• poopsmithe 12 hours ago

    I have a UX complaint about the carousel images on https://json4u.com/

    While I was looking at the image and trying to understand, the carousel moved to the next image. It's too fast, and I can't get back to the first image without it immediately switching me to the second image. I can't get it to sit still either and NOT switch to the next image. Some carousels pause themselves when the cursor is hovering over it, but this one did not pause when I did that. The only way I had enough time to digest the information was by right clicking on the image and opening it in a new tab.

    • Kerrick 11 hours ago
      • bath_ 5 hours ago

        The pricing icons under the "free" section are also a bit confusing. I'm not sure at a glance that I'm getting or not getting "30/month graph mode view".

        • loggerhead 3 hours ago

          Oh, my bad. I'll change it.

        • loggerhead 7 hours ago

          Thank you very much for your suggestions! I will optimize its experience. By the way, have you seen the two switch buttons on either side of the carousel? I'm thinking about whether I need to adjust its background color to make it more noticeable.

        • jsyang00 7 hours ago

          It's a great tool, but no one is going to want to pay $10/mo for it.

          You will get a better ROI if you replace the pricing with a link to your socials/ website.

          • loggerhead 5 hours ago

            You mean offering it for free to everyone, but driving traffic to social media? Also, can I ask, from a consumer's perspective, what pricing do you think would be acceptable for my product?

            • corytheboyd 5 hours ago

              I don’t get this point, but I 100% agree that a tool turning JSON into graphical views asking for a subscription is a blatant grift. You should be selling one-time payment perpetual licenses IMO.

              You’re competing in a very crowded market of generally free tools. Unless your offering is VERY good you’re going to struggle selling at all… $5-10 maybe? That’s about as much as I’d be willing to pay for a hyper-specific tool like this if it makes one of my tasks at hand a little easier.

              • loggerhead 5 hours ago

                I understand your point, but I believe that a one-time payment is not conducive to its ongoing development. Think about it, if you charge all the money at once, where does the motivation to continue updating come from after a year or two? But indeed, there is an issue with pricing. You mentioned the $5-$10 price range for a perpetual license, right? If it were a subscription model, how much would you be willing to pay per month?

                • voshond 4 hours ago

                  Never argue with a customer. The customer doesn’t give 2 cent about your motivation, it’s not their job. When I saw the pricing I had a good laugh and moved on.

                  If the only motivation for this product is money, then it will die in no time. Comparing the value I’m getting to the 7€ / month on Amazon prime, or the 10€ for Apple Music – that’s the value perception you’re competing against.

                  If you tell me you need 120€ a year from multiple customers to maintain and improve a json app good luck. One time purchase – get access – done. You can later upsell me with even more features in a v2 or whatever. I also doubt this tool has a lot of running costs to warrant this much.

                  Maybe if you work in SF and you make 300k a year so 10 bucks don’t mean much, but for the rest of the world 10$ is a lot of money / month.

                  • loggerhead 3 hours ago

                    Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts! Based on feedback from multiple people, it's clear there's a significant issue with the product pricing, which I'll seriously reflect upon! From your perspective, there seem to be two issues:

                    1. The price is too high.

                    2. Dislike for subscription-based payments.

                    I have no problem with the first point, but I'm curious why everyone dislikes the subscription model so much? Or at the end of the day, is it really because the price is too high?

                    • girvo 2 hours ago

                      > why everyone dislikes the subscription model so much

                      Because _everything_ is a subscription today, and even more of them make people angry. When a tool doesn't have any "infrastructure" costs per se, it rubs people the wrong way. Most don't want yet another subscription to manage

                      • loggerhead an hour ago

                        Interesting perspective. Let me share my thoughts, which might relate to consumer psychology:

                        - With a buyout system, users perceive that they own the item after payment.

                        - With a subscription system, users perceive that they are renting the item after payment.

                        When there's a mismatch in expectations (I pay to own, but you only let me rent), users feel deceived and angry. The same issue occurs with the ownership of accounts in online games, where some game companies state in their terms of service that the game account belongs to them, not the user, naturally leading to user outrage.

            • netcraft 15 hours ago

              I love json tools, I use several like https://jsoneditoronline.org/ Any chance of a hosted version?

              • loggerhead 14 hours ago

                Yes, of course. You can use it at https://json4u.com.

                • mrits 15 hours ago

                  there is a link to one at the top under 'Get Started'

                  I figured it was a link to documentation though

                  • loggerhead 14 hours ago

                    Not really, it’s the home page of the online editor. Was it my use of "Get Started" that confused you? I might have used it inappropriately, I'm not sure.

                • qiller 12 hours ago

                  Looks interesting! Reminds me of XMLSpy JSON Grid view - https://www.altova.com/images/json-editor-grid.png

                  Any plans to make an editor on top of this?

