• pjmlp 5 hours ago

    So I just discovered that Cloudfare now owns the trademark for Sun's "The Network is the Computer".

    "Cloudflare serves the entire world — region: earth. Rather than asking developers to provision resources in specific regions, data centers and availability zones, we think “The Network is the Computer”. "


    • remram an hour ago

      > The global scheduler is built on Cloudflare Workers, Durable Objects, and KV, and decides which Cloudflare location to schedule the container to run in. Each location then runs its own scheduler, which decides which metals within that location to schedule the container to run on.

      So they just use the term "location" instead of "region".

      • DonHopkins an hour ago

        Did they also get the old DEC t-shirt trademark: "The Network Is The Network and The Computer Is The Computer. We regret the confusion."

        IBM mocked Sun with: "When they put the dot into dot-com, they forgot how they were going to connect the dots," after sassily rolling out Eclipse just to cast a dark shadow on Java. Badoom psssh!


      • LukeLambert 3 hours ago

        This is really cool and I can't wait to read all about it. Unfortunately, I've missed a month of blog posts because Cloudflare changed their blog's RSS URL without notice. If you change blogging platforms and can't implement a 301, please leave a post letting subscribers know where to find the new feed. RSS isn't dead!

        • jgrahamc 3 hours ago

          We did? That's nuts if we did. What URL were you using?

          EDIT: It looks like some people may have been using ghost.blog.cloudflare.com/rss because we used to use Ghost but the actual URL was/is blog.cloudflare.com/rss. We're setting up a redirect for anyone who was using the ghost. URL.

          • LukeLambert 2 hours ago

            Yes, it was the Ghost URL. Thank you for correcting it! I read just about every post, so I have a lot of catching up to do.

            • jgrahamc 2 hours ago

              Sorry about the interruption! We migrated away from Ghost and not sure how you ended up with that URL but we're adding a redirect. Have a good catch up :-)

            • Traubenfuchs 3 hours ago

              Hacker News is my favorite C-Suite level support forum of cloudflare and stripe.

            • NicoJuicy 3 hours ago
              • jgrahamc 3 hours ago

                Yes, that should be the URL and I don't think that's changed. Just wondering what URL the parent was hitting.

            • ckastner 3 hours ago

              > To add GPU support, the Google team introduced nvproxy which works using the same principles as described above for syscalls: it intercepts ioctls destined to the GPU and proxies a subset to the GPU kernel module.

              This does still expose the host's kernel to a potentially malicious workload, right?

              If so, could this be mitigated by (continuously) running a QEMU VM with GPUs passed through via VFIO, and running whatever Workers need within that VM?

              The Debian ROCm Team faces similar challenge, we want to do CI [1] for our stack and all our dependent packages, but cannot rule out potentially hostile workloads. We spawn QEMU VMs per test (instead of the model described above) but that's because our tests must also be run against the relevant distribution's kernel and firmwares.

              Incidentally, I've been monitoring the Firecracker VFIO GitHub issue linked in the article. Upstream does not have a use case for and thus no resources dedicated to implement this, but there's a community meeting [2] coming up in October to discuss the future of this feature request.

              [1]: https://ci.rocm.debian.net

              [2]: https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker/issues/11...

              • hinkley 3 hours ago

                I’ve been looking at distributed CI and for now I’m just going to be running workloads queued by the owner of the agent. That doesn’t eliminate hostile workloads but it does present a similar surface area to simply running the builds locally.

                I’ve been thinking about QEMM or firecracker instead of just containers for a more robust solution. I have some time before anyone would ask me about GPU workloads, but do you think firecracker is on track to get there or would I be better off learning QEMM?

                • ckastner 2 hours ago

                  Amazon/AWS has no use case for VFIO in Firecracker. They're open to the community adding support and have a community meeting soon, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

                  QEMU can work -- I say can, because it doesn't work with all GPUs. And with consumer GPUs, VFIO is generally not an officially supported use case. We got it working, but with lots of trial and error, and there are still some problematic corner cases.

