• shahzaibmushtaq 4 minutes ago

    As a front-end/full-stack developer do not rely on super useful browser plugins if you or other developers have trust issues with the plugin developer(s). Instead, learn how to use DevTools and take a solid command of it.

    • seanwilson 28 minutes ago

      Here's my extension that crawls pages for on-page SEO, speed and security best practices:


      It's the only extension I know of that checks multiple pages at a time, so it can spot problems across pages like duplicate page titles/headings/descriptions and duplicate page content (e.g. Google will group, hide or rename these kinds of pages in search results, so you lose some control), duplicate asset files that can hurt caching, and lets you explore/audit your internal links/redirects.

      • lylejantzi3rd 5 hours ago

        CSS Scan and CSS Pro are two of the best chrome extensions for front-end developers I know of.



        • system2 an hour ago

          LOL no thanks. I would only download it from the chrome store with legit reviews. And not paid.

          • lylejantzi3rd an hour ago

            Whatever floats your boat, man. No need to be a dick about it.

            • system2 an hour ago

              I can't see anything that sounds dicky in my comment. Paying for Chrome extension is unheard of. Many HN users will confirm this if you ask.

              • lylejantzi3rd 43 minutes ago

                Bullshit. Your comment was designed to be negative and dismissive. I like the tool. I don't mind paying people for their good work. I thought maybe other people on the site would enjoy it as well. No need to be a dick in response. Seriously, comments like these harm HN as a whole and make me wonder why I even bother.

          • 0x073 an hour ago

            A chrome extension with a affiliate program?!

            • w-ll 3 hours ago

              what lol? $100 bucks for a custom inspector that can copy the compiled css?

              • Brajeshwar 2 hours ago

                A few days back, someone commented on my comment on a different thread, “Lots of noob chess players out there to beat!”

                There are lots of CSS developers who would benefit from spending that $100.

                I've worked with developers who always copy codes from the manual and online help “to avoid syntax errors.”

                • huimang 2 hours ago

                  There's always gullible marks. You could just tell them to open the web developer tools for their browser instead of pushing predatory products, though.

                  Charging $100 for that (on sale!) is a sick joke.

            • gman83 42 minutes ago
              • throwaway743950 5 hours ago

                It's unfortunate that chrome extensions are major security liabilities.

                • seanwilson 12 minutes ago

                  My tip for this is to install web dev extensions in a new Chrome profile, that way the extensions are completely isolated from your regular browsing. Or even install extensions in Chrome Canary or Chrome Beta which run alongside regular Chrome so there's even more distance from your email, banking etc. stuff.

                  • password4321 3 hours ago

                    such as "EditThisCookie", still going strong though back in 2021 per https://old.reddit.com/r/youtubedl/comments/jcvutb/the_cooki...

                    > the Chrome store version is 1.6.3 and was changed November 2020 (same time a lot of other addons were hijacked / sold to malicious authors). The github version is 1.5.0 from 2018!

                    I personally had left "ModHeader" installed when I read Tell HN: The popular Chrome extension ModHeader is injecting ads into searches https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37772829 1 year ago.


                    • yen223 3 hours ago

                      Yeah, as a web developer you're better off learning all the things plain old Chrome DevTools can do

                      • chrisweekly 3 hours ago

                        "plain old" devtools is really, really powerful in the hands of an expert user.

                    • jgrant114 2 hours ago

                      https://jam.dev is the best debugging / qa tool. Not sure how they missed it.

                      • system2 an hour ago

                        There are many missing, I am only posting the ones related to web development:

                        1-) DarkReader (protect your eyes while working at night)

                        2-) SimilarWeb (site rank)

                        3-) IPWhois (registrar and IP info. Some other useful stuff too)

                        4-) BuiltWith (how can this be not on the list?!)

                        5-) Seo Analysis by WooRank (good detailed SEO stuff)

                        6-) Web Developer by Chris Pederick (disable js and other mods)

                        7-) StyleBot (edit and override CSS)

                        8-) TamperMonkey (Inject JS. I can't live without this and I already have over 30 scripts running)

                        9-) Edit this cookie (cookie editor, very useful and detailed cookie info)

                        10-) Clear Session (deletes per-site session info)

                        11-) FireShot (screenshot)

                        12-) MousePinchZoom (desktop mouse zoom function instead of scaling the screen. Very useful for development for checking the elements up close)

                        13-) Word Count (count selected text word count, useful for article SEO related stuff)

                        I have more semi-developer ones that are not listed here. I really use these on a daily basis and removing any would disrupt my workflow.