• BillSaysThis 19 hours ago
    • southernplaces7 17 hours ago

      Truly, is there not a single tech or tech-related services company that doesn't enshittify itself as fast as possible to parasitism for growth at all costs? A privacy service of all things, putting this forward. It's almost laughable.

      The market has always had companies doing nefarious things for self serving reasons, no doubt, but in the world of digital services and technology companies it seems to be completely pervasive. This has become especially the case since user data became valuable and collectible at scale. We now see a shadowy, ravenous world of being able to trust nearly nobody with anything personal, despite being goaded and forced into handing ever more of that data over at any possible turn.

      Not only that, but in the same drive to squeeze every last newly discovered potential dollar, even companies that previously had nothing to do with any notion of user data collection are rerouting the way they sell to customers so that they can do the exact same thing.

      For example, sellers of cars, home appliances, and even those who sell things like toilets, mattresses, power tools pushing so-called "smart" technology whose main purpose is to extract data from every customer. and in nearly any other physical product field, we increasingly see the same.

      Sure, part of this is caused by a general inertia of the market and technology as whole, driven by a company-level desire to not be left behind, and to maintain a PR of being a company that's as advanced as the next competitor. But whether these things are happening for these reasons or for more specifically self-serving motives, the result is the same: a complete normalization of deeply invasive surveillance to a degree that would have seemed completely fantastic to anyone from even a few decades earlier.

      Fuck every single one of the tech bro CEOs, paper pushing managerial parasites, code crunching monkeys and other useful idiots who helped make this new world a reality.