« BackI Built "The Monospace Web"wickstrom.techSubmitted by todsacerdoti a day ago
  • owickstrom a day ago

    Author here. It's title is "How [...]", which sounds a little less weird. :)

    • karmakaze 17 hours ago

      I was jarred by the unexpected choice of font on this page that it was too distracting to try to read and stopped.

      • rapnie a day ago

        You can edit the title after the 'auto-correcter' kicked in.

        • owickstrom a day ago

          Right, but I didn't submit it.

      • bishop_45 20 hours ago

        I'm a backend engineer and find the frontend tedious. I'd like to find something like latex, but that is also can scale nicely between PC and mobile screens. Is this it? Anyone knows of a frontend solution that could support this use-case?

        • noman-land 18 hours ago

          You're describing HTML.

          • bishop_45 16 hours ago

            html is nothing like latex, quite the opposite. Latex does all the formatting for you and produces a perfect document, html is just a markup language.

            • riperoni 15 hours ago

              HTML is made to be flexible by using CSS, LaTeX is a typesetting program. It sets the whole document to look nice in one specific view, which is the final PDF. Or mre precisely, LaTeX works best for printed media

              There are efforts for web maths, which would close the gap considerably for rendering science articles.

              Most of the other LaTeX features can be achieved with HTML, CSS and maybe JS. Or even Markdown + preprocessor.

              • bishop_45 15 hours ago

                it can be achieved, but at what cost? you need to waste time with css and js to get something latex gets you out of the box. The question was is there something like latex for frontend, and is the "monospace web" it? "html does the thing" can technically be a true answer, if you completely ignore any contextual understanding. I'm looking for a simpler solution, not one that would waste more time.

                • Izkata 8 hours ago

                  This is a bit like insisting on using latex without ever touching packages, and then asking for the functionality of packages anyway. At least for the CSS part.

        • undefined 21 hours ago