• latexr an hour ago

    Calling this the “10-Minute Rule” is pure clickbait. The “one weird trick” here is to go for a walk when you’re stuck on an intellectual problem. That’s it. It is indeed a valuable solution, we’ve know this for a long time, but it has nothing to do with 10 minutes. You don’t need to wait exactly/more/fewer than 10 minutes before going for a walk nor do you need to walk exactly/more/fewer than 10 minutes, it’s an arbitrary point.

    • rectang an hour ago

      Thank you. I feel like you've saved me from being rickrolled.

      Withholding my individual clicks has zero impact on the clickbait economy, but I still feel a twinge of humiliation whenever I'm duped into clicking through.

      • BaculumMeumEst 23 minutes ago

        I hate bullshit clickbait articles because they train everyone to skip the article and read the comments, which makes discourse worse and everyone dumber.

        • Dansvidania 13 minutes ago

          often I find the comments more interesting than the article, and even more often I decide whether I should read the article based on the comments.

        • chiefalchemist 8 minutes ago

          Yeah, no different than the misinterpretation - and parrotting - of the 10,000 hours rule. That is, 10k hrs isn't a guarantee for anything. It says that if you hope to gain mastery, expect to put in at least 10k hrs.

        • l5870uoo9y 11 minutes ago

          > “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Everyday, I walk myself into a state of well-being & walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it. But by sitting still, & the more one sits still, the closer one comes to feeling ill. Thus if one just keeps on walking, everything will be all right.”

          ― Søren Kierkegaard

          • stefanos82 2 hours ago

            You will laugh, but when I do the dishes, I solve sooooo many problems in my head and can't wait to get back on the keyboard and apply those solutions; it works wonders for me!

            • Dansvidania 15 minutes ago

              Most of the time, when I find myself stuck on a problem, I feel like my brain goes through an infinite loop of evaluating/cataloguing what I know about the problem and often stops actually "thinking" about it. I am trying to "see" something new in the data but just forcing my brain against a solid wall.

              In my opinion, when I finally give up and go for a walk/chore, my brain is so bored by the boring task that it stops procrastinating and actually focuses on the problem.

              • chakintosh 31 minutes ago

                You're validating my belief that dishwashers made us dumber

                • HKH2 16 minutes ago

                  Dishwashing thoughts vs. shower thoughts.

                • chiefalchemist 3 minutes ago

                  My hack is running. I feel I've cracked more major blockers in my gym shorts than at my desk. There's something to be said for stepping away and letting the solution find you.

                  Another effective hack is to verbally talk about the problem to someone else. That seems to change how the brain processes things and that new perspectives can find the answers internalizing could not.

                  • andai an hour ago

                    I have ADHD and find it very difficult to sit down with a book or audiobook, but if I'm doing the dishes, walking, or riding my bike, I can listen for hours. I'll often look for extra things to clean around the house because I want to know what happens next!

                    • tdalaa 2 hours ago

                      Not laughing. I'm like you. Doing some silly work around the house, cleaning, fixing something, and so many other problems get solved.

                      • TheAlchemist an hour ago

                        You're welcome in my house !

                        Jokes aside - completely agree, pretty much the same for me.

                        • XorNot an hour ago

                          I don't know: I think this tends to be a bit illusory. When it works you think "of course! This is great!"

                          But I've found as often the obvious brilliant solution while I'm away from the problem doesn't survive 5 minutes contact with all the constraints I forgot about while I was away from it.

                          Basically I think we count the hits, and discount the grind necessary to produce them.

                          • bravetraveler an hour ago

                            Same here. If my subconscious could deal with it, it's probably not that big of an issue or wouldn't be on my plate.

                            Distance might help me see something I had missed, but that is an exceeding rarity. If getting away for a moment was magic we'd be in a nicer place. Everybody poops. Fewer put in effort.

                            • PlunderBunny an hour ago

                              I have the same issue with problems I solve in my sleep (or think that I’ve solved). I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and think “this is going to be soo good” and then the next day when I’m sitting in front of the keyboard I realise it was nonsense.

                          • tiborsaas 17 minutes ago

                            This is also how you can remember things you can't recall if you force yourself to it. I think of this as spawning an async thread that will come back with an answer from the subconscious.

                            • Corrado 3 hours ago

                              I can confirm this, personally. Time and time again after struggling with a problem at my desk I get up and walk and the solution pops into my brain. Sometimes it's a long walk in the park and sometimes it's just going out to lunch, but it usually works. It doesn't really even have to be a walk, quite often the solution comes to me in the shower. I always chalked it up to not thinking about it and letting my brain figure it out. I guess I was right too.

                              • jillesvangurp 2 hours ago

                                I got rid of my bicycle for this reason. I simply walk everywhere. Much less stressful and I enjoy it.

                                Anything under a few kilometers I just walk it . Anything over requires a bit of planning. My commute these days is a bit short unfortunately but I compensate by taking detours. Last year it was 5km and I could do it in about 45 minutes (I walk at a decent pace). I'm not a maniac about it; I'll take public transport if it gets too nasty. And in the summer, walking is kind of a sweaty business so I walk a bit less. But overall, I don't use public transport a lot. A few times per month maybe.

                                • nicbou 4 minutes ago

                                  I ride a bicycle everywhere for that reason. Walking works just as well, depending on the distance.

                                  I just remember how beneficial the 20 minute ride/walk to and from the office was for me.

                                  I found that you get linear returns with longer rides. I rode my bicycle for weeks and my motorcycle for months. All day every day across countries. I returned from those trips with an unmatched sense of clarity. I got to process every thought uninterrupted, if necessary for days on end.

                                  I am not sure if meditation is my thing, but that’s as close as it gets.

