« BackGUI Examples – Rye Languageryelang.orgSubmitted by thunderbong 3 hours ago
  • HexDecOctBin 8 minutes ago

    Is there a tutorial on how the variable scoping works in this language? I have never understood how scoping works in Rebol-likes; as far as I can tell, it is similar to a closure passed in form of an f-expr, but I'm not sure on the details.

    • anonzzzies 2 hours ago

      Makes me think of Rebol/Red and indeed seems it was one of the influences.

      • middayc 2 hours ago

        Yes, Rye started and is basically Rebol + few more word types (Rebol has multiple types of words) that allow left to right oriented evaluation (op-words, pipe-words, left-set-words).

        Get words are `?word` instead of Rebol's `:word` because that's left-set-word, we don't have refinements and scoping / contexts work somewhat differently. There are probably other differences in details, but all basic concepts are based on Rebol.

        • anonzzzies 2 hours ago

          It's nice; well done.

      • t-3 3 hours ago

        It would have been helpful to have some info on what exactly fyne is. A quick search brought me here: https://github.com/fyne-io/fyne

        The rye version looks much nicer both to read and write.

        • middayc 3 hours ago

          Thanks for the feedback. Good idea. I will make "Go's Fyne UI library bold" and provide a link to Fyne page at the top.

        • kragen 38 minutes ago

          pretty nice looking. people say rebol, but i'm reminded instead of tcl/tk

          • middayc 20 minutes ago

            Hm ... I keep hearing about tcl and I'm aware Rebol and Tcl have some similarities, but I've never really looked that deep into it. Now I looked at the first example that I found (https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/A+little+stopwatch) and visually there really are many similarities. We also seem to use the same word-formatting combinations. I see ".word" "::word" { } and [ ] blocks. They are all probably used for different things, but it is funny. I really need to look at Tcl at some point.

            I was a little discouraged by "everything is a string" idea so far, but I keep hearing that it is conceptually very interesting language.

            • anonzzzies 13 minutes ago

              Ah yes, that as well. I built a LOT of things in tcl/tk in the 90s. Weird that didn't pop for me. I guess because this looks 'cleaner' that tcl/tk ; tcl is quite noisy.

            • zerr 2 hours ago


              • middayc 2 hours ago

                Thanks for pointing it out. Frankly I haven't looked at that topic with Fyne yet. If I google it I see this response from the main Fyne maintainer from 2022:


                They do keep actively moving forward so I have hope this will get addressed.

                • ajwillia_ms an hour ago

                  Accessibility was mentioned at FyneConf last week as a priority. It may not make it to v2.6.0 this year but expect it in 2.7. https://conf.fyne.io

                  • middayc an hour ago

                    Great to hear. I have yet to see the full video of the conf. (It's on Youtube)

                  • mwcampbell 2 hours ago

                    On that thread, I plugged my AccessKit project (https://accesskit.dev/). We have a C API now, and the project is much further along than when I commented on that old thread, so somebody could develop Go bindings now.

                    • K0nserv an hour ago

                      What an excellent project and idea. Accessibility is always a big gap in these cross-platform, lowest common denominator frameworks, glad to see someone is trying to tackle it.

                  • jonathanstrange 2 hours ago

                    Fyne has no integrated accessibility support yet.

                  • anonzzzies 2 hours ago

                    The Fyne lib works for web too; does this at well? Seems a nice candidate for a LiveView type of thing.

                    • middayc 2 hours ago

                      Rye works on web too, we are currently trying to make a proper and fully compatible web console (REPL) and then include more web technologies. So I think there should be no problem in running Rye-Fyne on web. In fact the developer who is working on binding generator proposed it few chats ago.

                      What exactly do you mean by LiveView?

                      • anonzzzies 2 hours ago

                        Like Phoenix Liveview [0], so frontend/backend blurs and you don't have to think about what is front and what is backend; everything is backend and parts of the frontend are updated based on serverside DOM changes. No JS; such a blessing.

                        [0] https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/Phoenix.LiveView.html

                        • middayc an hour ago

                          I was so far a little skeptical of these all-in-one solutions, but never say never and language is general one, so somebody could try to tackle this if they see the oportunity. I will try to find out more about LiveView, thanks for the link.