago

                                                            That's the repo for the Pipfiles themselves. The (only?) thing using them is pipenv, which lives in a separate repo.

                                                            • 999900000999 an hour ago


                                                              Pipenv was last updated 10 hours ago. Looks like it's still an active project to me.

                                                          • andrewmcwatters an hour ago

                                                            I don't spend a lot of time in Python, but my current understanding having read Python documentation and seeing some projects online is that you use pip and requirements.txt with --require-hashes, venv, and pyproject.toml to use a standard dependency management toolchain.

                                                            Is that correct?

                                                            • halfcat 2 hours ago

                                                              I don’t know if this is how pipreqs works, but I’d be concerned about a typo in an import that inadvertently installs a library.

                                                              I’ve found pip-tools [1] to be a nice middle ground between `pip freeze` and something heavier like poetry. It’s especially helpful in showing you where a library came from, when a library installs other libraries it depends upon.

                                                              One could still have a typo in their requirements.in file with pip-tools, but changes there are much less frequent than imports in any Python file in your proejcf which could be a daily occurrence in some codebases.

                                                              [1] https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools

                                                              • timetraveller26 43 minutes ago

                                                                god, please no

                                                                • robblbobbl 2 hours ago

                                                                  Nicely done

                                                                  • danielktdoranie 2 hours ago

                                                                    ...it would also be nice if Debian (Ubunutu and other derivitives) stop shitting on pip in some ridiculous paranoid attempt to stop breaking apt packages (that don't break apt packages anyway) or because of "muh security".