• dest 2 hours ago

    Interesting product. We would use that as a backoffice that would be self hosted, fetching from and pushing to backend APIs. Is that use case on your roadmap?

    Basically an alternative to Google sheet with JS macros in it. Gsheet is no good for us because we have data protection requirements.

    • Manchego79 12 minutes ago

      Yep, we're currently rolling out pilots for self-hosting. If you're interested, feel free to reach out via the contact page on our website.

    • sahmeepee an hour ago

      Datat visualizations?

      • Manchego79 15 minutes ago

        For visualizations, we support Chart.js. You can also use our built-in AI to help write the code.

      • cloudking an hour ago

        How does your product differentiate from Google Apps Script? I see you can execute JS within a cell, but why is that a better UX than keeping the code separated like Apps Script does?

        • Manchego79 10 minutes ago

          Quadratic is built for doing analytics, and a native JavaScript experience where you're in the weeds with the data just felt better. We wanted JavaScript to be a first-class citizen in the spreadsheet, as formulas are treated first-class in most spreadsheets.

          When they're separated, the experience feels bolted on (to us). Being native means supporting existing libraries like Fetch for APIs, chart.js for charts, brain.js for ML, etc., not to mention performance!

        • Onavo an hour ago

          Note that they have a GitHub but they are not open source.

          • Manchego79 5 minutes ago

            Correct, our license is Source Available to be as open as possible while reserving commercial rights, which we believe will ultimately enable us to build the best product for users.