• stefanos82 3 days ago

    I remember reading this in the past https://www.sciencealert.com/how-12-000-tonnes-of-dumped-ora... that came with more pictures to please our eyes!

    • ensocode 3 days ago

      A series of images showing the site over the years https://mycolab.weebly.com/home/orange-peel-revitalises-a-co...

      • pkphilip 2 days ago

        It is amazing to think that so much of food waste is simply thrown into a landfill when it could actually be used for refertilising soil. but I do know of instances where people have actually bought food waste - including vegetable and fruit waste, from agricultural markets to put into their farms. However this is quite rare.

        Something else which is wasted a lot of silt from the bottom of lakes, ponds, rivers etc. Often it is not sold to farms.

        However, again, I do know of a single instance when a small reservoir was desilted by farmers in collaboration with the government. The government gave the farmers the permit to take away the silt for free if they made their transport arrangement to take the silt away and also if they worked with the government on the desilting work.

        This enabled the government to get the desilting work done for free while the farmers benefited from getting high quality soil for their farms.

        • ggm 3 days ago

          An indirect pointer to https://www.popsci.com/food-waste-fertilizer/ and the one thing it doesn't have is a before-and-after photo sequence. It does show the collection process and the peel piles. Thats a lot of peel and pulp.

          • pvaldes a day ago

            Restoring the soil removed by wildfires anyone?