                                • kgeist 12 minutes ago

                                  For me, just changing the body position already works. Sometimes I lie down on a coach and suddenly it "clicks".

                                  • josefrichter 2 hours ago

                                    I thought this was a long established knowledge in neuroscience, basically "diffused thinking". Is this specifically about walking, as a preferred method to get the best out of diffused thinking mode?

                                    • avazhi 36 minutes ago

                                      It is long established but if you are a clickbait website trying to drive traffic to your ads, why should you care?

                                      Inc is one step above 'obvious AI generated drivel' for me. It's literally just regurgitated popscience and 20 links to either other Inc articles or to 3rd party popscience sites.

                                      • dizzydes 40 minutes ago

                                        Logged in to write exactly this.

                                        I tend to default to DT for any open-ended/creative problem. Write it down in Apple Notes, let it simmer on the back burner for a while and add ideas as they come.

                                      • cudgy 2 hours ago

                                        “Walking nudges you to think about many new things. But it also blocks you from thinking obsessively about any single idea. "You can't ruminate, because your attention can't stick to one problem for too long because you also have to pay attention to where you're walking," Storoni continues.”

                                        This reminds of a strategy I use when having difficulty recalling something like a name or concept: stop trying to remember and do something else for awhile and later the name or concept will typically pop up without concerted effort.

                                        • corysama 14 minutes ago

                                          "Hare Brain Tortoise Mind" is a great book that goes into how this works and how to work with/against it.


                                          tldr: There is a background, non-verbal process in your brain that has the advantage of a larger working set size than your foreground verbal thinking. It is able to observe and consider more stuff at once and find associations better than your conscious thought process. But, it has several disadvantages. It takes time to do it's processing. You can't will it into action. It communicates non-verbally with your foreground process. It doesn't work under pressure (thus the need for relaxed, unfocused time). The non-verbal understanding is difficult to deconstruct, generalize and reapply. It can lead to you solving a problem, not understanding how and not being able to solve a variant of the same problem.

                                          So, the general recommendation is: If you have a complex problem to solve, first absorb as much information about the problem as your brain can hold. But, do not try to solve anything. Then, go take a break. A walk in a natural environment is preferable. Don’t think about the problem. Relax in a low stress environment. Let your background brain have a chance to chew on it and maybe bubble up some suggestions.

                                          • tomcam 2 hours ago

                                            I structured all my jobs to allow a quiet place to think and to take walks. Lived in California, Arizona, and Washington, all wonderful places to take walks.

                                            Anecdata: I need fresh air and strongly prefer to keep windows open in most kinds of weather. My wife and my children, now all adults, picked up the habit. Our houses are usually kind of dusty.

                                            • dotancohen 2 hours ago

                                              Maybe it's the reduced CO2 that helps us think.

                                              • lukan an hour ago

                                                Or you know, the oxygen.

                                                Otherwise walking makes the blood flowing again, we did not optimize evolutionary for sitting all day.

                                            • ilaksh 26 minutes ago

                                              Serious question: what did Steve Jobs actually figure out while on a long walk?

                                              Did Jobs actually invent any of the user interface or user experience concepts or marketing? Is the idea of making a high quality or perceived high quality product something that requires a stroke of genius?

                                              I'm not saying he didn't achieve some things. Just questioning whether there was truly a lot of creativity or problem solving.

                                              I guess this goes back to my suspicion of management in general. Because executives have the luxury of taking walks from their desks whenever they feel inclined. And they don't really have to finalize any complex solutions themselves. They can get bored of sitting at their desk doing actual work after ten minutes, go out for a nice walk in the corporate garden, then come up with a "brilliant" solution which after they complete their leisurely stroll, they hand off to a principal engineer who says "great idea", then after the executive has taken about ten steps, realizes there is a basic flaw in the solution. The engineer would then likely very briefly consider calling the executive back to explain, but realize it would be counterproductive to encourage him because he might double-down on his unworkable idea. Better to just keep working on a real solution and hope the executive forgets or maybe you can put something in somewhat related to placate him.

                                              • tmilard an hour ago

                                                - I walk thus I feel happy, at least happier. - I feel happier this I feel better to think.

                                                This is all

                                                • jessekv an hour ago

                                                  What about 10 mins on HN?

                                                  • tiborsaas 18 minutes ago

                                                    It could work, but there's a not too low risk of 10 minutes turning into 2 hours.

                                                  • amelius 2 hours ago

                                                    A simple way to get there is to simply have multiple problems at the same time. Just switch between them every 10 minutes.

                                                    • mozzieman an hour ago

                                                      I just use ai now to solve my problems. less walking.

                                                      • thatwasunusual an hour ago

                                                        At last some positive news about my fag breaks. :)

                                                        • andai an hour ago

                                                          I think the walking part is important, but there is also research that small breaks of any kind (except possibly looking at a screen) are beneficial when learning new information -- apparently because they insert new beginnings and ends to the work session, which are the points at which retention is maximized.

                                                        • rhelz an hour ago

                                                          Back in the 80's, I read a book about computer programmer productivity...they tracked what programmers were doing, and how much time programmers spend each day doing it.

                                                          They found that programmers spend 7% of their day walking. The authors of the book were jumping all over that--why, you'd get 7% more output if the programmers just sat down and did their jobs......

                                                          • spacecadet an hour ago

                                                            At a startup I was an early employee of, we intentionally discussed challenging topics while walking together. I remember walking with this ops guy once and passionately debating our next moves, by the end we had coffee and a solution. Thankfully this was a lesser traveled part of the bay area, so we spared bystanders of the tech noise.

                                                            • andai an hour ago

                                                              Do not trust an idea unless it came to you while walking. —Nietzsche

                                                              • SiempreViernes an hour ago

                                                                That's why he declined the cancer treatment, they told him when he was sitting down!