                • ec109685 3 hours ago

                  If the calls first pass through a memory safe language as what gvisor does, isn’t the attack surface greatly reduced?

                  It does seem however that Firecracker + GPU support (or https://github.com/cloud-hypervisor/cloud-hypervisor) is most promising though.

                  It’s surprising that AWS doesn’t have a need for Lambda but with GPU’s to motivate them to bring GPU’s to firecracker.

                  • ckastner 3 hours ago

                    > If the calls first pass through a memory safe language as what gvisor does, isn’t the attack surface greatly reduced?

                    The runtime may be memory safe, but I'm thinking of the GPU workloads which nvproxy seems to pass on to the device via the host's kernel. Say I find a security issue in the GPU's driver, and manage to exploit it with some malicious CUDA workload.

                • thefounder an hour ago

                  So this will be similar to Google Appengine(now Google run) ? If that’s the case I would love to give it a try but then I need close SQL server nearby and other open source services as well

                  • dopylitty 39 minutes ago

                    I like the dig at "first generation" clouds.

                    There really is a wide gulf between the services provided by the older cloud providers (AWS, Azure) and the newer ones (fly.io, CloudFlare etc).

                    AWS/Azure provide very leaky abstractions (VMs, VPCs) on top of very old and badly designed protocols/systems (IP, Windows, Linux) . That's fine for people who want to spend all their time janitoring VMs, operating systems, and networks but for developers who just want to write code that provides a service it's much better to be able to say to the cloud provider "Here's my code, you make sure it's running somewhere" and let the cloud provider deal with the headaches. Even the older providers' PaaS services have too many knobs to deal with (I don't want to think about putting a load balancer in front of ECS or whatever)

                    • abadpoli 24 minutes ago

                      This undersells the fact that there’s a lot more to infrastructure management than “janitoring”. You and many others may want to just say “here’s my code, ship it”, but there’s also a massive market of people that _need_ the customization and deep control over things like load balancers, because they’re pumping petabytes of data through it and using a cloud-managed LB is leaving money and performance on the table. Or there are companies that _need_ the strong isolation between regions for legal and security reasons, even if it comes with added complexity.

                      A lot of developers get frustrated at AWS or Azure because they want to deploy their hobby app on it and realize it’s too difficult dealing with stuff like IAM - it’s like trying to dig a small hole in your garden and someone suggests you go buy a Caterpillar Excavator, when all you needed was a hand trowel. The reason this persists is because AWS doesn’t target the hobby developer - it targets the massive enterprise that does need the customization and power it provides, despite the complexity. There are, thankfully, other companies that have come in to serve up cloud hand trowels.

                      There is no “one size fits all” cloud. There probably never will be. They’re all going to coexist for the foreseeable future.

                      • bigcat12345678 22 minutes ago

                        Hn now clearly are swarmed by grandiose novice techs.

                        10 years ago, no such superficial assessment would appear on first page.

                        This set of words bear little substance and engineering facts.

                        > AWS/Azure provide very leaky abstractions (VMs, VPCs) on top of very old and badly designed protocols/systems (IP, Windows, Linux) .

                        AWS cannot be made parallel, they themselves are 2 gens

                        AWS gen1

                        Azure gcp gen 2

                        Gen1 is on vm, ecs ebs s3, for web2 era

                        Gen2 is on cluster computing which was enable by vm

                        The then "leaky abstraction" is the mandated abstraction at the time

                        And GPUs today is about 70s's CPU

                        For example, you don't have any form of abstracted runtime on GPU, it's like running dos system

                        It's more leaky than 00s ' vm

                      • lysace an hour ago

                        Lots of cool stuff in this blog post. Impressive work on many fronts!

                        If I understand correctly, you will be running actual third party compute workloads/containers in hundreds of network interexchange locations.

                        Is that in line with what the people running these locations have in mind? Can you scale this? Aren't these locations often very power/cooling-constrained?

