• Euphorbium 23 minutes ago

    Cool. I can do them like half the time.

    • andrewla 5 hours ago

      I feel like at this point they can probably do better than me. Increasingly I get CAPTCHA's that are blurry pictures of unidentifiable crap with "find all the frames with motorcycles" and I'm left wondering whether that slightly rounder protuberance at the edge of the frame is a motorcycle tire or not, and then have to do another, and another, and another.

      At this point given the development and progress of multimodal LLMs, we can now call it that a completely automated Turing Test is no longer technically feasible.

      • spwa4 5 hours ago

        Yes, we really have arrived in the time where CAPTCHAs only exclude people.

        • mysterydip 4 hours ago

          "prove you're human by not being able to complete this"

        • cmbailey 7 hours ago
          • JohnFen 4 hours ago

            Does this mean that we can finally be rid of CAPTCHAs?

            • bubblesnort 3 hours ago
              • josefritzishere 4 hours ago

                I can't beat captcha tests 100% of the time.

                • bell-cot 7 hours ago

                  So can outsourced menial labor. And it's trivial to hire experienced menials - vs. sourcing and training a current-gen AI. Then re-training the AI every time the CAPTCHA are changed.

                  Optimal strategy: Brag loudly about your CAPTCHA-smashing AI. But behind your Buzzwords & Blinkenlights facade, just employ menials.

                  • andrewla 5 hours ago

                    This is the figurative and literal inspiration for Amazon's Mechanical Turk.

                  • undefined 5 hours ago