• benoau a day ago

    This all pertains to whether Apple is, per court order, no longer prohibiting developers to link to their websites containing billing information that is not using their In-App Purchase system and thus bypassing their 30% fee and competing against it for consumer payments.

    Apple's compliance with the court order was to create a 27% fee if you exercise this right to link to your own payment options, along with granting themselves the right to audit developers to ensure they collect it and extending the scope to include all other devices and operating systems you might use to complete a purchase for one week after using your phone to tap a link.

    The question is, what can the judge actually do if they are held in contempt? It certainly does not seem like Apple has even the slightest fear of repercussion, is that warranted?

    > "Apple Inc. and its officers, agents, servants, employees, and any person in active concert or participation with them (“Apple”), are hereby permanently restrained and enjoined from prohibiting developers from (i) including in their apps and their metadata buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms, in addition to In-App Purchasing and (ii) communicating with customers through points of contact obtained voluntarily from customers through account registration within the app."
