• RockRobotRock a day ago

    v2 captchas are a joke. Google has enough data to determine if anyone is a bot or human with 99% accuracy before you click the checkbox. Google passes that single bit of information to the web owner, and in return the users are unpaid data annotation workers.

    • ProllyInfamous a day ago

      As a fellow human, even I cannot pass 50%+ of 4chan's CAPTCHAs (albeit not traffic-related)...

      • GoToRO a day ago

        CAPTCHAs will be used in reverse: if you *fail* the CAPTCHA, then you are human.

        • ProllyInfamous a day ago

          Wait until we have /r9k/ "essay response" -type CAPTCHA

          (greetings fellow humanoid lizard genAI)

      • undefined a day ago
        • falcor84 a day ago

          Can we just go ahead and already implement this xkcd? https://xkcd.com/810/