• Etheryte 2 hours ago

    This is just an ad for their product, I don't really see how this is an improvement. For one, you have to share your private information with both this company and other people using their platform, and for two, why would I care if other people think I'm e.g. using social media too much?

    • TommasoBendi an hour ago

      What I’ve found most effective for reducing screen time is using two separate devices: one with all the addictive apps, and another with only essential apps for communication. I keep the phone with the addictive apps in a less accessible place (like the basement) and only take it out when I consciously decide to spend some downtime. This method has worked wonders for me.

      • atorodius 4 hours ago

        Nice ad :)

        Anyone here using this app and wants to comment on it? looks cool

        • stevage 5 hours ago

          Hard to fault this analysis.

          • n2d4 4 hours ago

            Just wait until the Duolingo owl catches wind of this!