                  • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                    I didn't know about it when I was making mine, otherwise, I would have definitely borrowed some ideas from it, haha. I have considered view-based editing functions, and I'm wondering if it's really necessary (if so, it will be supported), because now it's quite convenient to locate the editing position on the left from the right view using JSON pointers for quick editing. I'm thinking that providing editing functions in a professional editor might be more appropriate. And thank your for your suggestions.

                  • metalliqaz 6 hours ago

                    I miss the days when this kind of tool would be something I could just install on my PC and use, rather than having to spin up server or pay a fee to use ($10 a month!?). Like this wonderful tool: https://sqlitebrowser.org/

                    OSS is dead.

                    • loggerhead 5 hours ago

                      I think the main reason is the rapid development of web technologies, which has significantly reduced the cost of developing software with a GUI. And web technologies are best suited for the web itself, whereas running locally would introduce additional development costs.

                      • metalliqaz an hour ago

                        I wonder if you've ever seen an expert using Visual Studio in its heyday... Prototype GUIs could be up and running within minutes. The same was true of Java Swing, in the right hands. These technologies have fallen out of favor now, but I find it hard to believe that today's swirling pool of web frameworks have reduced the cost of GUIs compared to anything other than Web in the days of jquery. What they certainly do is change how these tools are delivered to users and customers. Perhaps that's for the better, I don't know. But I miss having all _my_ stuff on _my_ PC, that's for sure.

                        • loggerhead 21 minutes ago

                          I strongly agree with your view. I used to be a loyal user of Sublime Text, it performed exceptionally well and was incredibly fast, which I loved. However, perhaps I misspoke, what I meant to say is that due to the low development costs and rich ecosystem of web technologies, current applications are more inclined to use web technology stacks when developing GUIs. But (yes, there's always a "but"), the performance of web applications is still far behind that of native applications (although there has been significant improvement).

                        • Aldipower 5 hours ago

                          The "rapid" in development of web technologies is a lie.

                          • loggerhead 5 hours ago

                            Haha, that's a sharp critique, and I've also felt that the development of the web isn't fast enough. But actually, when you think about the web from ten years ago, or even twenty years ago, there has been significant progress.

                      • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                        Thank you all for your suggestions and feedback, really helpful to me. I am offering a coupon for the first year free (limited to 10 uses) as a thank you: UZNZQ5NW

                        • hodanli 8 hours ago

                          i am using https://jsonhero.io/ for a time and happy with it. but i will definitely check this out too.

                          • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                            It's a great tool, its column view is very popular, which has inspired me to think about how to support visualization features. By the way, what is your favorite feature of it, or which function do you think is the most useful?

                          • pdyc 10 hours ago

                            nice tool, i created a tool for viewing csv and i tested with my goto csv file and it crashed :-) . you might want to use paging for tables or use virtualization for table view.

                            • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                              Yes, I've thought about it, but I haven't come up with a good implementation approach. Do you have any good ideas? Here's the problem I'm facing:

                              I want the table view to support not just regular array but also complex object structures (like nested structures). The latter results in an irregular structure of tables within tables, and I currently don't have a good approach to implement this using a virtual list.

                            • satisfice 12 hours ago

                              As with every tool like this that I have tried, it can't handle large, realistic JSONs coming down from websites. It died with a 1.5 mb JSON, I just tried, anyway.

                              This is why I use JQ, which I have seen tackle gigabyte-size files.

                              • asa400 2 hours ago

                                If you want a tool to visualize/understand/grep large JSON documents, try https://github.com/ckampfe/jstream

                                Disclaimer: I am the author and I regularly test it on JSON documents hundreds of MBs large.

                                • loggerhead an hour ago

                                  nice work!

                                • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                                  I've done my best to optimize it, although there's still room for improvement, but it's quite challenging (but I'll give it a try). The reason is that we're constrained by the browser's UI thread being single-threaded, so almost all online JSON tools will lag or freeze when handling large amounts of data (e.g., over 1MB).

                                • breck 3 hours ago

                                  Love it! I can see the love put into this.

                                  Snappy, a lot of features. The diff tool seems useful.

                                  The vis tool was neat but I don't often have that need.

                                  I did get it to crash when I dumped a JSON file containing data on every programming language ever made.

                                  Here's my user test: https://news.pub/?try=https://www.youtube.com/embed/ERpyG_f2...

                                  • loggerhead 3 hours ago

                                    Thank you for your support! I have indeed put a lot of thought into it, and it's something I use often myself. The crashing with large data volumes is a known issue that many have feedbacked on. I have plans to optimize it, but I'm not overflowing with good ideas. If anyone could offer some suggestions, I would be immensely grateful!

                                    • breck 2 hours ago

                                      What's causing it to crash, the left panel or the right?

                                      Are you using CodeMirror for the left panel?

                                      • loggerhead an hour ago

                                        The issue isn't with the editor itself, but rather because rendering becomes very time-consuming when there are too many DOM nodes. This is due to the specification limiting to only one main UI thread.

                                        • breck 39 minutes ago

                                          You should learn webgl and do particle rendering.

