« BackFenfluramine/Phentermineen.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by kamaraju 21 hours ago
  • rs999gti 18 hours ago

    Ozempic can cause stomach paralysis, so each individual has to weigh risk to reward when choosing an obesity drug.

    • AStonesThrow 20 hours ago

      What a miracle drug. The salvation of the obese. Thank God this has been developed for our benefit, tested harmlessly and ethically on innocent minority children, and has no known side effects! Also cures addictions! (1984)

      • hannasm 20 hours ago

          > In 2006 it was confirmed that the combination of phentermine and the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), in place of fenfluramine, significantly decreased alcohol withdrawal seizures in rats.[21]
        That said this whole page on Wikipedia seems like a "to-be-continued drama" missing a punchline or some other meaningful takeaway