• mdf 29 minutes ago

    I remember, as a child, attempting to reproduce the BASIC program in one of the MAD magazine issues. Somewhere, I had made a typo, which completely screwed the output. I guessed that the tediousness of the whole exercise was part of the joke, shrugged, and moved on.

    Luckily, someone else succeeded: https://meatfighter.com/mad/

    • ethbr1 2 hours ago

      Through my childhood, my mother always found a copy of MAD to give me for Christmas.

      Honestly, it'd be great to have more physical zine-style humor back in the US zeitgeist.

      It's important to laugh at the issues of the day, while also thinking and doing something about them.

      Satire and laughter is a critical antidote to the 24/7 BREAKING-NEWS panic-fear response that all-day news so often inspires.

      PS: Also, long live Spy v Spy. Go team black spy. https://archive.org/details/SpyVsSpyTheCompleteCasebook/Spy%...

      • criddell an hour ago

        In case you didn't know, The Onion is back in print:


        • mdp2021 28 minutes ago

          You'll probably love this.


          ...An artistic portrait of Antonio Prohias (Mr. "Spy vs Spy") by Cuban cartoonist and illustrator Ramses Morales Izquierdo.

          • bluedino 2 hours ago

            Hah! Mad Magazine was one of the things my mother refused to allow me to checkout from the library.

            • bookofjoe 2 hours ago

              Jeanette Winterson recalled her mother's lament about books: "You can't tell by looking what's inside them."

              • DonHopkins 32 minutes ago

                The Simpsons did the best tribute to Mad that captured its true essence:


              • shortrounddev2 an hour ago

                I read the magazine religiously as a kid (early 2000s). I got special editions for christmas (collections of prior articles/comics on particular subjects). There was one about advertising (Called MADvertising or something) that has a lot of information about old advertisements from the 1950s onward

              • dang 13 minutes ago

                Related. Others?

                The Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS – Thomas Park (2020) - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36856428 - July 2023 (5 comments)

                Al Jaffee, king of the Mad Magazine fold-in, has died - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35517629 - April 2023 (64 comments)

                Frank Jacobs, Mad Magazine writer, has died - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26819773 - April 2021 (18 comments)

                Al Jaffee turns 100 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26461739 - March 2021 (28 comments)

                The Al Jaffee / Mad Magazine Fold-In Effect in CSS - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23457930 - June 2020 (43 comments)

                Mad magazine legend Al Jaffee retires at age 99 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23442041 - June 2020 (25 comments)

                A World Without Mad Magazine - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20527990 - July 2019 (2 comments)

                The World According to Mad Magazine - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20427142 - July 2019 (5 comments)

                Mad Magazine to mostly stop publishing new material - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20351524 - July 2019 (86 comments)

                A personal tour of MAD magazine, in the crucible of a young life - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11984032 - June 2016 (12 comments)

                Al Feldstein, the Soul of Mad Magazine, Dies at 88 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7680093 - May 2014 (17 comments)

                • frankfrank13 an hour ago

                  I love MAD magazine. I remember my mom half-jokingly telling me to stay away from my older cousins' copies as a kid. Funny now, considering how tame it is compared to Tiktok/twitter humor. But as a kid it felt otherwordly.

                  Anyways here's the example MAD folding picture from the exhibit when its folded -- https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbtwberkshi...

                  • mauvehaus an hour ago

                    The linked Norman Rockwell Museum is in Stockbridge, MA, which is also home to (formerly) the Alice's Restaurant[0] of Arlo Guthrie fame.

                    [0] For today's lucky 10,000: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m57gzA2JCcM

                    • cancerhacker 13 minutes ago

                      Many years ago, I was just doing a drive through vacation of New England and woke up in my B&B to the smell of roasting turkey - I hadn’t realized it but I’d wound up in Stockbridge on Thanksgiving day. I don’t recall anything special going on in town other than a radio station playing Alice’s Restaurant on repeat.

                    • whartung 30 minutes ago

                      If you look around in stores, MAD is doing kind of “best of” issues.

                      I purchased one recently with their old sci-fi stuff (original “Star Drek”, there Star Wars parody, etc. ). I found it in a grocery store.

                      Classic stuff to be sure.

                      • borski 2 hours ago

                        MAD was one of the first pieces of humor I truly fell in love with. I knew about comedy before it, but I don’t know that I really understood comedy before it.

                        It’s not that it was perfect; it’s that I grew up with it and came of age with it. Also, my immigrant parents didn’t get it, so I was able to enjoy it on my own and it was my first taste of figuring out what I find funny, rather than laughing when other people did.

                        • supportengineer 17 minutes ago

                          My mom would buy me these because she loved hearing me laughing hysterically.

                          • danielktdoranie an hour ago

                            When I was I preteen in 1980s I loved MAD. I even had a collection, I resisted the urge to fold the back page just to keep them nice and instead folded the back page of a copy in the grocery store

                            • bbarnett an hour ago

                              YOU! My mom would always come home, and claim it "was that way" when she bought it for me.

                              I thought she was doing it. But it was you.

                            • kubanczyk an hour ago

                              If anyone is interested why there is "Potrzebie" above "what, me worry?" on the drum: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potrzebie

                            • benrmatthews 25 minutes ago

                              “What Simple Pastime is Becoming a Luxury that Many Americans Can No Longer Afford?”

                              Anyone have the “after” of the fold-in image?

                              • xist an hour ago

                                Stuff You Should Know had a podcast last year on it with the back story of how it was created https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-stuff-you-should-know-26...

                                • owlninja 2 hours ago

                                  I just love Don Martin's style!

                                  • Cheyana 11 minutes ago

                                    Came in to comment on this, all of them were great but Don was the GOAT. And his sound effects! I would love to compile a list of them.

                                  • 082349872349872 24 minutes ago

                                    in my day MAD was purely subscription based: no advertising