• ricksunny 5 minutes ago

    Neat! It's very cool to see what appears to be the 'hoop' formed by all the geosync satellites. Yet then there appears to be a 'cylinder' that contains the hoop whose axis is slightly off the hoop's access. Any idea what that represents? By maintaining the same distance from Earth as the geosyncs, they would seem to be synchronous with a particular longitude, but would rise up & down latitude above & below the equator with every revolution (i.e. onr full cycle per day).

    • mihaaly an hour ago

      Nice concept! I only find it unintuitive to navigate, with button panel of always truncated buttons looking strange, quasi-permanent (requires action or stays there forever) and plenty error messages that I am using it wrong ('select something first!'), overly eager tooltips everywhere, with amusement centric but impractical zoomed animation on click that is not obvious how to reverse. It must be somewhere, the whole thing looks rich in functions, but I lost interest in the tiring entertainment centric approach before finding it.