• Jtsummers 19 hours ago
    • renewedrebecca 17 hours ago

      How can they be sure? Isn't that what submarines do?

      • pestatije 16 hours ago

        sinking, submerging...its all the same to me

      • Leary 19 hours ago

        Rather, the submarine shape was a shadow from the crane ship to the left:


        • Jtsummers 19 hours ago

          That image is from 15 June, after the sinking (assuming this all happened) which is supposed to have happened in late May, and is given as part of the evidence of the sinking with those crane ships being part of the recovery effort.

          • dialup_sounds 14 hours ago

            If you're looking for a submarine shape in a picture of the surface you've missed a crucial part of the story.

          • Log_out_ 14 hours ago

            All those autocracies are frantically scanning all there equipment for deep time sabotage.All it takes is one guy quitting who gave a signal once a year..

            • 486sx33 19 hours ago

              This is very significant, where are the atomic energy commission inspectors? Poisoning the world with uncontrolled nuclear materials is very significant!

              • dekhn 18 hours ago

                if a sub sinks in port, they recover the core. But I think it's more likely you're just trolling.