• anonzzzies 2 days ago

    This is where the west can get into real issues vs china; if china manages to fix their homegrown gpu gap (and they will), Xi can simply order the largest datacenter and nuclear plant (or order an existing one to direct all power; china will have 90 more than they have now soon-ish anyway) to get built and it will happen in short order. Without some ceo having to explain or look for money or taking any environmental concerns into account.

    • metadat 2 days ago
      • ramraj07 2 days ago

        Perhaps Bill Gates could put his millions of acres of land he owns to build out insane solar farms..

        • healthyusa 2 days ago

          Ummm, all AI will converge as one. It’s not China AI, not USA AI, it’s AI and the rest of us.