• impish9208 4 hours ago
    • chiefalchemist 4 hours ago

      1) Survey of 1000. Feels small

      2) It doesn't say (read: at least I didn't see it) if 38% is an increase or a decrease. Do healthy young males actually need a primary care provider?

      3) Is this a proxy for don't have health insurance? Wasn't ACA sold on the idea that the health-rich (so to speak) would subsidize the health-poor? If this isn't happening, does this explain the lack of Affordable in ACA?

      • JohnFen 2 hours ago

        I'm considerably older than Gen Z, but I don't have a primary care provider. It's not because of costs or insurance, but because in my part of the US there is a very severe shortage of doctors and nurses. As a result, I haven't been able to find a doctor who is taking new patients.

      • undefined 2 hours ago