                                  • p0358 14 hours ago

                                    So it runs everything locally/in web worker, but there's a monthly quota and it requires a paid plan of $9.99 monthly to keep running it on my own machine?

                                    • loggerhead 14 hours ago

                                      Yes, but you can also deploy it locally, so you can use it for free. May I ask, do you think that programs running locally are not worth paying for if it is open source?

                                      • slightwinder 12 hours ago

                                        People have no problem with paying for open source, once. A recurring payment is a different topic, especially if it's unclear for what the payment is good for, what value it has for the customer.

                                        • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                                          Thank you very much for your feedback! It's very insightful. Are you saying that for local tools, people are more willing to purchase through a one-time buyout rather than a subscription model? Because they feel that a subscription doesn't provide continuous value and thus isn't worth the price?

                                          • fragmede an hour ago

                                            Yes. For something like Amazon Prime where there's clearly work being done by Amazon every month in the form of shipping and TV shows, it's easier to stomach. For a product that does the job with the current set of features, it's not viewed in a positive light. But the question is do you as the developer on this product care? A lot of people will see the subscription and bounce off. They weren't going to pay you any money anyway. the thing you have to ask yourself is if you offered a $50 one time purchase option, would it generate enough sales to be worth it? or you could come up with a weird per-use scheme like Colin and Tarsnap. The push back you're getting on pricing is good! it means people see value in the product, they just aren't willing to agree to the terms you've set. now it's marketing and sales that needs to take over and figure out how to sell it, which is a totally different skillset. if you build it, they will come and turn decide it's not worth the cost of admission, so you've got to talk them into it before they turn around and go home, possibly by changing your pricing plan. At the end of the day, it isn't your fault they arrived with cash and you want to take credit cards, or they're pissed off because something bad happened in traffic on the drive over, they're your customers and you somehow have to convince some of them to give you money for this thing you've made, or else you've got to go home, hungry. Metaphorically.

                                            • loggerhead an hour ago

                                              Thank you for your support! I'm open to all kinds of feedback and want to understand different perspectives. After gathering enough input, I'll digest and understand it before making any decisions, ensuring not to take any single opinion as the whole truth.

                                        • devmor 13 hours ago

                                          I think they are understandably confused by your pricing page. Do you have to pay monthly to use the tool locally?

                                          • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                                            Yes, it requires regular payment, from the SaaS perspective, since the cost is a monthly expense, adopting a subscription model is understandable. This pricing was inspired by https://jsoncrack.com/. May I ask, is there anything on the pricing page that is hard to understand?

                                        • loggerhead 14 hours ago

                                          I have considered adding support for remote version manage and AI features in the future, but I'm not sure if it's a genuine need or just something I've dreamed up. You could give me some input :)

                                        • kragen 12 hours ago

                                          i've been using visidata for visualizing json and csv in table views, querying it, plotting it, etc. the node-link graph in here is something i wish visidata could do

                                          • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                                            You can try my website, I guarantee you'll be satisfied, haha.

                                            • kragen 7 hours ago

                                              i don't think it can do everything visidata can do

                                              • loggerhead 5 hours ago

                                                Indeed, JSON For You is significantly behind visidata in handling table data compared to it. Their focuses are different, perhaps I can learn some highlights from its design. However, if you have needs for JSON processing, you might want to give JSON For You a try, haha.

                                                • kragen 4 hours ago

                                                  visidata can handle arbitrary json data, even if it's not tabular in form, but there are a lot of things i don't know how to do with it. json4u's jq support looks like an improvement, for example. but many of those things are probably things vd can do but that i just haven't learned how to do yet

                                          • vvern 14 hours ago

                                            What I’m hungry for is not so much this coherent application for exploring json data but rather a set of React components to integrate explorations like this into a web app.

                                            Does anybody know of any good components or libraries for that?

                                            • bbsz 14 hours ago

                                              Seconding this. I am also looking for an out-of-the-box component as such. The standard react-json-view is too limited.

                                              The other opensource json visualizer I found operates on the similar model as OP's project, but it also doesn't provide a standalone component.


                                              • loggerhead 7 hours ago

                                                I'm wondering, if I offer an embedding feature, would people still be as eager for a react component? For example, something similar to CodeSandbox's embedding capability.

                                              • egeozcan 13 hours ago

                                                Perhaps (although unlikely) this thing I created 5 years ago helps, it's a react component created to be embedded in a go app but is independent, created just to scratch my own itch and not published to npm but anyone can just vendor it:


                                                also has storybook but no online demo I'm sorry :(

                                                edit: ha, I also found the plain js/css/html version there, a surprise from past me https://github.com/egeozcan/json-tail/tree/master/data/legac...

                                              • loggerhead 14 hours ago

                                                What about an embedded version of the website? I have seriously considered the need for an embedded version, and I plan to support it with high priority. But I'm not sure how much people actually need it.

                                                • jy14898 14 hours ago

                                                  Already uses React, so might be able to rip some of the components out