• slightwinder 26 minutes ago

    This really needs some explanation, in text, of what it's actually doing and what media means here.

    • diggan 17 minutes ago

      Literally the first sentence is "Media Hoarder is THE frontend for your Movie and TV Series collection if you love metadata, filter abilities and easy management." and secondly there is a huge screenshot below that with everything you need to understand.

      Not sure how it can be made any more clear than what it is?

      • slightwinder 4 minutes ago

        This is not really explaining the purpose. Does it scan video-Files to collect entries? Or is it manual input? Can I import data from somewhere? Does it play files? Does it integrate into netflix&co. to gather new entries? And let's not talk about more special features..

        Why is it called media, when it seems to only handle movies & series? There are many more types and categories of media. And why is the feature-list on Github just a long list of filters, while it at the same time sells itself as "THE frontend" for whatever it's doing. The small bit of data managment and filters I see on github is on the level of an excel-sheet, which very far from what I would call "THE frontend".

        So my question is, what is missing here?

      • MK2k 18 minutes ago

        Thanks, I wasn't aware that it might leave room for interpretation or confusion.

      • dnpls 14 minutes ago

        It would be interesting to integrate it with Trakt data so I can sync the watched / watchlist from my Trakt library and find new movies and series to watch.

        • CrypticShift 31 minutes ago

          Would it be possible to import titles as a text list, instead of requiring files?

          I'm not a hoarder, but I do have a (very) long Excel file of movies and documentaries that I want to watch or have already watched. Most of them are available on streaming sites or for rent/download on demand.

          You've got a great IMDb scraper and filtering UI. That's all I really need! :)

          • MK2k 22 minutes ago

            Still based on files, however, Media Hoarder doesn't care if you feed it 0-byte files. So yes, you can export your Excel file as such.

            Actually, I do use 0-byte files in my tests and demos. They are artificially created in the following way: https://github.com/theMK2k/media-hoarder-testset-generator

          • Glide 2 hours ago

            I just _refreshed_ my setup replacing my shield and trying to get Emby and Kodi working together…

            This looks great especially since I have complete collections of various sci if stuff I loved growing up (Star Trek: TNG, Star Gate). The big thing for me is how this supports sitting on the couch and looking for something to watch.

            • unethical_ban 21 minutes ago

              I've been using Jellyfin on Windows server (Arc GPU) for server, Shield for client, it's been working pretty well. What hardware are you using?

            • uNki 2 hours ago

              I'm more of a streamer and used to things like JustWatch and like it a lot. But your solution provides such an intuitive, comprehensive and complete UX at a really amazing speed. Like IMDB and JustWatch combined on steroids. Kudos!

              • pimlottc 2 hours ago

                This looks cool but I was thrown by how the heatmaps were organized; having seasons as rows and episodes as columns would be more natural to me.

                • MK2k an hour ago

                  Feel free to open up an issue on GitHub, maybe we introduce an option on how heatmaps are shown :)

                  • throwaway314155 an hour ago

                    It is so strange to me when people get downvoted for suggesting a possible solution is to volunteer some effort. HN is all about open source until someone mentions creating a PR or even just a simple issue. Is this forum the definitive spot for complaining about software?

                    Filing an issue on GitHub is the correct thing to do. It has higher visibility for a longer period of time than a hacker news comment and is more likely to resolve the issue while wasting less time of the maintainer's and anyone else using the software.

                    edit: It seems you've been upvoted back to normal. Ignore me.

                • candiddevmike an hour ago

                  Interesting license choice. Where'd you find it/what motivated you to choose it?

                  • MK2k 36 minutes ago

                    My pacifist nature lead the choice and I probably saw that license on some other random projects iirc.

                  • Brajeshwar an hour ago

                    My personal thoughts;

                    When there are quite a few well-established media storage/player solutions/toolings, you should look into starting your marketing page with why you are different or better than the others. Most reasons for people moving between tools is the lack of the features in the ones that users are using and hoping it is in the new one.

                    Of course, if you can get a lot of testimonials then that should work better.

                    • MK2k an hour ago

                      You're right and I am and was hesitant to put Media Hoarder directly against established solutions on the front page.

                      I created a blog post about this when v1.0.0 was released (maybe a bit too hidden): https://media.hoarder.software/blog/why-media-hoarder

                      • NoMoreNicksLeft an hour ago

                        I can't wait until he's so successful that he abandons all of his original users/customers, and tries to become some sort of third tier streaming solution that can only license movies that used to be completely unknown outside of Walmart "2 DVDs for $5" bargain bins.

                        • MK2k 41 minutes ago

                          this made me chuckle, yes, it's not gonna happen :D

                      • elflaune 2 hours ago

                        Can it save metadata in nfo files so that kodi can read them? Kodi scraper is really inaccurate imo.

                        • MK2k an hour ago

                          Yes, someone (you?) can create a "Kodi .nfo" exporter from the SQLite database.

                        • AlfeG an hour ago

                          I love pricing page.

                          • at_a_remove 2 hours ago

                            I think this may be one of the wares I looked at when I was hoping to build a catalog of at least my visual media. Something in the sense of "I have this on a DVD, I have that on Blu-Ray" or "I have this as an .mp4." However, this was complicated by looking for something open-source enough that I could stick my fingers in the database and go from there to bring the catalog, or something like it, to a webpage.