• mnahkies 3 hours ago

    That's pretty cool - reminds me of "the luggage" from Terry Pratchett's books in table form (https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/The_Luggage)

    • shiroiushi an hour ago

      It reminds me of the book "Man of Two Worlds" by Frank Herbert and his son Brian. In it, some crazy inventor guy built his own car, but instead of wheels like any normal car, it had legged robots on each end that carried it. The inventor's son complained that this car was impractical as it couldn't travel as fast as a normal car.

    • unwind 2 hours ago

      Meta: this was posted 2 weeks ago [1], with 50+ comments.

      [1]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41491016

      • Cthulhu_ 21 minutes ago

        That's really cool, I really appreciate how the legs are barely extending beyond the table itself. I wonder how much it could carry, whether it could also be a trunk (someone else already mentioned the Luggage), cabinet, or fridge. (The walk-ing fridge pun was already used in a beer advert)

        • rsynnott 37 minutes ago

          > Giliam de Carpentier

          Nice bit of nominative determinism, there.

          • ok_dad 3 hours ago

            The creator used a genetic algorithm to design the optimal leg mechanism for smoothness.

            The video is pretty cool:


            • grues-dinner 2 hours ago

              Interesting that it's made out of laminated bamboo. Often this kind of thing is plywood which is its own aesthetic but I think not as nice (and a nightmare if the plywood is big box store crap and not excellent quality). It's a great, dimensionally stable material but really a hassle to get hold of here in non-bulk quantities. I wanted some bamboo sheets for a knife rack and ended up buying table mats at retail and cutting them down.

              • maxglute 2 hours ago

                great parking job

                much more comprehensive write up from creator


                • GrumpyNl 3 hours ago

                  Movement looks like the movement from wind powered sculptures. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj-NqWDH2qE&ab_channel=TheNe...

                  • grues-dinner 2 hours ago

                    As it indeed says in the second sentence. It's a modification of the design for smoother movement. Which seems to work well since that bottle stayed put.