• input_sh 2 hours ago

    Vivaldi is one of the dozen supporting orgs, so why link to their blog instead of the original annoucement that mentions all of them? https://socialwebfoundation.org/2024/09/24/launch/

    • phoe-krk an hour ago

      Another related link was submitted earlier at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41636491 if it helps.

      • aquir 2 hours ago

        Even after reading through this it is not clear at all what is it! "Something-something-fediverse"

        • kissgyorgy an hour ago

          There are literally bullet points to list what the Foundation will do.

          • bastawhiz 12 minutes ago

            These bullets?

            > educating general and targeted audiences about the social web

            > informing policy-makers about issues on the social web

            > enhancing and extending the ActivityPub protocol

            > building tools and plumbing to make the social web easier and more engaging to use

            Maybe I need more education about the social web but these tell me very little about what is actually going to be done.

            • input_sh an hour ago

              ...and a giant mission button in the menu.

        • Semaphor an hour ago

          Related: "Holy Hell, the Social Web Did Not Begin in 2008" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41644267

          • mattlondon an hour ago

            I see Meta is one of the founding supporters.

            Is Meta not the absolute antithesis of privacy? The complete polar-opposite of what people have tried to achieve with the fediverse? One of the main things they are trying to move away from?

            Seems like a very strange decision here - "letting the fox into the hen house".

            • threeseed 37 minutes ago

              Zuckerberg has said many times he is a huge supporter of the fediverse.

              Because (a) it keeps regulators off their back, (b) they can monetise content generated in other apps and (c) it keeps the competition on a level playing field which plays to their strengths.

              • sebstefan an hour ago

                I'm more knowledgeable about Lemmy than Mastodon but It's a misconception that the fediverse is more private

                The decentralization forces some things to be fully public, such as your likes, who upvotes what etc

                Plus from a legislation standpoint, you lose some of your rights out there - like the right to be forgotten. It's impossible to enforce GDPR on ActivityPub.

                It's a weird middle-seat where on one hand, the fediverse won't start asking you for your name or to get a picture of you holding your ID, but on the other, at least when Facebook trains its models on the stuff you post, they'll tell you about it in their user agreement.

                • darnfish an hour ago

                  Meta runs Threads which has ActivityPub support

                • PaulHoule an hour ago

                  Vivaldi does what MozDon’t?

                  • turblety 2 hours ago

                    Just a PSA, that you really shouldn't be using Vivaldi or any closed source browser. As we know, companies that start off privacy/ethically focused (take Mozilla for example) eventually turn evil and start spying/tracking their users.

                    Vivaldi will eventually start doing this, and you'll have absolutely no idea because it's entirely closed source. No one knows what mischief they get up to.

                    TL;DR; Don't sign into your bank with Vivaldi

                    • Hamuko 2 hours ago

                      >take Mozilla for example

                      I thought Firefox was open source?

                      • isodev 2 hours ago

                        That's not it, Mozilla decided to leave the fediverse and has been loading Firefox with AI and opt-out tracking features. All while still being funded by Big G.

                        • yoavm 38 minutes ago

                          I'm assuming they left the fediverse because it ended up not being a huge success, and not because they suddenly pivoted against decentralization.

                          • riffraff an hour ago

                            > Mozilla decided to leave the fediverse

                            did they? their mastodon instance at mozilla.social still seems to exist.

                      • onethought 2 hours ago

                        That’s right, the hill to die on is the browser’s openness.

                        Not your OS, not your firmware. Not your hardware. It’s the browser

                        • turblety 2 hours ago

                          Thanks for raising closed hardware too, and I presume you are talking about the Intel ME (backdoor spyware [1] that Intel puts into all their chips via their closed source proprietary firmware). It's a complete blackbox, other CPU that no one knows entirely what it does, but has full access to your main CPU/memory/computer, and allows it to be remotely controlled by anyone with Intels signing keys.

                          We need to open this too, or at least be transparent, and your points on closed firmware/hardware is really important.

                          1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Management_Engine

                          • fsflover 2 hours ago

                            Intel ME is disabled and neutralized on my Librem 15.

                            • turblety 2 hours ago

                              You can never truly be sure as it's can't be entirely removed. There has to be a little bit remaining, just the first few modules or the machine will shut down after 30 minutes, but the Librem 15 is a beautiful machine and Puri.sm are really awesome.

                          • ryanmentor 2 hours ago

                            As a cat of nine lives, there are many hills I intend to die on

                            • stavros 2 hours ago

                              It's a hill, I don't think anyone said it's the hill.

                              • loophol-rabbit an hour ago

                                'Try to detect benefit cheats.'

                                Or wait till the 1st one surrounded a mountain successful at a hight of 3,5km


                            • timeon 2 hours ago

                              Since you are also mentioning Mozilla, what browser would you recommend instead?

                              • lfkdev an hour ago

                                Brave is solid. Opensource with some nice features

                                • nsonha 19 minutes ago

                                  Such as web3/cypto/bullshit

                              • fnord77 2 hours ago

                                mozilla is spying/tracking users now?

                                • turblety 2 hours ago

                                  Yup [1]. They've basically left their core mission and just sell out now.

                                  1. https://noyb.eu/en/firefox-tracks-you-privacy-preserving-fea...

                                  • yoavm 41 minutes ago

                                    Things are more complex than that. Yes, they're engaged in creating an ads measurement technique that is actually very private (read the specs). No, they're not making money out of it. Yes, they've done a terrible job at explaining that to users.