« BackIn the Shack with Robert Carocurbed.comSubmitted by samclemens 3 hours ago
  • neonate 3 hours ago
    • huitzitziltzin an hour ago

      If you haven’t read them, they’re all worth the time.

      Especially if you ever have lived or will live in Texas the first volume of the LBJ series is essential.

      • w-ll 2 hours ago
        • aport an hour ago

          Looks very flood-prone

        • sharadov an hour ago

          I hope to read the Power Broker some day. Listening to the series on the 99% Invisible podcast until then..

          • pj_mukh 2 hours ago

            "A couple of bookcases, a plywood work surface, corkboard with outlines tacked up, an old brass lamp, an underworked laptop for emails, a Smith-Corona typewriter. "

            I wonder if software engineers would pay for some software (or dedicated hardware) to turn their laptops into a coding typewriter with maybe just a GPT connection to probe documentation and whatever tunnels they need to work on internet deployments.

            I'd love to experiment with something like this.