                        • SantaCruz11 24 minutes ago

                          Edgegap has been doing this for 5 years.

                          • tomrod 3 hours ago

                            This seems like a pretty big deal.

                            I want to like CloudFlare over DO/AWS. I like their DevX focus too -- I could see issues if devs can't get into the abstractions though.

                            Any red flags folks would stake regarding CF? I know they are widely used but not sure where the gotchas are.

                            • wmf 3 hours ago

                              Is Cloudflare the one that goes from free to "call for pricing" ($100K+) at the drop of a hat?

                            • ec109685 3 hours ago

                              Their solution isn’t GA yet.

                              For headless browsers, the latency benefits of “container anywhere” seems high. For things like AI inference, running on the edge seems way less beneficial than running on the cheapest location possible which would be larger regional data centers.

                              • hinkley 2 hours ago

                                One would hope that “larger regional data centers” are not that far from The Edge. But the problem isn’t physics or the speed of light, it’s operational.

                                The operational excellence required to have every successful Internet company manage deployments to a dozen regions just isn’t there. Most of us struggle with three, my last gig tried to do two, which isn’t economical because you always try to handle one region going dark which means you need at least 200% capacity, where 3 data centers only need 150 + ??%, and 4 need 133 + ??%. It has all of the consistency problems of n > 1 and few if any of the advantages.

                                We need more help from the CDNs of the world to run compute heavy operations at the edge. And if they choose to send them 10-20ms away to a beefier data center I think that’s probably fine. Just don’t make us have to have the sort of operational discipline that requires.

                              • srockets 2 hours ago

                                Won't apply to everyone (most?), but some compliance assurances your customers may require can't be fulfilled by Cloudflare. And personally, I would hope their laissez faire attitude towards protecting hate speech should damage their business, but I suspect most people not targeted by such just don't give a damn.

                            • CSMastermind 4 hours ago

                              Does it say anywhere what GPUs they have available?

                              I really need NVIDIA RTX 4000, 5000, A4000, or A6000 GPUs for their ray tracing capabilities.

                              Sadly I've been very limited in the cloud providers I can find that support them.

                              • asciimike 3 hours ago

                                The short answer here is that NVIDIA doesn't like Cloud Service Partners using RTX cards, as they are "professional" cards (they are also significantly cheaper than the corresponding data center cards). IIRC, A40, L40, and L40S have ray tracing, and might be more available on CSPs. Otherwise, the GPU marketplaces that aren't "true" CSPs will likely have RTX cards.

                                Paperspace (now DO), Vultr, Coreweave, Crusoe, should all have something with ray tracing.

                                • CSMastermind 2 hours ago

                                  Incredibly helpful, thank you!

                                  We did try on the T4 and A10G but the raytracing failed even though those cards claim to support it.

                                  We ended up on Paperspace for the time being but they depreciated their support for Windows so I've been looking for alternatives. Will check out the provides you mentioned. Thanks again.

                                • willtemperley 3 hours ago

                                  I doubt they'll commit to specific models before containers go GA in 2025 but they'll likely be NVIDIA:


                                  • singhrac 3 hours ago

                                    You can as of very recently get A6000s on Hetzner, which is a pretty good deal (but not serverless, so you need a consistent load).

                                    • CSMastermind 2 hours ago

                                      Super helpful, thank you!

                                  • surfingdino 2 hours ago

                                    Looks like CloudFlare will soon be using "All other clouds are behind ours." slogan.

                                    • DonHopkins an hour ago

                                      "We're the silver lining."

                                      "We'll keep you on the edge of your seat."

                                      "Nice parade you got there. It sure would be a shame if somebody were to rain on it."

                                    • halfcat 3 hours ago

                                      > ”Remote Browser Isolation provides Chromium browsers that run on Cloudflare, in containers, rather than on the end user’s own computer. Only the rendered output is sent to the end user.”

                                      It turns out we don’t need React Server Components after all. In the future we will just run the entire browser on the server.

                                      • srockets 2 hours ago

                                        What old is new again.